Arelith Updates!

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by ActionReplay » Sat Nov 07, 2020 5:56 pm

Live Now:
Ship Guards can now be Recruited on certain vessels. Only Ship Owner, By key or Faction Power can recruit these guards.

Ship Guards will only follow you on Ship Decks so they can be used when boarding other player ships or defending your own (PvP encounters). However, they will return to their Ship if you try and bring them with you to other locations (or interior of the ship).

Henchman limit is set to 2 on Arelith, so you can bring with you max two. However, other crew members could recruit the remaining guards if the Ship have them to spare.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Sat Nov 07, 2020 10:39 pm

Cover & Disguise Updates
* Cover is now enabled automatically when fully covered by clothes and armor

* The -cover command is now only used to check your cover state.

* Hoods that do not hide your face no longer count as cover, the new masked-hoods added to all races do.

* Being covered no longer hides your description automatically and the text alerting a PC is covered now look less "Evil"

* A new -disguise_race command was added that allows you to disguise your race as a similar one **when covered** (Shield Dwarf -> Gold Dwarf, Drow -> Sun Elf, etc.), breaking the cover without breaking the disguise will not reveal your real race.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Fri Nov 13, 2020 7:02 am

Live now at PGCC:
From Zaphiel:
Command for adding new weapon VFXs is added to PGCC.

New command: -weapon_vfx [1-50]
This command will apply the weapon VFX at the specified ID.
Example usage: -weapon_vfx 50

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by ActionReplay » Fri Nov 13, 2020 9:01 pm

Siege Weapons on Ships can now also be used anywhere else that is an exterior area. When placing a Siege Weapon in another area that is not the deck of ship a set of new options will appear.

It behaves much the same as before but added options are Calibration Mode that will trigger Targeting Mode where you can adjust the angle and initial distance and target location to fire projectiles at.
On top of this as Targeting Mode is limited to how far you can see and click you can also adjust the range beyond this point with the given angle from Calibration Mode.

Target Location will be marked with an X-mark placeable and a green cone will show a valid target area for the Siege Weapon. Please note this cone visual won't be visible until next Hak build is pushed live but you can use the weapon just fine without it; its just there to help you out visually.

Light Ballista, Heavy Ballista and Mangonel can only fire in a 50 degree cone from its facing. While the Bombard can fire 360 degrees around it.

All projectiles are subject to Reflex Saves. Damage and DC will be increased with better projectiles.

Light Ballista
Damage Radius: Medium (3.33m)
DC: 15 + Ammo Bonus
Damage (Piercing): d6(4 + Ammo Bonus) + Ammo Bonus

Heavy Ballista
Damage Radius: Medium (3.33m)
DC: 20 + Ammo Bonus
Damage (Piercing): d8(5 + Ammo Bonus) + Ammo Bonus

Damage Radius: Large (5.0m)
DC: 25 + Ammo Bonus
Damage (Fire): d8(8 + Ammo Bonus) + Ammo Bonus

Damage Radius: Large (5.0m)
DC: 30 + Ammo Bonus
Damage (Fire): d10(8 + Ammo Bonus) + Ammo Bonus

Radius, Damage and DC subject to change.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:46 am

From myself
- Mayfields NPCs no longer shout over nearby PC conversations.
- Svirfneblin Engineer no longer compelled to establish dominance over Treadstone Locks portal.
- Treadstone Locks Houses' music 80% less creepy (from approved suggestion).
- Treadstone Locks Tenement area fixture limit increased from 60 to 180. Still a tenement, though.
- New NPC added who can grant the Shadow Mage path to eligible PCs.
- More -makesafe points were added to Kohlingen/Island Ruins, despite how funny it was when you got trapped on the roof all those times.


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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Sun Nov 15, 2020 9:07 pm

(All after next reset)

From Anachorn
- New chat option added: -description +save_cover [NAME]
- This option will allow saving cover descriptions, which are relatively short descriptions (less than 500 characters) that will automatically replace the regular/disguise description when your character is fully covered. (breaking the cover doesn't change the description)
- The command can be used without a name parameter to setup your default cover description.
- The final description shown when you are examined while fully covered will be:
1) You specific disguise name cover description if it exists, else
2) Your default cover description if it exists, else
3) No description

From myself and Action Replay

- Henchmen now work cross server. This will include all new recruitable henchmen to be added, as well as existing ones in Darrowdeep, Gloom and the Spires Citadel. Their inventories can no longer be adjusted.

From myself and Anatida

Herb bag containers are now sold at Heartwood & Zurkhwood Groves

From Action Replay

- Guldorand Timberfleet now uses a different (less buggy) ship model

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia » Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:32 am

From myself
- Eagle Feathers, Bones, Spider Silk now able to be stored in Hunting Bags.
- Writ rewards, particularly for mid- and high-level writs, have been "rebalanced" (nerfed). Settle down settle down, it was almost entirely gold, not XP.
- Tracks left behind by DI now display as left by a human. ("Oh, so you think I'm a member of an ancient, obscure and extinguished human empire (which in reality was secretly stolen into the black depths of the Underdark) in self-exile, who just happens to be out for a stroll, because you see it in some footsteps in some mud?")
- Corpses left behind by the following subraces will display their parent race type instead of their actual subrace, UNLESS shapeshifted into a "monstrous" form, where appropriate:
- Aasimar
- Deep Imaskari
- Dragon
- Genasi (all types)
- Rakshasa
- Tiefling
- Vampire
- Yuan-Ti Pureblood
- Gold from purchased citizenships will now spontaneously evaporate instead of being deposited into the associated settlement's bank account.

From Zaphiel
- Trolls asked politely to please go and die when attacked with fire or acid again.


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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia » Sun Nov 22, 2020 2:39 am

From BHR55

- Vampires should no longer combust in sunlight when within the effect of a Darkness spell (or sunscreen).

From Danger Dolphin

- Implemented player suggestion for decapitated character heads to expire. They now appear as/are described as heads, not skulls (as they must be recognisable as the person who died in order to be useful in roleplay).
- Keeping rotting heads in your inventory for too long will have negative effects for your character, such as a bad smell and spreading disease.

From Zaphiel

- Curse Weapon, HiPS, Portal Lens and -fetch added to cooldown list.
- New ammunation created through Assembly Templates will, when fired, show the VFX of the first property of the Assembly Template. If that first property doesn't have a VFX attached to it, the ammunition will show the next property that has a VFX attached to it.
You create arrows by using Assembly Template (Stable). First slot is filled with Acid, second slot is filled with Fire. When you shot the arrows created through this assembly template, they will show the Acid VFX in air.
Example 2:
You create arrows using Assembly Template (Stable). First slot is filled with Electric, second slot is filled with Sonic. When you fire the arrows created with this assembly template, they will show the Sonic VFX in air, because electrical damage doesn't have an VFX attached to it.

From myself

- New merchants in Dis and a heap of changed RP items including many with new custom icons available for sale (on random/rotating basis).
- Critical QoL update: Dis candy now gives the correct flavor text when eaten.
- NPCs can no longer immediately identify Deep Imaskari, Rakshasa, Vampires, etc. when questioned using the -investigate command (they will report whatever parent or apparent race is appropriate at the time the PC was detected).


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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Thu Nov 26, 2020 6:14 am

From Aniel
Earthkin Defender Update is Live

The banner has received 50% physical damage immunity in addition to some appropriate effect immunities.

Epic class feats properly require epic Earthkin Defender class levels to be selected. Sorry dips!

All Earthkin Defender abilities are flagged as extraordinary.

New VFXs have been added to Debilitating Strike's impact and for the ability Aegis. More VFXs to come.

All abilities will receive custom icons post-release. It will likely be a few weeks yet.

Earthkin Defender will be released and available on all servers. With this, all current PCs that have levels in Earthkin Defender will be forcibly releveled for the class update to take properly.

Feedback will continue to be closely looked over following release. Bear in mind all numbers are subject to tweak and adjustment as you complete your relevels. Make choices you'll be happy with as another relevel is unlikely.

From Spyre

- Hex added to -usefeat command
- Reminder about AMA listing and command for new players on server login (only affects people 10 RPR or lower)
- Arcane Tower (Common Room) fixture limit increased to 120
- Bendir Dale (Earthkin Village) Cottages fixture limit increased to 100
- Myon's Great Tower receives a printing press
- The -remake_char command now gives a brighter warning with the (mostly) the same warning but added server rules from the DMs onto it.
- The Hub had additional trash barrels added - ya filthy animals. Pick your stuff up and throw it in the labeled containers!

From Bat Country
- Cleaned up and improved soundscape in UD Ice Road region.

From Zaphiel
- Vampire's Bite ability added to cooldown list.
- -head and -soundset commands are now available in PGCC.

From Anachorn
- Deep Imaskari are now identifiable on examine only by other Deep Imaskari.
- New charts were added to the wiki (Thanks @Mattamue!) with the full details on which races can disguise as which and what happens when you are disguised and/or covered :

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Thu Nov 26, 2020 6:38 pm

From Garrbear
Epic Damage Reduction prerequisite lowered to 19 constitution (previously 21).

From Spyre

- Jordor in Brog is no longer a wet noodle. His HP has increased from 4 to 44. Take that holy traps!
- Shelgarn's persistent blade is now a flat 24 hour spell cast regardless of caster level. Extended spell has a 2x duration (48 hours).

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia » Thu Nov 26, 2020 7:24 pm

From myself
- Twelve new Arelith-custom fixtures (craftable by Underdarkers only) have been added. They will be available in the crafting menu within the next day or so (aiming for that timeframe, holidays may impact).

Couch (UD) Purple Damask
DC: 18
CP: 10
1 Fixture: Cushions
3 Granite

Couch (UD) Green Tweed
DC: 17
CP: 10
1 Fixture: Cushions
3 Granite

Couch (UD) Red Moldy
DC: 16
CP: 10
1 Fixture: Cushions
3 Granite

Couch (UD) Red Tweed
DC: 17
CP: 10
1 Fixture: Cushions
3 Granite

Potted Mushrooms (Blue)
DC: 15
CP: 5
4 Clay
3 Marble
1 Rock Chunk (Nitharit)

Table (Grey Stone)
DC: 14
CP: 12
2 Granite
3 Marble

Table (Grey Stone Round)
DC: 18
CP: 14
2 Granite
1 Ingot: Steel
2 Marble

Table (Grey Stone Square)
DC: 16
CP: 14
2 Granite
3 Marble

Chair Large (Dark Stone)
DC: 14
CP: 8
3 Granite
1 Ingot: Steel

Table (Dark Stone)
DC: 16
CP: 14
3 Granite
1 Ingot: Steel

Table (Dark Stone Large)
DC: 18
CP: 16
5 Granite
2 Ingot: Steel

Faerie Fire Bowl
DC: 24
CP: 32
1 Alchemistic Catalyst (Standard)
3 Crystal
2 Ingot: Steel


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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:51 am

From Spyre

Live now:

- People that are scrying can no longer be reachable by speedy messengers or images. This should avoid awkward situations.

- Monstrous Pirates now at a normal reward tier and no longer requiring a greater reward. This reward is still locked behind application to Grumpycat and the DMs.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Tue Dec 01, 2020 5:39 pm

Live next reset:

From Spyre

- Blackstaff casting now has a target selection instead of casting on oneself only. The original behaviour has it focus on the weapon in your hand leading to the unnecessary bartering of your friends weapon for you to cast on. You are now able to choose who you want to cast it on.

-Snitches got stitches. Cordor and Radiant Heart snitches removed to be in line with changes done to Sencliff. The Radiant Heart NPC still offers its other half of it services though.

- New MoD added: Mark of Dauntlessness. Mark of Dauntlessness does not provide the additional 20 EXP per tick like the Mark of Destiny and has 10 lives; however, does allow for people to roll for rewards unlike Despair.

- Players no longer require DMs to gain a MoD. Players can now type -apply_mod which will prompt them if they wish to acquire a MoD. This has clear red warnings on first use and in the HELP portion (-apply_mod ?). If a character is below level 12, they will receive a Mark of Destiny. Above 12, they will receive a Mark of Dauntlessness.

From Aniel
Base dispel resistance has been reduced from 12 to 11.

Developer commentary: This adjustment is primarily made to reduce deviations from vanilla NWN. In 1.69 the base dispel resistance was 12, but with the release of EE Beamdog fixed a bug and reduced it to 11. This was inadvertently reverted when the custom dispel scripts were implemented.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia » Mon Dec 14, 2020 2:40 pm

From myself
- Golem creation now requires your character to be level 15. (Previously, only binding/summoning golems had a level prereq. This change brings creation in line with that.)
- Several Miscellaneous Thin items (baseitem "*Misc Thin, Container (no inventory)") have had their base weight reduced from 1.0 lb to 0.1lb. Crafters, coffee drinkers and alcoholics rejoice.
- Misc model/texture fixes, and new hak assets for upcoming areas.


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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Sat Dec 19, 2020 9:58 am

From Anatida

Derro Dungeon - Underdark update:
- Removed required skill checks
- Zero DC trigger for escape hatch from pit trap room expanded to cover entire room. You no longer have to walk around and look for it.
- Removed or changed exploitable items.

-- Puzzle still exists. There is just no skill check(s) required to complete it.

-- There are still extra things to be discovered via skill checks.

Some minor seating-related updates around Cordor.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:26 pm

Live Now

From Kenji
Any characters with missile or thrown weapon focus feats should receive and be able to utilize the Create Ammunition ability.
Create Ammunition ability now also scales with character levels instead of ranger and/or AA levels.
The scaling goes as follows:
Level 1-10: Iron
Level 11-20: Steel
Level 21-30: Damask
More minor adjustments to come

From Garrbear
Timestop reverted to pre-2020 functionality.
-Invulnerability and crowd control immunity removed.
-If a PC has >50% of its max hp, it will have 100% physical immunity only.

Commentary: The timestop nerf has indirectly led to a meta where constitution could be safely neglected. This resulted in a rise in low-hp powerbuilds (particularly divine dip rogues and bards) becoming overwhelmingly strong as they were no longer at risk of being nuked by arcane casters. Reverting this change should disproportionately hurt these builds along with giving arcane casters some much needed offensive potency back.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Thu Dec 24, 2020 7:02 pm

From Hoodoo with help from Titania!

New subdomain/site:

Login is your forum details!

In my ongoing crusade to cater to the Aussie's and help mitigate the issue of DM availability, I present to you the ticketing system.

You enter the request you require, along with the arguments, for a specific player character, and include any pertinent info that may help the DM approve/deny your request. You'll get a pending ticket as show:

If there seems to be conflict and further clarification is needed, you can have a simple conversation through the "View Conversation" button:

If you feel the need to edit any typos you have the edit button:

After your ticket has been approved, it will be updated asking you to login to have your changes applied. After logging into your PC, you will have the changes applied accordingly!

A Few Small Notes:
For alignment shifts, please reconnect/login to your PC once after ticket creation to make our lives easier. It will prompt you to login and will update your ticket accordingly.

This portal is NOT intended for reports. If a report is required, please send it via PMs as you normally would. This is simply for simple daily/mechanical changes.

Both Retake/Set Level only allow you to lose levels.

Retake level allows you to retake the stats/skills/feats/etc. for the level you choose. Set level only sets your XP to the level and doesn't allow you to retake stats/feats/etc.

Hope y'all like my early Christmas present! Merry Christmas and don't forget to report any bugs/issues!

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Hoodoo » Fri Dec 25, 2020 10:01 am

Live Next Reset

From Garrbear
Timestop reverted to pre-2020 functionality.
-Invulnerability and crowd control immunity removed.
-If a PC has >50% of its max hp, it will have 100% physical immunity only.

Commentary: The timestop nerf has indirectly led to a meta where constitution could be safely neglected. This resulted in a rise in low-hp powerbuilds (particularly divine dip rogues and bards) becoming overwhelmingly strong as they were no longer at risk of being nuked by arcane casters. Reverting this change should disproportionately hurt these builds along with giving arcane casters some much needed offensive potency back.

Half Orc changes:
-2 Int removed
Power Attack removed
+5 Intimidate removed

Commentary: Half orcs were one of the weakest races in the game, even in the area they were supposed to shine in which was strength builds. -2 Int is crippling due to the necessity of expertise, and this will put them in a place where they are competitive with wood elves and other strength races for some builds.

This change is not retroactive.

From Kenji

New Create Ammo Progression:
For missile (Bow, Crossbow, Sling):
Level 1~5: Bronze
Level 6~10: Iron (+1 Damage)
Level 11~20: Steel (+2 Damage)
Level 21~30: Damask (+3 Damage)

For Throwing (Dart, Throwing Axe, Shuriken):
Level 1~5: Bronze
Level 6-10: Iron (+1 AB, +1 Damage)
Level 11~15: Steel (+2 AB, +2 Damage)
Level 16~20: Masterly Steel (+2 AB, +3 Damage)
Level 21~25: Damask (+3 AB, +3 Damage)
Level 26~30: Masterly Damask (+3 AB, +5 Damage, not available for Shurikens)

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia » Sat Dec 26, 2020 9:57 pm

From myself
Complete overhaul of the western Great Scar and the Middledark Outpost, now renamed as 'Saltspar'. Having undergone heavy development and new construction following PC input and investment, Saltspar is now a major holding of Andunor, with considerable new amenities and features for PCs.

New content includes:
- 4 permanent Shops (1 old, 3 new)
- 2 temporary Shops
- 7 new UD-only only Henchmen (designed and written by Kuma)
- Banker and misc. merchants
- In-game dedication to highest investors
- Expansion of the Restful Mind
- 1 Quarter (existing quarter has been redone and is independently ownable)
- 5 Storage Vaults
- Construction of Oculus Station
- 2 Quarters
- Expansion of the Jail (now the "Prison")
- Conversion to a Guildhouse with public lobby
- Anti-teleport area
- 1 Quarter
- 1 publicly-accessible cell
- 3 private cells
- Wisp Sender (for issuing ransom demands!)
- Rename of the Hidden Cove (now 'Steelreef Cove')
- This area will receive additional development with the rest of the Undrenzee

- Total visual and geographic overhaul of the Great Scar
- Don't fall in ha ha

IMPORTANT NOTE: This update splits the former 'Outpost' property into two different bidding properties, bringing the total number of available biddable properties up to five. Neither property confers any control over the Restful Mind or Oculus Station. The two properties are as follows:

Saltspar Holdings:
This property confers control over Saltspar's Prison and its exterior shops.

Steelreef Cove:
This property confers control over Saltspar's Ferry, with access to Steelreef Cove.

Because the Outpost is currently up for bidding, this means that the current bidding will be suspended and restarted. Gold already spent on the Outpost deed will be refunded in full to each District for re-investment in either of the new properties; please wait to be contacted by a DM for the gold.


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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Mon Dec 28, 2020 12:47 am

From Danger Dolphin, Garrbear and Merry


- Bard song now refreshes it’s duration on recasting
- Lingering song is now applied before Lasting Inspiration (Duration becomes 150 rounds instead of 105 rounds as we now do addition first)
- Bards with the Still Spell feat gain -20% Arcane Spell Failure on their equipment. Must have at least 6 bard levels, or be a majority class bard.


- Bards regain a bard song usage every 10 minutes. Extra Music and Skill Focus: Perform each reduce this time by 3 minutes.

The Bard song has been nerfed and reworked. Max AC bonus is down by 1 for most builds, 2 for others that have a low investment in bard, and the song only provides +10 to all skills. The baseline bard song now provides:

+1 Bludgeoning damage, increasing to +2 at level 20
+1 Universal Saving Throws, increasing to +2 at level 20
+1 to all skills per 3 bard levels
+1 Dodge AC at levels 10, 15, 20, 25 and 28
+1 AB, increasing to +2 at level 10 and +3 at level 28

To compensate for this, there are now a large number of different bard and curse songs which stack on top of the baseline stats above, and allow you to swap between them (even in combat) to specialise, in a similar fashion to summoning streams. You can use the -song command to swap between them. They require bard level five or higher to use.

All songs require 2 * bard level, +2 per epic bard level in Perform to receive full benefits. This means the most Perform you will need for bard songs is 80.

The curse song baseline is the opposite of the above listed benefits on bard song. You can use -cursesong to swap between different curse song variants in the same way as bard song.

Four bard songs and four curse songs will be enabled on the PGCC for balance testing. These are the least ‘niche’ songs, most likely useful for PvP balancing.

These songs are as follows:

Bard Songs

Falataer's Fiddle [0]
+1 Slashing damage
+1 AC
+2 Saves vs Death
ESF Perform: +2 Saves vs Mind affecting

The Watcher’s Vigil [6]
Damage reduction of X/+X, where X is bard level / 6 (Max 5/+5)
+1 spot and listen per 3 bard levels
+1 Discipline per 4 bard levels
Gain Ultravision
ESF: Perform: Gain See Invisibility
Knight (PDK) and Cleric levels with the Protection domain count for this song. The number of PDK and Cleric levels contributing to the song cannot exceed those of the bard levels.

Acapella Aria [9]
+1 Slashing damage, +1 at Level 20
+1 Dodge AC, +1 at Level 25
+1 Regeneration per 7 levels
+1 Universal Saving Throws
+10% Movement Speed
ESF: Perform: +1 Search per 3 bard levels
Effects of this song only apply to the bard and not to any party members.

Strings of The Weave [12]
+1 Spellcraft per 3 bard levels
+1 Concentration per 3 bard levels
+1 Universal Saving Throws
Grants 18 Spell Resistance
ESF: Perform: Nullifies the effect of Faerzress and Wild Magic Zones
Wizard and sorcerer levels count for this song. The number of sorcerer and wizard levels contributing to the song cannot exceed those of the bard levels.

Curse Songs

Falataer's Flute [0]
D4 sonic damage per 2 bard levels
-1 Dodge AC
ESF: Perform: -1 Universal Saving throws

Booming Drums of the Storm [2]
Calls down lightning causing d8 electrical damage per 2 bard levels
Targets lose 1 concentration and listen per 3 bard levels
ESF: Perform: Gain 10% Spell Failure
Clerics levels with the Air domain count for this song. The number of cleric levels contributing to the song cannot exceed those of the bard levels.

Morning After the Tavern [3]
1% Sonic Vulnerability per bard level
-1 listen per bard level
-5% Movement Speed
-1 AC
ESF: Perform: -2 Intelligence

Conqueror's Discord [5]
d4 Negative damage per 2 bard levels
-1 Saves vs Fear per 5 bard levels
-1 Leadership per 3 bard levels
ESF: Perform: -1 discipline per 3 bard levels

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Tue Dec 29, 2020 2:41 pm

From Danger Dolphin
Bard Song PGCC Changes (Next update)

Bard Song AC progression: Moved 1 AC from level 20 to level 5. Progression is now: 5/10/15/25/28
Developer Note: This fixes the 16 Bard / X builds and means that every bard build now loses 1 AC rather than the previous heavy nerf to lower level bards.

Bard Song no longer persists after a bard dies
Developer Note: This prevents bards from recklessly dying after getting their song off in PvP, and gives enemies counterplay for disabling bard song buffs. This will mainly be a hit to Div bards with low hitpoints and high attack, as support bards (30 and 27/3) will be able to avoid diving into the fray once their song is active.

Removed all song synergies involving Wizard, Sorcerer, Cleric, Druid, Blackguard and Paladin.
Added Fighter levels to Ballad of the Dragonslayer song
Added Loremaster levels to Market Day song
Developer Note: Caster synergies were very much a trap and could be misleading for newer players. Blackguard and Paladin simply didn't need any more advantages in bard builds.

A Capella Aria: +3 Slashing Damage at level 28, +2 AB at level 28
Developer Note: Bards hitting 28 have lost 1 APR from running pure bard, this is a pity offering to support bards for when they need to solo.

Morning After the Tavern: Changed from -2 INT to -2 DEX
Plague Mother’s Malediction: Changed from -2 CHA to -2 CON, random poison selections now scale to the song level
Developer Note: These two songs were causing annoyance to casters needing to fix their spellbooks. Morning After the Tavern was also designed more for use against physical opponents. Plague Mother’s Malediction poisons were ~DC26 at all levels, they are now ~DC15 below bard level 16.

Conquerer's Discord: Discipline Penalty is now -1 per 4 bard levels instead of per 3 bard levels
Knock and Find Trap effects moved into the epic perform section of Pilfering Poems.
Curse Song now displays the curse song name to the victim
Damage for curse songs is now rolled separately for each creature in the area of effect
Non-bards can no longer use the -song and -cursesong commands
Fixed bug whereby the last song's perform bonus could be used for a subsequent song
Fixed exploit whereby A Cappella Aria could be used after singing a party buff song. Party buff song effects are now removed when using Aria.
Updated public songs list ... sp=sharing

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Thu Dec 31, 2020 8:06 pm

Live next reset:
From Danger Dolphin:

Live Servers:

Fixed bug where bard armor ASF reduction was not applied until relogging
Golden Crown: Added +3 bluff
10 Foot Pole: Removed +5 perform bonus
Ruby Necklace: Perform reduced to +3, Added +3 bluff
Gloves of the Singer: Perform reduced to +3, Added +3 bluff
Blue-Suede Boots: Perform reduced to +3, Added +3 bluff
The Spot bonuses from True Seeing and Clairaudience/clairvoyance no longer count towards breaking disguises
Chainmail of the Holy Knight given +50% Arcane Spell Failure

Developer Commentary

With the Bard Song rework, there is no need for perform to reach extraordinary levels and the items that were added to achieve this have been reduced accordingly, to the point where bluff and perform should now reach a near parity for the purpose of disguising yourself.

One problem here was that this reduces the effective disguise ability of perform based characters against others using short duration spot boosting spells. However - these spells only last for a matter of minutes and generally required the spotter to metagame the disguised target in order to buff themselves prior to examining. We have now removed this ambiguity.

PGCC Only:

Bard Song Perform requirement reduced from (Bard Level * 2) + Epic Levels * 2, to (Bard Level * 2) + 10 at level 25

From Garrbear (On the Live Servers)

New spells:
2: Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Bear's Endurance, Fox's Cunning, Owl's Wisdom, Eagle's Splendor
4: Awaken

2: Cat's Grace, Bear's Endurance, Fox's Cunning, Owl's Wisdom

2: Bear's Endurance

Developer Commentary
Barkskin for ranger: This is +1 AC. It is a small buff for archers and ranger monks, which are already strong and don't necessarily need it, but it is also some very much needed love for strength rangers, who need every point of ac they can get.
Awaken for ranger: Every ranger has to either find or buy a Leafwalker's Token for their animal companion. Requiring a loot only item for your character is not fun, so this gives them some much neededd quality of life.
Zoo spells for all: These are purely quality of life, as they save hybrid casters from having to buy wands for something they should be able to just cast.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Mon Jan 04, 2021 4:50 am

Live next reset:

From Danger Dolphin and Bat Country

- Bard update is now live, all bards level 5 and above will be given a relevel token
- Added UMD to Strings of the Weave (1 per 4 bard levels)
- Added Set Trap to Song of Silence (1 per 3 bard levels)
- Bards now always replace their own song, even when a higher level bard has buffed them.
- Fixed a bug where Warlocks were able to look at song lists and change songs
- Fixed an issue with Still Spell Bards in Live
- Song teaching is now implemented, use -song teach <ID> to do so for all nearby bards. Costs 1000 Adventure XP. Any song can be taught, whether racial or discovered in the world.
- Bards begin knowing one racial song and one racial curse song
- Bards can find the following songs from exploring the world: Pilfering Poems, Ballad of the Dragonslayer, Sea Shanties, Healing Harmony, Waltz of the Magical Masquerade, The Boundless Explorer, Market Day, Strings of The Weave, Song of Silence, Our Lady of Silver, Forgesinger's Echo

Innate Songs (All bards get these):
Falataer's Fiddle
A Capella Aria

Racial Songs

Human: The Watcher's Vigil
Human (Skaljard): Skaljardian Leikr
Human (Pirate): Sea Shanties
Half-Orc: Forgesinger's Echo
Goblin: Oozing Orchestra
Kobold: Pilfering Poems
Halfling: Healing Harmony
Dwarf: Song of Deep Stone
Gnome: Song of Deep Stone
Half-Elf: Hunter's Rhythm
Elf: Hunter's Rhythm
Drow: Oozing Orchestra
Deep Imaskari: The Boundless Explorer
Air Genasi: The Boundless Explorer
Water Genasi: Sea Shanties
Fire Genasi: Forgesinger's Echo
Earth Geansi: Song of Deep Stone
Others: As parent race, or Healing Harmony otherwise

Racial Curse Songs

Human: Booming Drums of the Storm
Human (Skaljard): Frozen Feet
Human (Pirate): Morning After the Tavern
Half-Orc: Plague Mother’s Malediction
Goblin: Plague Mother’s Malediction
Kobold: Hunter's Shriek
Halfling: Dirge of the Dead
Dwarf: Morning After the Tavern
Gnome: Dirge of the Dead
Half-Elf: Hunter's Shriek
Elf: Hunter's Shriek
Drow: Conqueror's Discord
Others: As parent race, or Conqueror's Discord otherwise

From Xerah
Ranger's runic vestment change
Due to barkskin (And other various spells) being added to ranger spell book (easy access to +5 natural AC over the +4 from the armour) this armour was adjusted down to +3AC to maintain status as it was.

From Spyre

- Bards (with a minimum investment of 15 Bard Levels) can teach their known bard songs / curse songs to other players through their associated chat commands (-song teach / -cursesong teach).

Developer Commentary: This has been gated behind a minimum investment of 15 Bard to prevent exploitation of the tutoring system with level five bard characters and minimum investment characters. Players are still able to learn as intended. This now means that higher bard investments are more lucrative (and should generate more RP) to the learning process.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Tue Jan 05, 2021 5:21 pm

A really large update today, with the Arms & Armour details live on our Home Page.

From Danger Dolphin

- Traps triggered by a non-hostile are now returned to your inventory instead of damaging that person
- Player set trap detection DC is now equal to hard Set Trap Skill + Dexterity Modifier
- Player set trap disarm DC is now equal to soft Set Trap Skill (Includes disarm trap +2 synergy bonus, items, etc)
- Radius for Tangle Traps increased from 5ft to 10ft for Minor and Average, from 10ft to 15ft for Strong and Deadly
- Radius for Holy traps increased from 10ft to 15ft
- Radius for Sonic traps increased from 10ft to 15ft
- Radius for Fire Traps increased from 5ft to 10ft for Minor and Average, from 10ft to 15ft for Strong, Deadly and Epic

From Garrbear
Mighty Rage changes:
Prereqs lowered to 19 str 19 con (previously 21 str 21 con)
Crowd Control / Debuff removal now reapplies every 30 seconds while raging
Regeneration added at a rate of 3 + con bonus damage

Developer commentary:
Mighty rage has historically been a trap pick on Arelith due to the extended duration. Barbarians typically build to have the shortest possible rage duration so that they can fire their rage more often, refreshing their temporary hp and maximizing their sustainability. Additionally, the CC clear was pretty useless since rage is used as an opener, and you likely wouldn't be CCed by then.

Rather than just remove the extended duration, we are adding a regen which scales similarly to the temp hp you would get from raging a second time over the extended duration, allowing for similar sustain while still having the benefits of a longer rage. Additionally, the CC / Debuff removal will refire every 30 seconds, still providing some benefit even if you use rage as an opener.

From Garrbear
Favored Soul Changes:
-The 4/day haste feat granted at favored soul level 18 has been removed.
-Haste has been added to their spellbook as a 5th circle spell.
-Characters with 18 or more levels in favored soul will have a relevel upon logging in.

Developer commentary:
Haste as a 4/day feat was nice for spell selection, but it made spell selection for the important 5th circle a little easier than it should be. With the extra spells known they get over sorcerer, they were not making any very difficult decisions.

Additionally, haste being limited to 4/day and not being extendable was bad for quality of life, especially on a spontaneous caster which can now cast it 12+ times per day if their heart desires.

Note: We are still working on the scroll problem for favored soul and shaman. I know it has been a lot longer than expected, but please be patient as we will hopefully have a fix out soon(tm).

From Mythic et al

A New slew of arms and Heavy armours have found their way to the Isles of Arelith and the dangerous realms below them. By : Xerah, Garrbear, Mythic/Merry, DM Grumpycat & DM Starfish

Commanding Brigandine
6 Coal
1 Dragon Oil
2 Adamantine Ingot
2 Mithril Ingot
1 Rogue Stone

Smithing : 46
CP : 440
Half-Plate (7 + 1 Dexterity Modifier)
Armour Class Bonus : [+4]
Skill Bonus Intimidate : [+4]
Skill Bonus Leadership : [+4]
Saving Throw bonus : Will [+3]
Immunity to Damage Type : Bludgeoning [5%]
Immunity to Damage Type : Slashing [10%]
Cooldown Reduction : Knight Ability [Oath of Wrath] -1 Turn
Use Limitation Class : Knight
UMD : 45

This armour consists of small adamantine plates attached to the inside of a thick dragonhide vest with mythril rivets. A bright rogue stone adorns the neck piece of this suit, it bestows mental fortitude and a stronger presence to the wearer. Runic embroidery adorns large swathes of the vest waiting to be filled with power.

Jousting Plate
8 Coal
3 Adamantine Ingots
2 Gold Ingots
2 Silver Ingots
Dragon Oil

Smithing : 48
CP : 400
Full Plate (8 +1 Dexterity Modifier)
Armour Class Bonus : [+4]
Immunity to Damage Type : Piercing [5%]
Immunity to Damage Type : Slashing [10%]
Skill Bonus : Ride [+5]
Use Limitation Class : Cavalier
UMD : 45

This suit of armour is composed of many different interlocking plates of black metal trimmed in shining gold. Hinges and other such mechanisms are hidden in key areas to enable maximum maneuverability while on horseback while keeping the rider's life and limb safely contained and away from sharpened intruders.

Sanctified Plate
8 Coal
8 Silver Ingots
2 Dragon Oil
2 Mithril Dust
2 Adamantine Ingots

Smithing : 48
CP : 540
Full Plate (8 +1 Dexterity Modifier)
Armour Class Bonus : [+4]
Immunity Damage Type : Slashing [10%]
Skill Bonus : Leadership [+4]
Cast Spell : Aid (3/day CL 8)
Cast Spell : Raise Dead (1/day)
Use Limitation Class : Divine Champion
UMD : 45

An impressive suit of Brass and Silver-plated Adamantine. Quenched in waters divine, imparting upon it (un)holy power. Such armour is not worn lightly and carries a fraction of sanctified burden upon its shoulders.

Bulwark Plate
8 Coal
4 Adamantine
4 Mithril
2 Dragonhide
5 Rubies

Smithing : 48
CP : 440
Full Plate (8 +1 Dexterity Modifier)
Armour Class Bonus : [+4]
Immunity Damage Type : Slashing [10%]
Immunity Damage Type : Piercing [5%]
Immunity Damage Type : Bludgeoning [5%]
Ability Bonus : Constitution [+1]
Class Restriction : Earthkin Defender
UMD : 45

This sturdy set of armour consists of thick plates of what appears to be a mithril-adamantine alloy with cured dragon hide strapping to keep it all together. The weight of this suit is unusually large and the armour itself thuds when hit rather than the usual metal ringing noise. There are five each of rubies, sapphires and emeralds set at key points in the armour that, when activated, emit a stone like barrier magic to further keep the wearer safe from harm.

Dragonbone Plate
10 Coal
Adamantine Full Plate
4 Dragon Hide
1 Star Sapphire
4 Adamantine Ingots

Smithing : 48
CP : 306
Full Plate (8 +1 Dexterity Modifier)
Armour Class Bonus : [+4]
Immunity Damage Type : Slashing [10%]
Immunity Damage Type : Piercing [5%]
Immunity Damage Type : Bludgeoning [5%]
Saving Throw Bonus vs Fear : [+4]
Decreased Ability Score : Charisma [-3]
UMD : None

This was originally a set of adamantine full plate. The usual leather strapping and padding has been replaced with sturdy dragon hide, fragments of dragon bone, claw and horn have been skillfully melded into the metal to further strengthen it and a star sapphire has been set at the core of the chest piece to further increase the endurance of this suit. Just wearing this armour is enough to bolster the mind against fear although having bits of bone and claw sticking from your armour tends to look Frightening.

Accursed Scales
6 Coal
Chainmail of the Holy Paladin
10 Dragon Blood
4 Magical Horn
4 Rubies

Alchemy : 42
CP : 130
Chain Shirt / Chainmail (5 +2 Dexterity Modifier)
Armour Class Bonus : [+7]
Immunity Damage Type : Slashing [10%]
Immunity Damage Type : Piercing [5%]
Immunity Damage Type : Bludgeoning [5%]
Arcane Spell Failure [-15%]
Ability Bonus : Charisma [+2]
Use Limitation Class : Hexblade
Cannot use Divine Shield whilst wearing this Armour
UMD : 90

Through great and vile rites this once blessed armour has been warped into its current form. Rumour has it that bones and magical ivory carved with the names of things better left unspoken are drowned in copious amounts of dragon blood and left to sit for a day and a night.

Once the mixture has fouled sufficiently the blessed armour is heated in a cursed forge before being quenched in the mix and then thoroughly cleaned and dried. But thats just hearsay, right?

Desperado’s Raiment

8 Spider silk
Fine Silk Shirt
3 Emeralds
1 Dragon Hide
1 Mithril Dust

Tailoring : 46
CP : 380
Cloth Shirt (0 + Unlimited Dexterity Modifier)
Armour Class Bonus : [+3]
Ability Bonus : Dexterity [+1]
Ability Bonus : Intelligence [+1]
Cast Spell : Foxes Cunning 2/day (CL 10)
Skill Bonus : Bluff [+4]
Skill Bonus : Intimidate [+4]
Skill Bonus : Leadership [+4]
Use Limitation Class : Swashbuckler
UMD : 45

Flashy and Suave, This brightly coloured shirt draws the eye and distracts in crucial moments. Allowing one to bait their foes, be in on the battlefield, in the tavern or with a worded duel

Shaman Items

Spirit Hide
3 Dragon Hide
2 Star Sapphire
5 Magic Blood
2 Silver Ingots
1 Pine Tar

Tailoring : 48
CP : 366
Studded Leather (3 + 4 Dexterity Modifier)
Armour Class Bonus : [+5]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Shaman [Level 3]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Shaman [Level 4]
Immunity Damage Type : Slashing [5%]
Immunity Damage Type : Piercing [5%]
Immunity Damage Type : Positive Energy [5%]
Immunity Damage Type : Negative Energy [5%]
Use Limitation Class : Shaman
UMD : 45

Swimming with communal chimes and engraved symbols this suit of leather seems draped in otherworldly essence, allowing one to commune more strongly with whomever or whatever they desire.

Speakers Visage
1 Mithril Helmet
5 Owls Wisdom Scroll
3 Ladies Tears
1 Rare Softwood

Art Crafting : 42
CP : 380
Ability Bonus : Wisdom [+1]
Armour Class Bonus : [+2]
Armour Class Bonus vs Lawful [+3]
Bonus Spell slot of Level : Shaman [level 4]
Skill Bonus : Concentration [+3]
Use Limitation Class : Shaman
UMD : 30

These ghastly Masks are often worn by shamans of bestial or wild tribes in far-flung corners of the forgotten realms.

Allowing the wearer to amplify their senses and draw from the source of their shamanic power. Whilst also providing a harrowing helmet in times of battle.

Shaman Beads
2 Gold Ingots
2 Silver Ingots
3 Magical Horns
1 Rare Hardwood
1 Giant Tooth

Art Crafting : 32
CP : 80
Ability Bonus : Wisdom [+2]
Bonus Spell slot of Level : Shaman [Level 5]
Bonus Spell slot of Level : Shaman [Level 6]
Skill Bonus : Concentration [+2]
Skill Bonus : Discipline [+1]
Use Limitation : Shaman
UMD : 30

A Shamanic foci, a mixture of stones and charms that allow power to be stored within them, before being released when called upon by the wearer.

Ghostwalker Ring
1 Copper Ingot
1 Hardwood
2 Scrolls of Ghostly Visage
2 Magical Blood

Art Crafting : 20
CP : 53
Ability Bonus : Wisdom [+1]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Shaman [Level 3]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Shaman [Level 3]
Cast Spell : Ghostly Visage : 3/day (CL 8)
UMD Requirement : 25

A simple band engraved with mystical symbols. Entwining power with the afterlife and surroundings, allowing one to store additional magics in these rings. And use them to help commune with the spiritworld around ones self.

Tribal Staff
3 Hardwood
1 Alchemistic Catalyst (Standard)
2 Amethysts

Carpentry : 22
CP : 36
Magic Staff
Ability Bonus : Wisdom [+1]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Shaman [Level 3]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Shaman [Level 3]
Skill Bonus : Concentration [+3]
Use Limitation : Shaman
UMD : 25

A Wooden staff with an Tribal totem atop of it. Allowing the bearer to enact shamanistic rituals and spells with fervor.

Staff of Spirits
1 Star Sapphire
1 Tribal Staff
1 Rare Hardwood
2 Magical Horns
1 Scroll of Ressurection

Carpentry : 46
CP : 314
Magic Staff
Ability Bonus : Wisdom [+2]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Shaman [Level 4]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Shaman [Level 4]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Shaman [Level 6]
Skill Bonus : Concentration [+5]
Cast Spell : Raise Dead (2/day)
Use Limitation : Shaman
UMD : 45

This powerful Focus has been inlaid with numerous charms and ritualistic materials.

Allowing the bearer of this staff to commune with the "Other Side", be that the Astral, elemental or planes of death. It enhances the strength of sheer belief of the shamans bearing it, And allows them to bring life back to the fallen.

Staff of Ghostwalking
3 Rare Hardwood
1 Tribal Staff
1 Alchemical Catalyst (Greater)
1 Rogue Stone
2 Wail of the Banshee scrolls

Carpentry : 46
CP : 464
Magic Staff
Ability Bonus : Wisdom [+1]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Shaman [Level 6]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Shaman [Level 6]
Skill Bonus : Concentration [+2]
Cast Spell : Create Greater Undead (1/day) (CL 20)
Cast Spell : Control Undead (1/day) (CL 21)
Use Limitation : Evil
Use Limitation : Shaman
UMD : 40

A Ritualistic fetish of great power, seeped in negative energies and bound to death.

Bearer of such a deathly totem gains control over unlife, animating minions to serve or even bringing to heel a powerful undead, all whilst enhancing their dire connection and magics.

Favored Soul Items

Concordiant Branch
2 Hardwood
5 Holy Water
2 Gold Ingots
1 Scroll of Lesser Planar Binding

Carpentry : 32
CP : 160
Magic Staff
Ability Bonus : Charisma [+1]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Favored Soul [Level 3]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Favored Soul [Level 3]
Cast Spell : Lesser Planar Binding (1/day) (CL 12)
Use Limitation : Favored Soul
UMD : 25

These staves are often carved from trees not found on the prime plane. Granting them a connection that allows those with similar connections to greater-powers that be, to draw strength more easily.

Greater Concordiant Branch
2 Rare hardwood
2 Mithril Ingots
1 Scroll of Planar Binding
1 Concordiant Branch
1 Star Sapphire

Carpentry : 44
CP : 421
Magic Staff
Ability Bonus : Charisma [+2]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Favored Soul [Level 5]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Favored Soul [Level 6]
Cast Spell : Planar Binding (1/day) (CL 15)
Use Limitation : Favored Soul
UMD : 50

Former branches of great planar trees. These have been worked and blessed to greatly enhance the bearers connection to the powers that be.

With the strength to call upon a being of the planes, it binds to ones innate tendencies, determining what being may come.

Sacrament Visage
2 Silver Ingot
5 Holy Water
1 Beljuril
1 Golden Crown
1 Mithril Dust

Art Crafting : 38
CP : 370

Ability Bonus : Charisma [+2]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Favored Soul [Level 6]
Skill Bonus : Concentration [+3]
Skill Bonus : Spellcraft [+3]
Use Limitation : Favored Soul
UMD : 40

These Masks adhere to ones face, providing a whimsical or terrifying visage to project outwards.

Weaved of fine metals and padded with silks, they are not only comfortable but practical. Enhancing the ability to stay focused.

Communion Chain
1 Gold Ingot
2 Brass Ingots
1 Scroll of divine favor
1 Sapphire
2 Coal

Art Crafting : 30
CP 160

Ability Bonus : Charisma [+2]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Favored Soul [Level 4]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Favored Soul [Level 5]
Skill Bonus : Discipline [+3]
Use Limitation : Favored Soul
UMD : 40

These unnasuming Golden-chains seem almost regal when worn. Enchanted to enhance a connection to the greater powers that be, wether malicious or benevolent.

Often found upon the bodies of Ranking Cult-leaders or Zealots, believing themselves more rightious to their causes than the official churches of many dieties.

Ring of the Favourable
1 Brass Ingot
2 Topaz
1 Bless scroll
1 Eagles Splendor scroll

Art Crafting : 20
CP : 53
Ability Bonus : Charisma [+1]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Favored Soul [Level 2]
Bonus Spell Slot of Level : Favored Soul [Level 3]
Skill Bonus : Spellcraft [+2]
Use Limitation : Favored Soul
UMD : 20

These bands are steeped in holy magic. Giving one a stronger connection to whichever diety they serve, With easily interchangeable symbols that can often be found in marketplaces across the realms.

Additional Items

Kurtulmattok’s (Large and Small)
(Small Recipe)
2 Adamantine Ingots
1 Dragon Hide
10 Dragon Blood
1 Rogue Stone
4 Coal

(Large Recipe)
4 Adamantine Ingots
1 Dragon Hide
10 Dragon Blood
1 Rogue Stone
6 Coal

Smithing : 38 (Both)
CP : 330
(Light and Heavy Pick)
Enhancement Bonus : [+4]
Damage Bonus vs Gnomes : [1d6]

Kobold-Crafted Only

These fearsome pickaxes are forged from a dark alloy of dragon bone and adamantine. A draconic litany proclaiming vengeance against gnomes is carved into a sturdy bone handle and a softly glowing gem set into the head awaits runic infusion.

Honour Guard Halberd
2 Adamantine Ingots
2 Gold Ingots
2 Rubies
4 Coal

Smithing : 42
CP : 380
Enhancement Bonus : [+3]
Immunity Damage Type : Slashing [5%]
Immunity Damage Type : Piercing [5%]
Immunity Damage Type : Bludgeoning [5%]

These Halberds so-often Gilded with gold are utilised en-mass by guards of high-ranking officials whom intend to not only be kept safe, but make a statement whilst under such protection.

Steelbreaker Sledge
3 Adamantine Ingots
1 Golem Heart
2 Green Steel Ingots
1 Dwarven Incantation
4 Coal

Smithing : 46
CP : 480
Enhancement Bonus : [+4]
Ability Bonus : Strength [+2]
Enhancement Bonus vs Racial Group : Construct [+5]
Damage Bonus vs Racial Type : Construct [2d6 Sonic]

These hammers known as "Steelbreakers" are far more likely to shatter steel than to break it. Forged after a golem uprising, they rend Metal as easily as snapping twigs.

Gravekeeper’s Repose
1 Ingot Mithril
5 Holy Water
2 Giant Bones
1 Bless Weapon Scroll
4 Coal

Smithing : 48
CP : 530
Heavy Flail
Attack Bonus : [+2]
Attack bonus vs Racial Group : Undead [+6]
Damage Bonus : Bludgeoning [+4]
Damage Bonus vs Racial Type : Undead [2d6 Divine]

These flails often have hidden holes in their heads to act as Censors for priesthoods. Useful as both holy tool and defense,

In particular the Gravekeeper Flails have been adopted by the church of Kelemvor and their creation ordained with the holy mission of destroying rampant undead.

Dwarven Rune Hammer
1 Dwarven Incantation
4 Coal
1 Iron
2 Steel
1 Scroll of Flame Strike
Dwarf Craft Only
Smithing : 37
Total Craft Points : 284

Enhancement Bonus : [+4]
Damage Bonus vs Racial Type : Goblinoids [+4 Fire]
Damage Bonus vs Racial Type : Orc [+4 Fire]
Damage Bonus vs Racial Type : Half Orc [2 Fire]
UMD : 30

A pinnacle of dwarven craftsmanship. No ordinary hammer, this blazing bludgeon has been forged in molten stone, fashioned by dwarven kind.

Sturdy and strong, It carries a grave weight. More than that however- intricate runes have been inscribed upon the head, heft and hilt. With little power themselves, with the aid of a skilled Runemaster or Dweamorlord they may be given a fierce purpose.

Ironwood Lance
4 Coal
4 Rare hardwood
2 Ingots Adamantine
2 Ingots Greensteel
1 Rare Softwood

Carpentry : 53
CP : 540
Large + Small Lances
Enhancement Bonus : [+4]
Damage Bonus : Piercing [+6]
Extra Melee Damage Type : [Bludgeoning]

A short lance designed to clatter Plated foes from atop horseback. Too long and unwieldy to use on foot, a lance is best used at full charge.

And an Ironwood lance only shatters under tremendous near-impossible forces, perfect for not only tournaments. But also real combat.

Platebreaker’s Lance
8 Coal
8 Rare Hardwood
4 Rare Softwood
4 Adamantine Ingots
2 Mithril Dust

Carpentry : 53
CP : 750
Large + Small Lances
Enhancement Bonus : [+5]
Extra Melee Damage Type : [Bludgeoning]
Extra Melee Damage Type : [Slashing]
Massive Criticals [2d8 Damage]
Use Limitation Class : Cavalier
UMD : 70

These lances are carried by the finest horsemen of the realms. Traveling knights who venture from tourny to tourny, Lances intended to break the plate of their foes.

Due to their heavy enchantments, They were deemed tournament illegal. As such are more often than not located with traveling cavaliers, selling their services to nations.

Infiltration Belt
2 Displacer Hide
5 Pots of Dirt (Under Herbalism)
1 Silver Ingot
6 Spider Silk

Tailoring : 30
CP : 130
Dexterity Bonus : [+1]
Cast Spell : Camouflage [1/day] (CL 10)
Skill Bonus : Bluff [+4]
Skill Bonus : Perform [+4]

These belts of enchanted worked leather allow one to more easily blend into their environment. And thusly also change their appearance thanks to shifting lights.

Often found in the employ of infiltrators such as thieves and assassins, whom do not wish to be identified easily when escaping from places they should not be.

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The GrumpyCat
Dungeon Master
Dungeon Master
Posts: 6748
Joined: Sun Jan 18, 2015 5:47 pm

Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by The GrumpyCat » Tue Jan 05, 2021 10:24 pm

Small note to above - some of the recipes are not quite the same as the ones put in the palett, in most situations these disparities are very small - but it's worth noting.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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