The Price of Pride

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The Price of Pride

Post by Edens_Fall » Sun May 26, 2024 4:08 pm

I wanted to give a short shout-out to everyone involved in the mini-plot centered around the enslavement of Saslae Xunv'iir. What started as a simple plot arc between two characters quickly took on a life of its own over the last two weeks and culminated this weekend. Before names are mentioned, I wanted to say how impressed I was. After capture at the hands of Cordor, I fully expected a simple and direct execution, as would be expected for a foul monster of dark deeds and a darker heart; what I received instead was meaningful roleplay and interaction. A chance to interact with others' personal RP while enjoying the curious stares, questions, insults, or humiliation from many visitors within Cordor's impressive jail. To top of the experience, after all that while still expecting execution, I was pleasantly surprised to be bartered away to a Fate far worse than death at the hands of the Drow I wronged . . . and what a Fate it was. If any can portray an appropriately evil Drow leader, it would be Faeris Xun'viir and Vasyrin Auvryndar. Thank you for a week of terror and chase, using means beyond the simple Kill bash to progress a story. It has been a true pleasure reaping the rewards of my deeds in a meaningful and impactful manner.

Next, a very special thank you to Saslae Xunv'iir's player for being willing to take a significant risk with her Character's personal story to see where it would go. While I will miss the idea of continuing the story we started together, this ending remains enjoyable. I look forward to seeing what happens to the famed warrior in the future.

Lastly, Jhi Kir-Khala and Syclya Xao'se. Adelyn's two loyal slaves. It takes a special sort of player to roll with the many unforseen punches that being a servant to a troublesome vampire can cause. Often, you will have little say in the choices your owner makes, but you will always suffer the results. It can be frustrating and aggravating to be a slave, and I wish to thank you both for putting up with your owner's ambitious storytelling. Rest assured, however, more trials and opportunities to spin a good tale await us.

To everyone else involved, thank you. I hope the adventure was as enjoyable for you as it was for me. While I could not record the names of everyone involved, I want to mention those I did. If I missed your name, please forgive me, but know that your involvement, whether big or small, was a meaningful part of this story and was nonetheless enjoyed and appreciated.

Saslae Xunv'iir
Jhi Kir-Khala
Syclya Xao'se
John Salamander
Duvall Sh'yalva
Thulthee Lichenseeder

Matron Faeris Xun'viir
Devil's Table Leader Vasyrin Auvryndar
Vizzyr Xun'viir
Devil's Table and Sharps Forces

Albet Rayne
Abigail Rayne
Rikus Vahl
Atticus Stratlace
Thomas Castemont
Alaina Castemont
Juniper Oakley
Mia Tane
Velasco Durante
Gabriel Blackwood
Rosette de León
Dark Spire Castle forces
Radiant Heart forces
Cordor Guard Forces
Many cell Visitor & Spectators




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Re: The Price of Pride

Post by Carrion Eater » Sun May 26, 2024 4:47 pm

thank-you to all three of you for being willing to play on after the skirmish, and for sticking around to achieve a fascinating conclusion. it's been fun to write about!

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Re: The Price of Pride

Post by D4wN » Sun May 26, 2024 5:26 pm

I am glad that choosing story development and RP over simply kill bashing someone has once more resulted in a great outcome overall and happy that people had fun with it. I am sure that the impacts will be felt for some time yet to come. And kudos as well for you entrusting your fellow players and going along with capture RP.

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Re: The Price of Pride

Post by dominantdrowess » Sun May 26, 2024 5:58 pm

I have some regrets on how it afflicted Syclya and Jhi's RP that I wish I had power to mitigate -- and did my best through OOC dialogue with Faeris and The Princess; but given my character's IC position and lack of bargaining power even in her own fate during most of this, my character was more of a token than a decision-maker -- following orders with a threat of certain death over her head.

I like to think, as a drow she acted predictably, but OOCly I came into a conflict with a player over some of it; which I regret deeply because of my character's lack of ability to flex (Disobedient Elf Slave + Temple of Lolth's Brutal Command) as I normally would for other players comfort a bit before her unclamping happened. I am thankful to everyone involved however but wanted to give a special shout out to Syclya and Jhi because much like my own character;

They had a large lack of true agency in this and deserve praise. Having it kind of thrust upon them for days, in Adelyn's absence is kinda harsh, and I would appreciate it if people could, where possible, find more opportunities to be inclusive of them, outside PvP or commanding others to do so. I am otherwise very impressed by the RP between the principle subjects and I'd like to thank everyone for their investment in this.

I just wanted to give these two a shout-out for their attempts to RP, and Syclya's excellent OOC communication to me on this topic as I've been in that circumstance before where I had to reach out.

Edit: It's important to note -- I had fun!

Last edited by dominantdrowess on Tue May 28, 2024 1:11 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: The Price of Pride

Post by Royal Blood » Sun May 26, 2024 6:11 pm

It's fun to imagine this through Adelyn's perspective. Like, all the background RP going on that eventually led to her being turned over. Even the effort to get her into the Shadowplane and shove her through a door was time consuming and involved so many people! The ripples of RP have been so full.

All of it was good fun though. Thanks to everyone for just being neat and just like letting the plot evolve naturally guided by the characters different motivations and needs with just enough OOC tactfulness to ensure everyone remained comfortable.

I am so glad this experience was positive and it's just so neat to see how 2 characters actions could shake both the surface and the UD with roleplay that is, frankly, still ongoing as numerous plots begin to collide.

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Re: The Price of Pride

Post by Battleshaw » Sun May 26, 2024 7:59 pm

Glad I was able to be involved in this, even in a minor role. Was a pleasure.

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Re: The Price of Pride

Post by Itikar » Sun May 26, 2024 11:48 pm

You guys certainly provided to Aunrae's player a fun and thrilling day today, when I was finally able to play some Arelith.

Well done for making this overarching and good plots, with great implications. <3

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Re: The Price of Pride

Post by Trandafir » Mon May 27, 2024 4:51 am

Hello everyone,

I am the player of Jhi Kir-Khala, I want to say that I thought the plot was very well thought out and done, it had an exciting story arch with some very interesting unexpected twists and turns, it was a total surprise to me and I never expected a large plot until it was really going. overall it was a fantastic plot.

Now I feel some things could have been done differently, I know mine and Sycyla's Characters seemed insignificant in the grand scheme of things, maybe because our character's are slaves most likely, so we were minimally included in generally most the RP surrounding the story, most of our part of it was just getting hunted and pvped with very little RP, even when we were captured we were somewhat minimized though the RP we did get from that I was grateful for and very much did enjoy.

I do feel when we were being hunted by the Drow that instead of it just being minimal RP and than die or basically pvped that maybe include us more in the RP, capture us.. hold us as leverage, treat us awful, whatever, just would have loved to be more included in the RP surrounding the story, it very much did effect us and would have been far more enjoyable for us if we had been more included in RP vs just kill bash and walk away.

I know I had been able to escape the PVP due to some clever maneuvering that I did not know would work out or not, but the threat of pvp was still there and there was very minimal RP inclusiveness for both of us.

Anyways it was still a fantastic plot regardless.

Thank you

Jhi Kir-Khala.

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Re: The Price of Pride

Post by Yma23 » Mon May 27, 2024 11:32 am

It was a really fun, amazing event. Great Kudos to you! I only wish Atticus had used Red Harvest on her when he could - I was really a coward for not. Oh well.
I don't know what Bell'roses fate is as of the writing of this post, but I hope we get many more meetings, one way or another!


I know mine and Sycyla's Characters seemed insignificant in the grand scheme of things,

I can't speak for the UD side of things, but this is absolutly not true for the surface. If Jhi and Sycyla hadn't been out and about doing things there, and being general threats, I don't think Bell'rose would have been nearly as reviled. They may not (or may have? I really don't know) not have been instrumental for the UD side of things, but if it weren't for them I don't think that the surface would have been after Bell'rose half as much!
And as EdensFalls says - you guys really rolled with the punches, and did some interesting things! Big Kudos to you for that!

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Re: The Price of Pride

Post by Cthuletta » Mon May 27, 2024 2:26 pm

It was a pleasure to be part of this story from the sidelines and watch how it all unfolded!
Kudos to you Eden for rolling with the punches so well and taking it all in stride. In my opinion, that makes the story even better!
Everyone involved really made it a cool tale to be told, this is one of those series of events that I imagine will be shared for a long while to come.

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