Scroll case whitelist / blacklists

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Scroll case whitelist / blacklists

Post by Rooshi49 » Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:31 pm

I love the scroll case. Its a great feature in the game, but I think that a certain tweak could make them SO much better. My idea is to give an option with the scroll case to select certain scrolls, in conjunction with the auto-looting feature, to have automatically put into the scroll case and have others to not go in at all.

For example:
Lesser Restoration
Raise Dead
Find Trap
Summon Creature V-X
Planar Ally

These are all good examples of scrolls that could be blacklisted from going into a scroll case where you want to use the scroll case to sell bulk scrolls you find on an adventure. You wouldn't want (or at least I wouldn't want) scrolls like these to be sold to the vendor, but its tedious to look through a scroll case after an adventure and pull out all the ones you want to keep.

The option menu would a dialogue where you type in the name of the scroll you want to blacklist from entering the scroll case and it would add it to a list of scrolls that when you use the "Put all items of this type into container" option it wouldn't grab them.

On the flip side, you could whitelist things instead, which would be nice if you could have multiple scroll cases, one for scrolls you like to use, and one for scrolls you want to sell in bulk. Then you could whitelist the scrolls into the second scroll case and TADA! You have an organized way of controlling which scrolls get sold and which stay.

Don't know if this is mechanically possible, but from looking at how you select a PC from a list of PCs for the gold transfering system, it seems as if the concept of something like this already exists.

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Re: Scroll case whitelist / blacklists

Post by Irongron » Sat Dec 08, 2018 3:23 pm

This might be a bit of work, but would definitely be a huge help if possible.


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Re: Scroll case whitelist / blacklists

Post by Sincra » Mon Dec 20, 2021 6:20 am

A filter is now available in the rest menu.
Irongron wrote:I've literally never used -guard on anyone.
