Thanks for All the Fish

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Thanks for All the Fish

Post by Hazard » Tue Jun 20, 2023 11:06 am

I'm not packing up my things and leaving just yet, but my time on Arelith is limited. I'm only going to be around for another year or so, likely less. Might seem early to post now, but time goes by pretty quickly these days. Include the usual long breaks I tend to take, and this could be over in the blink of an eye. I don't want to go without atleast saying goodbye, and so I'd like to post this on the forums while I still have that privilege.

I've never gotten to know any of you, really ... Intentionally. Despite being here for over fifteen years, I've always insisted on maintaining strict boundaries between IC and OOC, and not sharing anything of my personal life with roleplayers, or joining any of you on social media, like Discord.

There's a lot of you I'd like to thank. Too many, infact, to name.

Since I don't talk to anyone, it's likely you aren't aware of having played with me.
I've had too many characters for me to really remember the names of and most of them have been 'background characters', but some of the more long-term characters I've played over the years are:

L'omithiel, druid of the Bramble.
Ker'uanna Tymeaneldth, Archmage of Myon.
Tahl'tril Cyredrettyn, Commander of Myon.
Tianae, Archmage of Myon.
Sylali, Spymaster of Myon.
Lepota Poklona, commander of Wharftown & The Waymen.
Rosa Poklona, of the Radiant Heart.
Mila Poklona, of the Gauntlet.
Vera Poklona, last of her family. (Darn that human aging.)
Magpie (Maggie), Elder of Bendir and Alderkin of Nature.
Xun'sali, Archmage, Councillor & Commander of Myon, Minister of Records of Cordor, and all-around merchant.
Perunika, Forgemistress of the Iron Citadel.
Mala (The gloaming one)
Jarila, Archdruid of the Heartwood Grove while it was long abandoned, until Burin arrived to the scene to revive it <3
Morana, the slave.
Andariel Bloodletter
Vatra (Pepper), proud Warden of House Rivorndir.
Ardulstra/Ardulmyrstra, Priestess of Lloth
Chook, of the Order of the Stranger.
Streeaka (the drow female warrior, not the human male slave)
Victoria (Denny Walvish's apprentice, not Helbrecht)
Kamena, the earth genasi with schist for brains that runs around with a boulder on her back.
Zrnamaka, halfling priestess of Bane on a pony.

If you've taken the time to roleplay with me, tell stories with me and include me in yours ... I'm grateful. I remember nearly all of the moments, maybe not right now but every so often a memory or few will come rushing back to me and I'll be glad and thankful.

Thank you. Genuinely.

I'm going to be around a little less often than usual going forward, and that little less often will progressively grow into more often than not as I get closer to leaving.

So ... this isn't goodbye, but it can sit here until it becomes goodbye, which to me doesn't seem so far away.

For those of you I haven't had the pleasure of roleplaying with, I hope we get the chance to over the coming year (or so)!


Last edited by Hazard on Tue Jun 20, 2023 5:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by Edens_Fall » Tue Jun 20, 2023 11:36 am

I've enjoyed reading the list of the characters you played as. I recognize 1/3 as characters from opposing factions, which is a pretty neat walk down memory lane for me. From Myon, to Gauntlet, to House Rivvie. You have lead an interesting, if conflict prone life. Thanks for that.

As far as what comes next, I wish you the best. A day will come when time claims everyone here, as we all are merely ships passing in the night, trying share a few moments together before the ice berg that is life floats up to sink our dreams in the fridge waters of reality.

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by In Sorrow We Trust » Tue Jun 20, 2023 1:49 pm

yeah didn't know you play Mala, i love Mala!

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by Best Rich Face » Tue Jun 20, 2023 3:14 pm

I first met your characters with Magpie on Lily Kenner. Maggie remains one of my favorite halflings ever played on the server.

I've played with many of your folks over the years, and I only remember enjoying them. If/when you go, you'll be sorely missed. I always smile when I see "Hazard" pop up in the login messages. I hope you bring that say joy to whatever other hobbies you might move it...or rediscover.

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by Hazard » Tue Jun 20, 2023 3:25 pm

Best Rich Face wrote:
Tue Jun 20, 2023 3:14 pm

I first met your characters with Magpie on Lily Kenner. Maggie remains one of my favorite halflings ever played on the server.

I've played with many of your folks over the years, and I only remember enjoying them. If/when you go, you'll be sorely missed. I always smile when I see "Hazard" pop up in the login messages. I hope you bring that say joy to whatever other hobbies you might move it...or rediscover.

You've genuinely made me cry a bit, with joy. Thank you. That's very sweet. I've always enjoyed RPing with you and your characters as well.

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by Cthuletta » Tue Jun 20, 2023 3:26 pm

I've known quite a few names on that list!!
Huge kudos to your roleplaying ability and colourful cast of characters, it's a mark of a good writer and an imaginative person to play so many people that are so different from one another. VERY well done.

Hope we get to interact more before you take your official leave, and I wish you well in your plans in the future!

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by Haniaboo » Tue Jun 20, 2023 4:56 pm

Time for Sili to cry.

But in seriousness, I've interacted with multiple characters on that list and they've all been great and nuanced. I've loved interacting with all of them. Sili's conversations/relationship with Xun, especially. Many of their interactions have been some of my favourite moments on the server, from the 'sharing one brain cell' moments to the serious ones.
ooc interactions through tells have always been pleasant too. It's going to be sad when you go. :(

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by Hazard » Tue Jun 20, 2023 5:56 pm

Haniaboo wrote:
Tue Jun 20, 2023 4:56 pm

Time for Sili to cry.

But in seriousness, I've interacted with multiple characters on that list and they've all been great and nuanced. I've loved interacting with all of them. Sili's conversations/relationship with Xun, especially. Many of their interactions have been some of my favourite moments on the server, from the 'sharing one brain cell' moments to the serious ones.
ooc interactions through tells have always been pleasant too. It's going to be sad when you go. :(

Sili is a delightfully well thought-out, complicated character with so much depth I can easily forget that they're not a real person. RPing with your characters with whoever I might be playing at the time, has always been very immersive for me.

I recognise and appreciate the high quality of your roleplaying and the amazingly life-like characters you're able to bring to this server.

It isn't just the quality of the character and writing, but also an amazing attitude, willing to treat each character as your character would treat them, and to be inclusive and give another player a chance.

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by TavernRoleplayer » Tue Jun 20, 2023 6:20 pm

I remember the Poklona, specifically Mila. I miss the Gauntlet days and it's been great rping with you when I could!

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by I will never sleep » Wed Jun 21, 2023 4:04 am

I always enjoyed our time together, in game. And I am getting close to packing it up, as well.

I am never really sure what to say, in these threads. but the fact I remember each of your characters (that I knew) so vividly says enough, I think.

It feels weird to call you a friend, since we don't know eachother at all, but you're a friend. I hope things are (going to be) well.

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by Fireboy » Wed Jun 21, 2023 9:22 pm

Hay there. Thank you for years of wonderful roll play. The Years of roll playing between Doili and Magpie were Truly Magical. I was Honored that Doili was there when she passed and brought on emotions equal to those of loosing a family member. I wish people could see the way things were back then and how well everyone roll played back then. An absolute magical time game. I wish you love peace and happiness till we meet again. <3

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by Drowble Oh Seven » Wed Jun 21, 2023 11:30 pm

I recognise so many of those names! Thank you for all the wonderful times, and be happy and safe wherever you're off to next.

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by Hazard » Thu Jun 22, 2023 3:54 am

Fireboy wrote:
Wed Jun 21, 2023 9:22 pm

Hay there. Thank you for years of wonderful roll play. The Years of roll playing between Doili and Magpie were Truly Magical. I was Honored that Doili was there when she passed and brought on emotions equal to those of loosing a family member. I wish people could see the way things were back then and how well everyone roll played back then. An absolute magical time game. I wish you love peace and happiness till we meet again. <3

They were definitely magical times and I'm glad I could share them with you <3

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by I will never sleep » Wed Aug 09, 2023 1:44 pm

I'm moving on, too. Sooner than expected. I'd rather play games I don't feel constantly at war with.

I hope some of our last few days together was as fun for you as it was for me. You're a real bean.

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by Akzeriuth900 » Wed Aug 09, 2023 2:34 pm

I loved Mala and even enjoyed some of the antagonists. Urshak will miss the little thing hiding in his cape.

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by perseid » Thu Aug 10, 2023 12:41 pm

I had no idea you played a lot of these! It'll be sad to see you go! Something I really admire looking at this list is the breadth of personality you managed between the various characters. Perunika, Xun'sali, and Mala all feel/felt incredibly distinct and that's before mentioning Morana (who I'll always shed a small tear for). In the grand scheme of either characters' lives they were minor, but I also actually really enjoyed the couple of arguments my primary character had with Mila as well.

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by D4wN » Fri Aug 11, 2023 7:27 am

I’ve RP’d with quite a few of your characters and it was always a good time. I loved the banter between Xun’sali and Thomas especially. I hope you’re quitting because bigger and better things are happening in your life and not something else. And I hope we’ll get a bit more time to RP before you hang up your Arelith mantle. All the best and thanks for the good times.

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by Tabby » Sun Aug 13, 2023 8:29 am


Tabitha my character, was given a gift from an elder of Brogendenstein, a staff, that belonged to a once bendirian hin, the staff belonged to magpie, she still have today, she walked around with it when she was Mayor of Bendir, she was told that Magpie, reminded abit of herself, so after this she indulged all that may have known her, to learn abit about who she was.
She archieved some old letters from the Hawkin board into notebooks, and got an idea to when Magpie was around, i believe from the top of head it was around 100 DR, or around that time.
She wear the staff with pride, and is one of her priceless items.

At the very least abit of Magpie is still around :)

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by AstralUniverse » Sun Aug 20, 2023 9:48 pm

I too dont tend to walk on ooc platforms around with a sign of my character name, but you and I played together for years, across quite many of your characters on your list. Always chill vibes. Always flexible for a good story. You'll be missed.

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by Asutii » Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:02 pm

you made the server a better place for everyone who cares about all the little things in roleplay.

glad to have played with you across a few characters! i wish you the best, and thanks for being such a major part of my few years of active playtime in this hell

t. eilwyn poklona

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by Glowing Mushroom » Fri Sep 01, 2023 10:24 pm

Jarila and Burin met early on in Burin's saga across Arelith. I'll never forget their time hanging out in the treehouse and trying to summon the goop mines from the orb! From the beginning these two characters always had a wonderful friendship and an incredible vibe through Druid and Nature RP. It seems that few people are able to create Druid/Nature RP which is inviting, exciting, and profound. Without a doubt, you, Hazard, are one of them, and Jarila is proof.

Thank you for all the of the amazing adventures and memorable RP, which I still recall vividly to this day. I hope we may have more in the future.

Burin the Earthly.

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by Aniel » Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:41 pm


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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by Jeefer » Wed Sep 13, 2023 7:10 pm

good roleplayer
real homie

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by Amnesy » Tue Oct 17, 2023 3:06 pm

Great moments with great RP!

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Re: Thanks for All the Fish

Post by Malloney » Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:30 pm

Mala was a good friend to Nastas, as strange as some of the situations they went through were. Cheers to you, Hazard.

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