Monk Overhaul Feedback

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Re: Monk Overhaul Feedback

Post by Llopast » Sat Mar 23, 2024 10:49 am

Last update: 05.04.24.
Below are some suggestions/ideas for the re-worked feats and the disciplines overall:

Martial Discipline
The problems I see here is that unarmed monk is now way more expensive than armed one which feels strange. I personally tried to build several versions of the unarmed monk and it is extra painful feat-wise as well as stat-wise (no idea how people are going to gear up without 5%-ed 4-stat items now).

1. Improve the Quivering Palm DC
Reasoning: Current DC is 10 + X + Monk Levels / 3 (X is Wis Mod ) means lvl 30 monk with 16 base wisdom (28 buffed = 9 mod) will have 10 + 9 + 30/3 = 29 DC. This means that 80% of the enemies (including players) will be immune to it (I assume the nat-1-fishing with an instant attack with 10 sec CD is impossible).
Throw in the additional X (Body Discipline Tier) to the DC or make it Monk Levels / 2. Otherwise it is unusable as well as wastes 1 APR. And it is not a free feat anymore, btw.

2. Re-work the Circle kick feat into an instant attack
Requires: 17 Monk, Knockdown feat (27.03.24 Update)
Whirlwind aoe area, DMG -4, AB -4, 9 sec CD, attempt to knockdown the enemies at 10 + Wis Mod + X (Martial Discipline Tier) + Monk Levels / 3 vs reflex. Can be used while armed & unarmed.
Reasoning: Instant attacks are useful and needed in the current Meta. Feat starve does not allow deep monks to take 4 feats needed for the whirlwind without severe sacrifices. Furthermore, the Quivering Palm is unavailable to the armed monks. The situation provokes to deny deep monk and instead go deep into multiclassing. Monks who decide to take both the Quivering Palm and the Circle kick will switch between them making the class more interactive and interesting to fight with. Also this will be another ability which stimulates to go into WIS- instead of CHA-monks.

3. Stance: Iron Grip of the Eagle's Talon (29.03.24 Update: moved here as it suits more to the Martial Discipline. Edited the effect)
While the stance is active the monk ignores enemies' tumble skill rolls and the Spring attack feat. Does not ignore the AC bonus from the tumble skill. Removes the limit on the amount of attacks of opportunity per round.
Duration: scales with Wisdom modifier.
1 round / Hard WIS Mod + 1 round / 3 Soft WIS Mod.
Eppi's original idea.
Reasoning: Punishes the enemies who try to engage or disengage. Also allows to hit archers & casters every time they make a shot or cast a spell. Arcane archer killer ability.

Spiritual Discipline
Overall, the problem with the spiritual discipline is that it provokes to go for a CHA monk to get benefits from the Paladin/ CoT/ BG which is absurd lore-wise. In the meantime, it is hard to even get the Adept rank as a pure monk. Mainly because you have to favor semi-useless spiritual feats over really useful Body Discipline or Martial discipline feats. So, I assume, spiritual feats need a good boost.

1.Meditation upgrade
Add on top the existing effects:
Practitioner: Can rest during combat;
Adept: Does not clear positive effects;
Master: Refreshes the duration of all positive effects.
Reasoning: No one will take the default feat for the deep monk purposes; casters will take for dip (27.03.24 Update). This version is an insane QoL though.

2. Worship upgrade
Novice: Gains 0.X piety every round (X is Discipline Tier);
Practitioner: Gains X HP every round (X is Discipline Tier);
Adept: Heals allies. Allows to consecrate the altars; (28.03.24 Update)
Master: Overheals up to 30 HP. Allows to conduct ceremonies (via altars only). (28.03.24 Update)
Reasoning: Because altars are everywhere. It is easier to go afk next to the altar than taking a whole feat just for piety re-stocking. People with the Gift of Devotion may be a bit upset. No ceremonies via the Worship as ceremonies put all players around on their knees; imagine being able to do so at any given moment.

3. Move the Empty Body feat to the Spiritual Branch. (25.03.24 Update)
Reasoning: Empty body is not about a physical training, but rather about a spiritual or, at least, a mind one.
Check what Master Shi Heng Yi has to say on the topic

4. Ethereal Push (28.03.24 Update)
Requires: 17 Monk, 16 Wisdom, Empty Body
Use the ability on an ally to apply a Greater Sanctuary effect to them for 3 rounds.
Use the ability on an enemy to apply a Greater Sanctuary effect to them for 3 rounds. If a hostile target fails a Will save against 10 + 1/2 Monk levels + WIS modifier they are additionally stunned for 3 rounds.
10 minutes cooldown.
Reasoning: The monk clearly sees the line between the material and the ethereal planes, which allows her to temporarily push not just the spirit, but also the person's body itself from one plane to another.
Mechanically it is an instrument against the summoners as a Greater Sanctuary instantly unsummons powerful summons. When used on allies it is an instrument of providing the mean of escape or the temporary protection. Also see the upgraded version at the end of this post.
Also see for the inspiration:

Body Discipline
Overall, the discipline feels fine despite the fact that you need to manually take essential feats like evasion or uncanny dodge. Epic dodge now costs 4 feats meaning that if you want that you have to skip LOTS.

0. Give Improved Unarmed Strike, Brawler & Pugilist feats for free (01.04.24 Update)
Reasoning: As it was mentioned many times here monks are known for being a capable unarmed class. Also see "Unarmed + Armed Monk Concept summary" at the end of this post.

1. Make the Ki Strike & the Improved Ki Strike work with monastic weapons at 27+ or 28+ Monk levels or 9/10 levels in the build.
Reasoning: 3/4 BAB Monk class progression & lack of AB/DMG-boosting armed feats force players to multiclass heavily into the full BAB classes/ classes with AB/DMG boosts like a Fighter, a Knight, a WM, etc. As a result, armed monks are naturally limited to dips of 6 (11 tops) Monk levels. Which is basically not a monk, but a fighter with a monk scent.
The mentioned Ki Strike improvement would motivate players to go deep armed monks despite the limit of 3 base APR (still compensated by FoB) while keeping cool shiny eyes & being able to fully use the abilities which would essentially identify them as a monk. Enabling feats to work at 27 lvl of Monk would make the solution even more attractive as it opens a space for multiclassing to add flavor to the concept.
01.04.24 Update: Alternatively, allow AB from the gloves to stack with the melee weapon AB; to use the highest gloves/ melee weapon Sure Striking if a monk has an Improved Ki Strike feat. This will make even armed monks wear their monastic knuckles.
AB: Means +4 knuckles + IKi Strike (+1) = +5 AB to monk weapons.
Sure Striking: +4 knuckles + IKi Strike (+1) +/- Martial Tier 4 bonus (+1) +/- Ascension of the Martial Discipline Tier 4 bonus (+1) = +5-7 Sure Striking with monk weapons.
Also see "Unarmed + Armed Monk Concept summary" at the end of this post.

2. Full Ki Sprint, please
For Gods' sake make it 10% + 10% for every Body Discipline tier up to 150%. Why a half-baked pie again?
Or at least, make the activation giving you a freedom of movement/ allowing you to move during the time stop, - anything worth spending a feat in a world where a monk can use Sprint & Blinding speed.

3. Upgrade the Flesh of Steel
Add on top of the current effect:
Practitioner: If the monk receives the physical or bleeding damage which is less than the monk's discipline (parry) / 5 skill, a monk receives -/X DR against that damage type for 3 rounds. Will only apply a DR for one physical/ bleeding damage type at a time with the lowest damage taken; other damage types & the damage types already covered by this effect are ignored. The check triggers once per round. Does not stack, but can provide DR against up to 3 different damage types. (28.03.24 Update)
Adept: +X fortitude bonus against Disease (28.03.24 Update)
Master: +X fortitude bonus against Poison (28.03.24 Update)
Reasoning: The default feat is semi-useless as you get 10% bludg from the addy helmet anyway. The listed upgrades make the feat iconic for the whole Discipline. "X" is to enable the Ascension to push the bonus up to 8 if the player decides to go for the Master tier in the discipline. (28.03.24 Update)
The DR boost could make the feat more attractive while motivating to invest into SkF's.

4."I am 4 parallel planes ahead of you!" (25.03.24 Update)
Requires: 17 Monk, the Blinding Speed feat, the Flurry of Blows feat
While the Flurry of Blows mode is active a successful hit against a primary target can freeze the target in time for 1 second (Reflex save, DC 10 + 1/2 Monk levels + the highest of CON/ WIS modifier). Triggers once per flurry.
Reasoning: The monk's movements become so rapid that he is able to knock his opponent out of the timeline. :lol:

5. Blade Palms (27.03.24 Update)
Requirements: 17 Monk, 16 (hard) CON (or Poison immunity)
Allows to use poisons on the gloves.
A Monk receives +X DC when using Arelith's custom poisons while unarmed (does not stack with other ACP bonuses).
The Unarmed qualifies as an Invisible Blade weapon and a Swashbuckler weapon.
Visuals: palms of the monk become dark grey.
Master tier: Blade Palms feat can cause a random non-magical disease. (29.03.24 Update: moved here from the upgrades)
Reasoning: based on a real-life training called the "Demon Hand": hitting the sand until your hands start to adapt to the increased pressure. As a result both the palms and nails of a monk become rougher and darker in colour. Practitioners of the training also used to cover their palms in poisons so that the slightest scratches could cause the infection on the enemy's side. (see for more detailed explanation:
Epic feat is to mitigate dip monk builds like 6 Monk/ 24 Swashbuckler builds.
16 CON requirement can be explained by the need to be able to withstand the poisons themselves.
"The Unarmed qualifies as an Invisible Blade weapon" is a nice twist for the monk assassins, ninjas, banite or simply LE monks as the Demon hand training specifies on causing bleeding wounds as well.
"The Unarmed qualifies as a Swashbuckler weapon." - allow monks to get Insightful Strike and cool skills while investing into a full BAB class on preepics.
Imagine, for example, a White Rod unarmed 21 Monk/ 5 IB/ 4 Swash or 17 Monk/ 5 IB/ 8 Swash. Fighter dip suddenly gets a healthy competitor.
"X" is to enable the Ascension to push the bonus up to 8 making the Monk the best class when it comes to handling poisons. (28.03.24 Update)

Mind Discipline
Overall, there is not much to take in the Mind discipline for a Monk who is not into the crafting build. Brilliance was somehow attractive before the 5%ing was alive. Below are some ideas for the new useful feats.
25.03.24 Update: Perhaps, the Mind discipline becomes kind of an "upgrade" discipline? Like it will not have too much of its own abilities, but instead will improve the existing one? Mainly on epics?
In the leu with this idea one could remove the whole Mind discipline branch and re-distribute the feats between the existing 3 other disciplines. A possible explanation: a mindful monk knows how to get the most out of her/his body and spirit.

1. Stance: Jade Eye Knight.
25.03.24 Update: Requires: 17 Monk, 30 hard Parry, 15 Spellcraft(?), the Deflect arrows feat, Mobility(?)
A stance to Parry spells (spellcraft based; spells up to the 6th circle) & ranged attacks (parry based).
Reasoning: Let people feel like a jedi. Make it bound to the actual parry (/concentration/ spellcraft?) skill digits or even to the parry mode itself. Will motivate people to multiclass into a Swashbuckler or a Spellsword. Add the Parry feats to the Mind Branch. Overall, this may make a Parry mode a more interesting alternative to the Expertise mode.

2. Ki Expertise
Your allies in a guard radius get +1/+2 AC while you are in an Expertise/ IE mode.
25.03.24 Update: Probably one could also allow the leadership bonuses to be applied to the monk himself while in an E/ IE mode. This could motivate taking Skilled Rhetorician/ Exemplary Orator feats as well as SkF's.
Reasoning: a PVP feat for team players.

3. Upgrade Mental Fortress
Add on top of the current effect:
Practitioner: +X bonuses to concentration (X = Tier). (29.03.24 Update)
Adept: +X bonuses to spellcraft; (29.03.24 Update)
Master: +X save bonus against all spells. (29.03.24 Update: save against mind-affecting & will save were replaced as they are granted by the default discipline bonuses)
Reasoning: the default feat is next to useless due to the rarity of the Psychic and Sonic damage types. The listed upgrades make the feat iconic for the whole Discipline. "X" is to enable the Ascension to push the bonus up to 8 if the player decides to go for the Master tier in the discipline. (28.03.24 Update)

4. Ki-blocking (24.03.24 Update)
Requires: 16 INT, the Called Shot feat. Applies only when unarmed. (29.03.24 Update)
Upon a successful called shot hit the opponent additionally suffers a 5% Spell Failure chance per 10 Monk levels.
25.03.24 Update: Reasoning: A cool Ty Lee/ equalists reference everyone will appreciate:.
Possible lore explanation: The monk knows how the Ki energy flows in the bodies of living beings and devotes himself to learning how to interrupt the flow.

5. Drunken master style. (25.03.24 Update)
Receive +1 AC while fighting indoors. Receive +2 damage bonus if there is any furniture in the colossal radius (or just if indoors).
Reasoning: The monk is trained to fight in tight spaces and use furniture and even decorative elements to his advantage. Tables become tower shields, chairs and empty bottles become weapons, etc.
After some time DMs will be surprised to see how carefully all the boss rooms are decorated. :D The Drunken master we deserved.

General ideas:

1. Give some QOL feats for free
Reasoning: some QoL feats are very neat, but you skip them due to the dire feat starve.
Possible solution: Give some of the QoL feats for free at certain levels of the monk with a limited choice. For example, at level 9 give a choice: Skilled Rhetorician OR Exemplary Orator. Player chooses 1 option, the 2nd option is unaccessible.

2. Consider giving some combat feats for free on epics
Some of the combat feats could be given for free to choose from the 2-4 option list on the epic levels of the monk. For example:

  • Mental Fortress OR Flesh of Steel OR Spirit Shield;
  • Circle kick (reworked) OR Ki Sprint (Upgraded to mitigate the Time stop) OR Reincarnation.
    These choices should look OP & feel really important like if you would choose epic spells.
    Such "choose 1 of N" tactic can be also used to limit undesirable combinations 42 SR + Pray feats + Reincarnation, for example.

Alternatively, you could give special OP effects to the existing feats as a reward for the certain tiers of the Ascension (or Balance) or even just upon reaching certain tiers in Disciplines:

Martial Discipline:
Practitioner+: (Epic) Weapon Focus: Unarmed, Improved Critical: Unarmed, (Epic) Weapon Specialization: Unarmed feats apply their bonuses to all monk weapons. (29.03.24 Update) Also see "Unarmed + Armed Monk Concept summary" at the end of this post.
Adept+: During the Stance: Iron Grip of the Eagle's Talon ignore 1/2 of the enemies' (hard) Tumble skill when making an attack of opportunity. (29.03.24 Update: moved here from the default description)
Master: The Circle kick's and the Quivering Palm's cooldowns are reduced to 6 seconds. (29.03.24 Update)

Spiritual Discipline:
Practitioner+: Serendipity also clears cooldowns on all spiritual abilities (except for Pray & Reincarnation). (29.03.24 Update)
Adept+: Empty body grants the Wraith Stride effects for 1 round upon activation. (29.03.24 Update)
Master: Ethereal Push feat can be used on self. If used on a target the monk applies the Greater Sanctuary for 3 rounds to themselves as well as the True Seeing effect for 3 rounds allowing them to see the target while they are in the ethereal state; prevents the enemy from getting an advantage if they avoid the stun. (28.03.24 Update)

Body Discipline:
Practitioner+: Ki Sprint grants the freedom of movement effect for 1 round upon activation (29.03.24 Update)
Adept+: During the Stance: Equipoise the monk copies an instant attack directed against him and performs it towards the attacker. Triggers once per flurry. The copied instant attack does not interfere with the monk's own instant attacks' CD. Koros' original idea (Ki Reflect). (25.03.24 Update)
Master: Flesh of Steel grants poison and disease immunity.

Mind Discipline:
Practitioner+: Ki-Blocking can be used with weapons & applies a -5 concentration malus to the target (stacks). (29.03.24 Update)
Adept+: During the Stance: Jade Eye Knight upon a successful spell parry deflect the spell back at the caster. 1/3 of the Parry bonus (Hard + Soft) benefits the Spellcraft skill for the purposes of the stance's spell parry. (29.03.24 Update)
Master: Mental fortress grants the mind spell immunity.

3. Make a tea ceremonies as a ritual for the monks. (29.03.24 Update)
Possible implementation: allows monks to get bonuses from the Ascension of Discipline & the Balance of Discipline perks.
In the end of the ceremony monks have to fight copies of themselves representing their sins and material urges.
Here are some references for the inspiration:
Samurai Jack: Part 1: Part 2:
Uncle Iroh:

4. Unarmed + Armed Monk Concept summary (01.04.24 Update)
The concept describes a monk who fights with both melee weapons and via unarmed switching mid-combat between the regimes. Such a monk can take both armed & unarmed stances & techniques into the build with an intent of using them tactically depending on the situation on the ground. Requires the following key points:
1) Monks get free Improved Unarmed Strike, Brawler & Pugilist feats;
2) AB from the gloves stacks with the melee weapon AB; the highest gloves/ melee weapon Sure Striking is used if a monk has an Improved Ki Strike feat.
3) (E)FW, (E)WS, IC Unarmed feats apply their bonuses to all monk weapons;
4) Some abilities are still only usable while unarmed, some - while armed.
How is it going to benefit Unarmed + Armed Monk (UAMTM) Concept:
1) The UAMs will not have to invest into 3 unarmed-only feats they will have no use in an armed regime;
2) The UAMs will not have to waste 2 unarmed-only Ki-strike feats they will have no use in an armed regime; instead they will be re-used for the armed regime. Due to the fact that gloves' AB now benefit the weapon UAMs will not switch gloves (or any other additional equipment) mid combat while changing regimes. So the UAM will have 1 universal set of gear for both armed & unarmed regimes.
Possibly the Ki Strikes bonuses may be applied to weapons for the limited time (2-3 minutes) after equipping a weapon so that UAMs are motivated to switch back to the unarmed. A cooldown for the bonus to be applied again may be set as well.
3) The UAM will take 1 set of general combat feats which will work for both regimes;
4) The fact that some abilities (stances, instant attacks, techniques) are usable only in a particular regime will motive UAMs to switch between regimes more often. Switching between regimes should make the gameplay more dynamic rewarding the player with higher performance;
Extra: The UAM concept opens an option where a monk generally fights with fists and sometimes uses special activation-based abilities attached to the weapon techniques to make cool finishing moves, for example.
For the inspiration:
Red Avenger description: ... nger.shtml
"I am the storm" finishing combo:

5. Discipline progression re-visiting (05.04.24 Update)
Problem: the mechanical necessity for the monk to multiclass deeply into other classes is (additionally) stimulated by the fact that NON-MONK classes provide way more (free/ bonus) feats to progress in the MONASTIC disciplines than the actual MONK class. It feels like a crutch solution to me. Examples:
3 levels of the Archer-Ranger provide: Rapid Reload, Rapid Shot, Point Blank Shot +1 bonus feat for a total of 3 Martial feats + 1 any Discipline feat (if taken on the epics).
3 levels of the Paladin provide: turn undead, Divine Grace, Divine Smite for a total of 3 Spiritual feats.
Each level of the Loremaster provides 1 Monastic feat for the purposes of the Discipline progression up to 5 feats at the 5th of LM.

Possible measures to mitigate the problem:

  1. Only monastic feats benefit the monastic disciplines progression;
  2. The Discipline progression is replaced by points. Each monastic feat grants a certain amount of points. Some feats may grant point in different disciplines. Some feats may reduce points in other disciplines. Examples:
    Empty Body: +1 Spiritual, +1 Body.
    Mental Fortress: +2 Mind.
    Spirit Shield: +1 Spiritual, +1 Body.
    Worship: +3 Spiritual (to motivate people to take a semi-useless QoL feat (if you do not want to upgrade it as was described above)).
    Blade Palms: +1 Martial, +1 Body, -2 Spiritual (to represent that poisoning people & spreading diseases is not a healthy spiritual practice, for example).
    Circle kick (upgraded): +1 Martial, +1 Body.
    Quivering Palm: +1 Martial, +1 Spiritual.
    Ki barrier: +2 Body
  3. The Discipline progression checkpoints may be reduced to 2/4/6/8 if needed.
Last edited by Llopast on Fri Apr 05, 2024 9:50 am, edited 34 times in total.

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Re: Monk Overhaul Feedback

Post by Lewtzy » Sun Mar 24, 2024 1:13 pm

It's been mentioned before but the fact that the feats needed for a "punch Monk" are locked in the Monks bonus feats limits the actual buildability of the monk to go unarmed at all due to a sheer lack of monk feats available to do anything next to Martial Mastery.

Feats I mean:

  • Improved Unarmed Strike
  • Brawler
  • Pugilist

Other classes can take these as general feats.
This is not the case for monk (currently on PGCC).

I doubt this is intended, as in my eyes, a monk should be viable as unarmed. It's something the class is known for.

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Re: Monk Overhaul Feedback

Post by nosta » Mon Mar 25, 2024 12:33 am

IMO, the main reason why it's so difficult for a pure monk to have a high tier in spiritual discipline is because the monk feats can only be taken with monk bonus feats. Remove this restriction, and it becomes more viable to take a large amount of spiritual discipline monk feats, instead of weak feats like iron will.

The new monk feels feat starved. I suggest giving them fighter feat progression and/or giving them some feats for free as others have mentioned to alleviate this.

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Re: Monk Overhaul Feedback

Post by Waldo52 » Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:58 pm

Lewtzy wrote:
Sun Mar 24, 2024 1:13 pm

It's been mentioned before but the fact that the feats needed for a "punch Monk" are locked in the Monks bonus feats limits the actual buildability of the monk to go unarmed at all due to a sheer lack of monk feats available to do anything next to Martial Mastery.

Feats I mean:

  • Improved Unarmed Strike
  • Brawler
  • Pugilist

Other classes can take these as general feats.
This is not the case for monk (currently on PGCC).

I doubt this is intended, as in my eyes, a monk should be viable as unarmed. It's something the class is known for.

I apologize in advance for derailing a thread involving a class I don't play. I have not touched monk, even on on the PGCC, ever.

But for takers of the unarmed feats and gauntlet users in general...

Glowy fists please? lol

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Re: Monk Overhaul Feedback

Post by Opustus » Sun Mar 31, 2024 2:52 pm

You could give -pray the Sprint treatment. Make -pray into its own actual feat in the radial menu and the monk feats affecting -pray would upgrade it similarly to Sprint upgrading into Ki Sprint.

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Re: Monk Overhaul Feedback

Post by Llopast » Thu Apr 11, 2024 9:23 am

Wizard Khalifa wrote:
Wed Apr 10, 2024 4:52 am

That's why I figure Monk Style can be a solution to this. The rework seems to have a general goal of making it very customisable and gives you a freedom of choice but it weirdly restricting and less rewarding so quite a contradictory and just as you said, there isn't enough bonus feat to go around.

I believe the current 4 Discipline + bonus feats system will remain unaffected due to the efforts already invested by the Team as well as the base "customisable" idea behind it. So I would not expect implementation of the paths or a drastic change in the foundation.

What I think can be more or less realistically changed:

  • Amount of bonus (free) feats and the feat-selection limitations;
  • Discipline progression mechanics & bonuses;
  • Range of monastic abilities and their effects +/- implementation of the Ki point cost to the abilities.

I can only suggest we try thinking along the Kenji lines, otherwise we will end up pulling completely different directions resulting in another year of the monk re-work delay. Lets help finilizing the job instead.

Wizard Khalifa wrote:
Wed Apr 10, 2024 4:52 am

Yeah, we have the same idea. I actually derived this from Pathfinder Monk system. ... k#Ki_Power

I think, this link and the abilities concepts you described will be a good food for the minds of the developers. Good job, fellow monk enjoyer!

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Re: Monk Overhaul Feedback

Post by Llopast » Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:47 am

Whosdis wrote:
Sun Apr 14, 2024 3:59 pm

On reappraisal, I guess the free feats means all the built-in ones.

The PGCC still gives you the free feats in spite of the rework being implemented?

I could see that if someone taking say 4 monk still gets deflect arrow, baseline evasion, etc. and got the two bonus feats for say, ki barrier or something else, even if ki barrier is stupid and loathesome.

But three measly bonus feats for an empty class is a bit asinine. Perhaps the rework should be scrapped and monk be left alone; don't fix what isn't broken.

Currently the PGCC is broken monk-wise (BA-DUM-TSS).

There are several armed monk bugs still even though the most crucial one was fixed (fixed so much most of the monk features do not work while a candle/ torch/ lantern is equipped). So the fix is needed one way or another.

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Re: Monk Overhaul Feedback

Post by EnigmaticSpirit » Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:47 am

I'm not good at mechanics or building. I am no expert. But I feel the spiritual path as it is, is broken with a potential to significantly affect game balance.

You're looking at SR36, which will force mages to invest heavily into spell penetration to even stand a chance.
And as others have dubbed them, an "unkillable pray machine".

There's a way to make spiritual monks stand out, but I don't feel this is it.

Also I personally feel there's a distinct lack of hadouken. (This is semi serious, but really, monks being able to actually deal some damage rather than stand there and tickle their opponents would be very nice.)

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Re: Monk Overhaul Feedback

Post by Security_Blanket » Mon May 06, 2024 12:34 pm

I don't see the changes, what changed? I have a level 17 monk who got forced to relevel but I don't even know what changed, is this posted somewhere?

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Re: Monk Overhaul Feedback

Post by Kenji » Sun May 12, 2024 6:00 pm

Thank you all for participating and providing very thoughtful feedback and insight into the last iteration of Monk Overhaul and the features implemented.

From what I’ve gathered, here’s the list of things to do:

  1. Put in proper description for the new feats
  2. Ensure functionality of features is adequately implemented
  3. Adjust/redesign specific Disciplines to make them not feel like being shoehorned into certain multiclass
  4. Fine-tune and balance some numbers and features

I want to clarify that I have set up the development roadmap and workflow for my team members to prioritize feature implementation and feedback considerations. Balancing, fine-tuning, and number crunching will come later.

I recognize the concerns about the underwhelming performance of specific unarmed or armed builds. Rest assured, they will be addressed in time. They are just not the focus of the current development cycle.

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Re: Monk Overhaul Feedback

Post by Llopast » Wed Jun 26, 2024 6:17 pm

While we wait for the monk re-work here are some jokes which are a feedback by itself ... from a certain point of view. Enjoy! :D

The True Reason The Oracle Was Disabled

The Biggest Fear of Irongron
Kenji: We have finally come up with a perfectly balanced monk re-work. Now you try it!
Player: ...
Kenji: This is a katana. Concern
Player: Yes.

The Unarmed Runner 2024
(Staring Jaris Colt as an unarmed runner)

Kenji And The Re-Making of The Monk
Kenji: I did it! I have the perfect plan to recover the balance of the monk class! People will surely enjoy the variety of new options to create their unique monk pattern!
Deep Monk Players: Unarmed is too expensive! No Mind immunity! Shoehorned into multiclassing!
Dip Monk Players: My build is broken! Monk AC was changed to Shield type! Re-making into a vigilante asap!
Non Monk Players: Unkillable! Unbalanced! Overpowered!
Kenji: W-what?

Last edited by Llopast on Thu Jun 27, 2024 6:59 am, edited 2 times in total.

I had a dream:
Monk re-work limbo is gone
Dweomercrafting re-work limbo is gone
Holdable candles look beautiful again

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Re: Monk Overhaul Feedback

Post by good man of god » Wed Jun 26, 2024 10:19 pm

I didn't even notice any monk changes, did it get announced?

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Re: Monk Overhaul Feedback

Post by Iceborn » Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:02 pm

Heya guys. Just a minor announcement here.
A new PGCC testing will open soonish~ after the quackers trial ends.
The testing will be available for 3 to 7 days.
Exact dates and mechanical changes will be in the announcement channel, when we know the timeframe.

Don't click weird links, kiddos.

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Re: Monk Overhaul Feedback

Post by Kenji » Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:59 pm

Llopast wrote:
Wed Jun 26, 2024 6:17 pm

The Biggest Fear of Irongron
Kenji: We have finally come up with a perfectly balanced monk re-work. Now you try it!
Player: ...
Kenji: This is a katana. Concern
Player: Yes.


The dark side of the Weebs is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.

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But for me, it was Tuesday. :face_with_monocle: To-do list

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Re: Monk Overhaul Feedback

Post by nosta » Mon Jul 15, 2024 10:02 am

EnigmaticSpirit wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:47 am

You're looking at SR36, which will force mages to invest heavily into spell penetration to even stand a chance.

I see a lot of comments like this about how high SR is a mistake, and I thought I would adress it.

To hit a monk with 36 SR, a spellcaster with just the standard 27 caster levels most caster builds have and no penetration feats only needs a 9. That's 60% chance of hitting with your spell, without any additional investment. If you do invest in spell penetration, you can increase that up to 90%. Theoretically, with a pure 30 CL char you could even have 100%, but I understand that's too big a sacrifice for most people.

Now, is a 40% chance of missing significant? Of course it is. I should hope that if you invest 16 monk levels and 12 feats in the spiritual discipline, including the specific one needed for SR, the SR does something...

Personally I don't understand this mindset that casters need to have 100% chance of success with their spells against every enemy. Meanwhile martials have to deal with 60+ AC epic dodgers with 50% concealment on top of that and I don't see anyone complain about that.

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Re: Monk Overhaul Feedback

Post by Naghast » Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:27 am

Martials don't run out of melee swings.
Casters can run out of spellslots.

Unless you're an infinicaster. I guess.

There's multiple methods to lower enemy ac (flatfooting), which helps martials land hits, with varying level of investment.

Monk SR is, to my knowledge, unbreachable. As in not even affected by the sr penalty from breach spells. Meaning the only way to overcome it would be to invest those three feats into spell pen.

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Re: Monk Overhaul Feedback

Post by nosta » Sat Jul 20, 2024 9:26 pm

The SR from the diamond soul feat of the vanilla Monk IS unbreachable. The SR from the serependity feat of the new monk might very well be breachable.

Even if it's not breachable, 3 feats seems like a fair cost to almost completely negate a defense that required that much investment to build.

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Re: Monk Overhaul Feedback

Post by Llopast » Wed Jul 24, 2024 7:40 am

It would be helpful to see spreadsheets of the optimal re-worked monk builds as the developers see them.
Because it seemed to me I did not get something while dealing with the puzzle. Hard to understand what to test.

Also is there going to be an event or, at least, a paper from the Abbot Hugo explaining the disturbance in the Ki which led to the drastic change in the monastic features? Because it may be tricky to explain the loss of the immunities/ shiny eyes/ speed.
(If there won't be any, I will collect the IC explanations from the monks and write the most ridiculous book ever :lol: )

Last edited by Llopast on Wed Jul 24, 2024 7:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

I had a dream:
Monk re-work limbo is gone
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Re: Monk Overhaul Feedback

Post by Kenji » Wed Jul 24, 2024 7:54 am

Llopast wrote:
Wed Jul 24, 2024 7:40 am

It would be helpful to see spreadsheets of the optimal re-worked monk builds as the developers see them.
Because it seemed to me I did not get something while dealing with the puzzle. Hard to understand what to test.

I plan to provide the following by release:

  • "Packages" (the button from Character Creation) that will actually make the "Recommend" button useful
  • Spreadsheets on various monk builds based on the given feedback on what existing monk order would be

Note that spreadsheets in google sheet form will likely be outdated every single time a PGCC release goes through. So it will likely only be limited to two:

  1. Fist Monks (Order of the Hin Fist package)
  2. Weapon Monks (which order? I have no idea, but it'll likely be 17 monk 7 WM 6 ftr)

The other ones that are mentioned: Old Order, Long Death, or even the Sharran one, that's up to your imaginations, and I hope they will be realized eventually. Because I know some of them are limited to 27 caster/3 dip monk, which is okay in and of itself, but what if there can be more?

Big shout out to Iceborn again for taking care of the code side of things and the community for helping out with the grunt work of putting descriptions in feats. I will earn my stay by exploring Package options. It is my hope that packages will serve as a great tool to help new players in the mechanics or old players with burning out from builds, we'll see.

For you, the day Kenji overhauled your class was the most important day of your life.
But for me, it was Tuesday. :face_with_monocle: To-do list

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