Monk and Paladin Orders

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Monk and Paladin Orders

Post by Pindrop » Sat Dec 02, 2017 5:48 am

As it turns out, the Faiths and Pantheons sourcebook for 3rd Ed. has a web-published supplement called "Deity Do's and Don'ts." This supplement is notable for, among other things, a fairly extensive list of Monk Orders and Paladin Orders by deity.

It is reproduced here for reference.

Monk Orders
The table below lists other known orders of monks, the deity they hold as a patron (if any), alignment restrictions for the order, and the character classes the orders frequently embrace in addition to Monk.

[No Deity] Long Death (evil): assassin, blackguard, fighter.
[No Deity] Old Order (usually neutral, sometimes good, rarely evil): rogue, sorcerer, shadowdancer (monk levels must be higher than total of all other class levels).

Arvoreen - Hin Fist (neutral or good): fighter, rogue, paladin.

Azuth - Shining Hand (neutral): wizard (if monk level exceeds wizard level).

Bane - Order of the Iron Gauntlet (evil): assassin, fighter. A small sect within the Zhentarim, these monks train in stealth and assassination. Currently they are few in number but their leader has been recruiting widely.

Cyrrollalee - Hin Fist (neutral or good): fighter, rogue, paladin.

Deneir - Zealots of the Written Word (good): cleric. These monks accompany clerics of Deneir on quests, assist in moneymaking efforts for the church, and are as fond of recording information as any devout worshiper of Deneir.

Grumbar - Disciples of the Changeless Face (neutral): fighter. This stoic and spartan order is obsessed with preserving the knowledge of how things are (from laws to traditions to manners of speech) so that change can be detected and countered (which often involves beating into a pulp someone who disagrees).

Ilmater - Broken Ones (good): clerics, divine champions, divine disciples, divine seekers, hierophants.
- Disciples of St. Sollars (Monks of the Yellow Rose) (good): ranger, shadowdancer.

Kossuth - Disciples of the Phoenix (good): cleric. This order (and the other two orders of Kossuthan monks) is very insular and has a rigid tradition of study and fighting style, as well as behavioral taboos. They are the most likely to espouse the purifying and redeeming aspects of their deity’s element.
- Brothers and Sisters of the Pure Flame (neutral): cleric. These monks seek a balance between the purifying aspect and the destructive aspect of Kossuth’s flame, and are the mediators of the three orders. Most of them learn Ignan to better communicate with fire elementals.
- Disciples of the Salamander (evil): cleric. Some of these monks rival a Talosian fanatic’s love of destructive fire, but most see it as a necessary tool for renewal in the world. Many of them bear brands of magical symbols on their bodies and decorate themselves with fiery tattoos.

Lathander - Sun Soul (good or neutral): any one other class (as long as monk is the highest class level).

Loviatar - Disciples of the White Rod (evil): cleric. Monks of Loviatar prefer using their bare hands to inflict pain rather than using weapons. When forced to use weapons, they prefer nunchaku with white-bleached leather wrappings on the hilts.

Luthic - Runeclaws (evil): cleric, runecaster. Because in many orc tribes females are not allowed to touch weapons, unarmed combat has become a means for female worshipers of Luthic to defend themselves against raiders from other tribes. Some female orcs that are too old for childbirth (particularly older wives of the chief) become runeclaws to prove they are still useful to the tribe.

Oghma - Children of the Passive Voice (neutral): none. These monks serve as guardians to libraries and abbeys, and sometimes are sent to find lost stores of knowledge.

Selûne - Sun Soul (good or neutral): any one other class (as long as monk is the highest class level).

Shar - Dark Moon (evil): sorcerer (monk and sorcerer level must be within two levels of each other).

Sheela - Hin Fist (neutral or good): fighter, rogue, paladin.

Sune - Sun Soul (good or neutral): any one other class (as long as monk is the highest class level).

Tiamat - Serpent Guards (evil): assassin, divine champion, fighter, rogue. These fanatics guard temples, serve as minions to dragons, hunt dragonslayers, and assassinate those who pry too closely into the activities of the church. They are active in Unther and have been known to attack Mulhorandi soldiers.

Urogalan - Hin Fist (neutral or good): fighter, rogue, paladin.

Velsharoon - Long Death (evil): assassin, blackguard, fighter.

Yondalla - Hin Fist (neutral or good): fighter, rogue, paladin.

Yurtrus - Brotherhood of the Scarlet Scourge (evil): cleric. Monks of this strange orc order bleach their hands white and grow their nails very long. Before combat they dip their nails in a powder made of blood infected with the red ache (see Disease in the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide), which lets them infect their opponents.

Paladin Orders
The following table lists other known holy orders of paladins, the deity they hold as a patron, and the character classes common to paladins of that order (in addition to the Paladin class).

Arvoreen - Arvoreen’s Marchers: cleric, fighter, rogue. An order in Tethyr recognized by the crown, they are highly respected by local humans and halflings alike. Their chapterhouse is called Keeperstone.

Baravar - Knights of the Shadowy Cloak: cleric, fighter, illusionist, Cloak- rogue. This order keeps a low profile in gnome commushadow nities and seeks to eliminate goblinoids, kobolds, and other evil humanoids, for these creatures cannot be redeemed. They work secretly so as to not attract attention or retaliation to local gnome communities.

Berronar - Berronar’s Valkyries: cleric, dwarven defender. This Truesilver order is exclusively female. They observe battles until they see a group of allies in particular danger, at which point they charge in to help. Most favor training involving mobility in battle.

Chauntea - Field Guardians: cleric, divine champion, divine disciple.

Gaerdal - Shields of the Golden Hills: cleric, fighter. They are a Ironhand strictly organized order dedicated to defending gnome communities against any attackers and serving as officers and champions of larger gnome military assemblies.

Helm - Vigilant Eyes of the God: arcane devotee, cleric, fighter, divine champion, Purple Dragon knight.

Horus-Re - Claws of the Sun and the Ankh: cleric, divine champion, divine disciple, hierophant. Caring little for day-to-day politics, this relatively new order spends most of its time fighting servants of Set (or even Anhur, when he has been causing trouble).

Ilmater - Order of the Golden Cup: cleric, divine disciple, hierophant. This order is dedicated to healing and protecting the sick, innocent, and weak, rather than seeking out evil to destroy. They are not opposed to such actions, but see their role as something different.
- Companions of the Noble Heart: divine champion, fighter. The Companions are the aggressive counterparts to the Golden Cup, for they are tasked with eliminating the cruel and those who are known to enjoy the torture and suffering of others. The church of Loviatar is their greatest enemy.

Kelemvor - Knights of the Eternal Order: cleric, doomguide (Faiths & Pantheons). This is a recently-created order, founded to seek out and destroy powerful undead that tax the powers of the normal branches of the church.

Lathander - Order of the Aster: cleric, divine champion, divine disciple, hierophant, Purple Dragon knight.

Milil - Harmonious Order: fighter. This group of personable and swaggering paladins encourages bards (whom they tolerate despite alignment differences) to accompany them to create ballads based on their exploits. Their role is to guard Milil’s churches and do good works in Milil’s name.

Moradin - Hammers of Moradin: cleric, fighter, divine champion, dwarven defender, runecaster.

Mystra - Knights of the Mystic Fire: guild wizard of Waterdeep (Magic of Faerûn), wizard. This group of paladins often accompanies other members of the church on quests to locate lost hoards of ancient magic. The church draws upon their ranks for the leaders of temple guardians.

Nobanion - Legion of Lions (wemics and werelions only): cleric, divine champion. Founded shortly after the Time of Troubles, this fellowship exists to protect good-aligned monsters and slay the servants of Malar.

Osiris - Order of the Risen Scepter: cleric, ranger. Drawn exclusively from those who have died in combat with servants of Set and been raised from the dead (sometimes spontaneously by the power of Osiris), they are primarily hunters of Set’s minions.

Red Knight - Order of the Red Falcon: divine champion, fighter. Housed in the Citadel of Strategic Militancy (northeast of Baldur’s Gate), this small order has a history of triumphing in the face of overwhelming odds. They train officers and others in tactics and military history.

Siamorphe - Order of the Silver Chalice: aristocrat, fighter. This group is primarily Tethyrian nobles dedicated to locating lost members of noble families and restoring to power those who will govern with the interests of the common people at heart. After several years of debate, they have decided to support the queen of Tethyr, and the crown recognizes them as a knightly order.

Sune - Sisters and Brothers of the Ruby Rose: divine champion.

Torm - Order of the Golden Lion: Any one other class.

Tyr - Knights of Holy Judgment: cleric, divine champion. This order focuses on the more lawful aspects of Tyr’s philosophy, and hunts and punishes criminals and lawbreakers, particularly devils (seen as abhorrent perversions of a lawful society).
- Knights of the Merciful Sword: fighter, divine champion. This order is focuses on upholding good in the world as defined by Tyr, and slays all kinds of evil monsters, particularly demons.

Yondalla - Shields of Yondalla: monk (Hin Fist).
- Wayward Wardens: cleric, ranger. This group is a loose fellowship of wandering halflings who feel the need to see the world and aren’t tied to any particular settlement. They protect halfling communities whenever they are found in need of help.

Some of the orders associated with more well-known gods have notably sparse entries in the lists above. This is because they are described in more detail in the FR campaign setting.

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Re: Monk and Paladin Orders

Post by Opustus » Wed Dec 06, 2017 10:48 am

You need to add Waukeen's monks for the sw4g & bling.
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Re: Monk and Paladin Orders

Post by Pindrop » Wed Dec 06, 2017 8:07 pm

Feel free to make your own monk orders! The above list is merely reproduced from a 3rd edition supplement.

Further clarification: The entries list multiclass options because the list was copied wholesale. On Arelith, we neither enforce nor expect characters to abide by 3rd edition multiclass restrictions. Instead, look only to the server's own restrictions and guidelines.

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Re: Monk and Paladin Orders

Post by caldura firebourne » Sat Dec 09, 2017 11:12 pm

I've been looking for more in depth information on the three monastic orders of Kossuth, got anything on that?
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Re: Monk and Paladin Orders

Post by Pindrop » Sun Dec 10, 2017 7:30 am

caldura firebourne wrote:I've been looking for more in depth information on the three monastic orders of Kossuth, got anything on that?
The monk orders of Kossuth are described in slightly more detail here, on the NWN2 wiki page of all places. The two references used are the Faiths and Pantheons supplement, as quoted above, and the Champions of Valor sourcebook.

It might be worth seeing if the Champions of Valor sourcebook has more details.

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Re: Monk and Paladin Orders

Post by Lorkas » Sun Dec 10, 2017 7:41 am

caldura firebourne wrote:I've been looking for more in depth information on the three monastic orders of Kossuth, got anything on that?
It's likely that this is one of the areas of FR lore where it's deliberately described in brief and DMs or players are given freedom to flesh out the concept in a way that fits their campaign/character.

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Re: Monk and Paladin Orders

Post by Pindrop » Mon May 06, 2019 7:43 pm

Bumping this thread in light of recent updates.

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Red Ropes
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Re: Monk and Paladin Orders

Post by Red Ropes » Wed May 08, 2019 10:56 pm

It's also good to note that these are not the /only/ ones either. These are just particular orders who have particular restrictions.

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Re: Monk and Paladin Orders

Post by Aelryn Bloodmoon » Sat May 18, 2019 12:31 am

Red Ropes wrote:
Wed May 08, 2019 10:56 pm
It's also good to note that these are not the /only/ ones either. These are just particular orders who have particular restrictions.
This is not correct. All monks and paladins, according to core rules, EXCEPT the orders mentioned here, keep their abilities but immediately lose the ability to advance their monk/Paladin levels forever after they multiclass.

This restriction doesn't exist in NWN, but since this is a lore thread and not a mechanics thread, this should be clarified.
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Re: Monk and Paladin Orders

Post by xanrael » Sat May 18, 2019 5:18 am

Another distinction with that, and had to dig out my 3E book to make sure:
For PnP they can multiclass into those things, so a rogue could become a monk and progress forward as a monk, but a monk couldn't take a break to go learn thieving abilities then get back to practicing katas and make further progress. Skills work a bit differently for PnP so the "need" to multiclass is less and you don't need to do skill dumps at near max levels like in NWN.

In no way am I condoning following PnP multiclass restrictions.

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