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Post by Reallylongunneededplayername » Sat Oct 12, 2019 3:51 pm

It's been up a while now and I feel it's time for my feedback on the place.

First of all, It was really nice seeing Wharftown again or atleast some form of it. *manly tear*

Then it was done.

Now it is basicly a town with unevictable safe quarters owned by people that have maybe half a reason to live that aside "I can't be evicted".

It would been better off as Shadow Cordor with a few quirks.

Bringing actually Wharftown back would been far better, I know you won't.

But this won't solve the giant hole on Arelith.

-We still have Laurik docking at a bunch of ruins where he risks his life for very few reasons than mostly folk going from Crows Nest to Brogendenstein.

-We still have roads leading to basicly nothing aside a far out dungeon (Wharftown boys)

-It's a trafic killer for the jungles etc. (Seeing the Update on Crows nest Makes me think you are somewhat aware)
By the way, What is also a trafic killer is the road itself, To be fair, I hate it, It's long, The mobs are annoying and I get lost and

What would actually help instead of Bringing Wharftown back is fixing the hole:

-Expand the Forest of Dispair over the town, Overgrow the ruins, Put in some extra dungeon in the lighthouse or something

-make an easy road from Crows nest to the Wharftown boys.

-Remove Laurik.

-Make a new settlement with an elective system.
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Re: Shadow/Wharftown.

Post by Irongron » Sat Oct 12, 2019 5:50 pm

Reallylongunneededplayername wrote:
Sat Oct 12, 2019 3:51 pm
Bringing actually Wharftown back would been far better, I know you won't.
You really don't.

My efforts will be focused on new city for quite some time yet, but with Wharftown now showing on the Shadow Plane? I suspect its story is far from being over.

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Re: Shadow/Wharftown.

Post by Subutai » Sat Oct 12, 2019 7:04 pm

Irongron wrote:
Sat Oct 12, 2019 5:50 pm
My efforts will be focused on new city for quite some time yet, but with Wharftown now showing on the Shadow Plane? I suspect its story is far from being over.
The days of Wharftown should be in the past. Arelith has grown far beyond petty wharves and towns. We need to think bigger, better. Not a wharf, but a pier. Not just one, but the first of many that import goods from all across Faerun. Pier 1 Imports.

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Re: Shadow/Wharftown.

Post by Sea Shanties » Sat Oct 12, 2019 8:18 pm

I'll argue one point since I've seen it brought up before:
-We still have Laurik docking at a bunch of ruins where he risks his life for very few reasons than mostly folk going from Crows Nest to Brogendenstein.
I don't see a problem with Laurick docking at ruins. This is an island full of adventurers and those adventurers have reasons to get off there. If they're paying and it's on the way why shouldn't he make a stop? The dock still stands, at least enough to use. He has bodyguards and seems tough enough to handle a few Wharftown Boy thugs.

I do agree there's raw material to work with there. But sounds like it's on the agenda.

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Re: Shadow/Wharftown.

Post by Adam Antium » Sat Oct 12, 2019 9:01 pm

Subutai wrote:
Sat Oct 12, 2019 7:04 pm
Irongron wrote:
Sat Oct 12, 2019 5:50 pm
My efforts will be focused on new city for quite some time yet, but with Wharftown now showing on the Shadow Plane? I suspect its story is far from being over.
The days of Wharftown should be in the past. Arelith has grown far beyond petty wharves and towns. We need to think bigger, better. Not a wharf, but a pier. Not just one, but the first of many that import goods from all across Faerun. Pier 1 Imports.
I simultaneously hate and love you.

Does the surface actually need MORE settlements/factions to split people up by, though? I feel like we have a ton of settlements and major factions for people to join, not sure we really need another, outside of simple story reasons for bringing back Wharftown some time in the not-so-near future.

We have two multi-racial (though human-dominated) cities, a Hin settlement, Dwarvish settlement, Elvish settlement, the Arcane Tower, Radiant Heart, Pirates of Sencliff, and probably a couple of other major factions that quite frankly get politically involved on their own all the time... Most of these are mutually exclusive with most of the others, mind you. I feel like we have a pretty large and diverse collection of groups people can affiliate with, depending on what they're going for.

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Re: Shadow/Wharftown.

Post by Sea Shanties » Sat Oct 12, 2019 9:48 pm

I think I agree with that.. and think Arelith's population isn't large enough to be as splintered as it is already. Even with 100+ people online across the servers a lot of settlements are ghost towns most of the time.

It's not even so much that though as much as the more splintered we are by race, faction AND settlement the more common it is for characters to just flat-out ignore anyone who they perceive as an "other."

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Re: Shadow/Wharftown.

Post by Azarain » Sun Oct 13, 2019 11:51 am

I actually have a character who would love to rebuild Warftown simply because it exits bare bones and his people have been pushed out already. Looking at an over reaching look is asking if proposals tick off a few boxes.

1) Can I get about 10-15 people interested?
2) Does it feel a RP Gap?
3) Does it require DMs to maintain?

I think a settlement for Necromancer City, Evil Druidville, or just a return of the evil city of knowledge would be most welcome. If the city has beach front property even better, nothing says Law Evil than super high taxes for beach front property.

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Re: Shadow/Wharftown.

Post by Irongron » Sun Oct 13, 2019 12:32 pm

Azarain wrote:
Sun Oct 13, 2019 11:51 am
I actually have a character who would love to rebuild Warftown simply because it exits bare bones and his people have been pushed out already. Looking at an over reaching look is asking if proposals tick off a few boxes.

1) Can I get about 10-15 people interested?
2) Does it feel a RP Gap?
3) Does it require DMs to maintain?

I think a settlement for Necromancer City, Evil Druidville, or just a return of the evil city of knowledge would be most welcome. If the city has beach front property even better, nothing says Law Evil than super high taxes for beach front property.
It's not something I could approve at this stage, as work is well advanced on the new city, and as people above have said we don't have the population for anything else (yet).

In regard to population it's important to note that as with Andunor this new city will consolidate existing population centres rather than adding something entirely extra. It's still a way off though, but will be glorious when it finally arrives.

If one really wants to see a lot of new content of this kind I'd really advise you help us promote the server. There is a link on our homepage to fliers and other resources, and it is how, in the past we succeeded in a significant population boost.

With the amount of players we currently have, I'm convinced a group effort we could easily see numbers to justify a wealth of new content, including new cities and districts.


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Re: Shadow/Wharftown.

Post by malcolm_mountainslayer » Sun Oct 13, 2019 12:50 pm

Non shadow Wharftown would be a terrible team evil town. It has a huge history of team good and pseudo team good calling it home. The conflicts that would ensue would be maddening as everyone tries to claim their past.

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Re: Shadow/Wharftown.

Post by The GrumpyCat » Sun Oct 13, 2019 4:23 pm

Azarain wrote:
Sun Oct 13, 2019 11:51 am
I actually have a character who would love to rebuild Warftown simply because it exits bare bones and his people have been pushed out already. Looking at an over reaching look is asking if proposals tick off a few boxes.

1) Can I get about 10-15 people interested?
2) Does it feel a RP Gap?
3) Does it require DMs to maintain?

I think a settlement for Necromancer City, Evil Druidville, or just a return of the evil city of knowledge would be most welcome. If the city has beach front property even better, nothing says Law Evil than super high taxes for beach front property.
Irongron has already replied to this in specifics, but just some thoughts in general.

Building 'new' things on the server will rarely be up to DMs, the best we can provide is 'witness' to your actions. Ultimatly the decision will always be up to Irongron and the dev team.

I do however have one huge tip for success in making perminent changes to the server, and getting the most out of them.

See, there are two basic mind sets.

1) 'I know it's going to be hard guys. But if we work and sweat at this, if we push forward, grinding day after day. If we give it 100%, and pound away at this, unceasingly, grabbing as many people up in this epic chore, pushing on and on and on for long enough, then we will be successful. With enough hard work, effort, and slavish devotion - we may get the outcome we want!'

2) 'Hay, this sounds like an interesting thing to try. Dunno if it'll work but just trying to make it happen will be a tonne of fun. So let's give it a go.'

In most things, society has taught us option 1 is always the more successful. And perhaps that's so. But in this case? Try to always go with option 2 in mind.

Ultimatly, if have the mind set of 1 and fail - then you will likely feel bitter, angry and dissapointed. You'll feel like you're -owed- a change, whether that change would be fun for anyone or not.
If you go with the mindset of 2 and fail - then you will not care. Because you didn't do it to succeed, you did it for the journey. For the fun. So no matter what, you've come up tops!
Also if you're actually enjoying the work you're doing, if it's fun and interesting, then other people are more likely to stick with it, and you're more likely to stick with it.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: Shadow/Wharftown.

Post by JubJub » Mon Oct 14, 2019 4:20 am

Azarain wrote:
Sun Oct 13, 2019 11:51 am
I actually have a character who would love to rebuild Warftown simply because it exits bare bones and his people have been pushed out already. Looking at an over reaching look is asking if proposals tick off a few boxes.

1) Can I get about 10-15 people interested?
2) Does it feel a RP Gap?
3) Does it require DMs to maintain?

I think a settlement for Necromancer City, Evil Druidville, or just a return of the evil city of knowledge would be most welcome. If the city has beach front property even better, nothing says Law Evil than super high taxes for beach front property.
A city should never go in just to be evil. Then you start getting in benwick situation, if a city has an evil government fine. But it's never a good idea to put a surface city in and say this is evil town. Cordor/Guld/ Wharftown have been good, then have been evil, and they have been somewhere in between many times. Even Bendir and myon have had morally questionable rulers. But there should never be a town on the surface where it's a default good or evil settlement.

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