Time you spend on...

Polls can be created by Patrons only (try-out for now)

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Pick up to four actions you spend most of your time on:

Exploring places, sneaking, spying
Walking (just to reach a place), fights without challenge
Solo adventuring with challenge
Adventure in groups with much rp
Adventure in groups with low rp
Talking “politics” and building up longer stories
Chitchat, situative rp
Waiting for something to happen, trying to form/find a party
Crafting and finding resources
Organization, faction/ place management
Total votes: 191

Arelith Silver Supporter
Arelith Silver Supporter
Posts: 322
Joined: Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:17 pm

Time you spend on...

Post by nobs3 » Sun Sep 17, 2017 10:57 pm

...the following actions in average.

Or something else?

See also: actions you would like to spend less time on and actions that you would like to spend more time on!

Arelith Silver Supporter
Arelith Silver Supporter
Posts: 322
Joined: Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:17 pm

Re: Time you spend on...

Post by nobs3 » Tue Sep 19, 2017 8:43 am

The polls about your spending of playtime are anonymous. It would be great to get some more “data”. :)

Some thoughts about those three polls (maybe two would have been enough) are that they might give some insight in every day playing of Arelith to make it even more enjoyable.

It could lead to questions like:
- Support quicker travel (e.g. portals or risky caravans) or make “walking” feel like “exploring”?

- How to support finding reasons to quickly form parties? (even more dynamic environment (spawns, prices for heads, prices for catching creatures…), danger to cities…) Additional ways to support communication? (speedy, alarm bell… +?)

- Should longer lasting rp be supported? (e.g. by DMs, devs, mechanics… - e.g. by handing out the recipe for an impressive item like an “portal generator” which might lead to one big strike)

- Or how to give even more rp-reasons for small or solo adventures?

- Should resources be easier be found?

Another question would be: Do we need more “surprises” – e.g. regarding the power of spawns? E.g. shall we be forced to retreat sometimes (and get help)? Or would it rob the fun?

All this are details which could be brought up as suggestions. The polls about time usage are an experiment to test if they could help as a base for more detailed decisions.

Posts: 2153
Joined: Tue Oct 18, 2016 1:49 am

Re: Time you spend on...

Post by -XXX- » Tue Sep 19, 2017 11:11 am

Having PvE become less predictable can only be a boon IMO. Though being forced to turn and run might turn into (unintentional or in the worse case intentional) herding, especially with the new, smarter spawns.

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