The Boy and His Shadow

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The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Wed Dec 26, 2018 8:30 pm

[Blackest Night]

The low, bestial exhale was accompanied by a miry growl. The hairs on his arms stood at attention. Rupert's gaze widened, staring at the emptiness before him. To turn around, not to turn around? The hulking steps of the beast grew closer and its laboured breath became more obvious.

The boy drew his arms to his chest; no weapons, no armor. A wet huff echoed behind him. Right behind him. Roo frozen like a reed on a winter's lake. Maybe it didn't see him. Maybe he was hidden here, in the darkness.

In a blink, a roar erupted before him and large paws leaped at his face from the emptiness. He jerked back to avoid them but fell.

Rupert jolts out of bed, sitting upright. His hurried breath quakes in his ears. He peers around the darkened room. Everything was new still. The stacks of boxes looked murky in the shadows. The furniture seemed lively as if trying to dart from one's gaze. The corners were loud and oppressive with their long shapes.

His gaze falls upon the distant corner. The shapes shift. Do they? Rupert squints at it. It squints right back. His hand torpedoes to the nearest lamp, smacking the rune upon it. In an instant the room brightens with a golden light, chasing all the shadows back.

He climbs out of bed to look around. Just in case, right? He spares a few glances behind the boxes and the stray furniture. The rune's light changes to a playful orange, slowly cycling through the display. Roo opens his door just enough to peer out into the second floor landing and across to his father's door. Still closed.

His vigilance fades and he finds his way back to his bed. The rune's light moves on to a funky green as the night drags on.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Thu Dec 27, 2018 6:25 pm

[The Things in the Dark]

Roo and Nel stepped into the broken tooth caves. The few torches around were poorly hung and sparsely lit causing the shadows to dance along the stone. The pair remained hidden but their elemental barreled forward at the sound of combat.

“Easy, Big Guy.” Roo muttered to it, halting it before it past the gates. He crept around the corner to see the commotion; a male caster of some kind was in the midst of combat with the ogre mage and his minions.

In an instant, a spell hit the ground, dispelling the bear and causing the male to run. Roo ducked out of his way, preparing to kill the goblins that followed. However the man didn't go far, he stopped upon spotting the elemental and stayed to fight.

Roo nodded to the elemental to pitch in and hulking fists started to fly through the air, making short work of the foes.

“You took my kill!” The man yelled into the shadows.

Roo glanced at Nel with a confused frown. You just saved his life.

“Took my kill!” He cried out again, growing angrier. Roo gestured Nel back. There was no need to get into it with a caster, even a badly wounded one.

“Rood! Took my kill!” He screamed as he chased after the elemental. Roo only backed away further and further until they were almost at the exit.

Kill him. Roo eyed the man from the shadows. You can't just kill people that you don't like, right?

You saved him. Un-save him~

He gripped his swords tightly and, after a moment of hesitation, followed the man out into the chill of the mountain. There was a wyvern nearby; the pair caught a glimpse of it on the way in. He would just need a moment.

Roo looked around but the man was gone. Just gone. He felt Nel brush up against his coat. “Next time, maybe we wait to see if they are a buttface or not?”

“Yeah.” Next time.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Fri Dec 28, 2018 8:08 pm

[Poisoned Words]

Nel and Roo struggled through the dreary landscape of the Endless Battlefield. The ground was soggy and littered with tricky dips making it impossible to find any kind of rhythm. Undead were not their cup of tea so, for the most part, they let the elemental take the brunt of the fighting.

As they crossed the bridge, a dwarf came into view. His armor appeared so polished that it even shone in the misty hills of the Battlefield. He swung a large axe back and forth, swatting down the very undead that the pair found so tiresome.

Roo hurried forward with the elemental to attack a nearby undead, making their presence known to the dwarf.

“Hey there.” Roo lifted his chin in greeting.

“Hey, Knife Ears.” The dwarf shot back. The comment put the boy on his heels. He hates you.

“Wow, Okay. We'll just carry on seein' as how we aint welcome.” He is strong. Hide. Hide.

“Just said, Hello /Knife Ears/.”

The word sat heavy on Roo's chest as he turned the corner of trees to get out of sight. The obscurity of the shadows made his shoulders relax, his breath lessen. Even the wind seemed to go still in the darkness.

I didn't do anything. I was nice. I thought dwarves were allies to the Elves. Dwarves are allies to no one. Greedy, filthy creatures. He hates you.

Roo doubled back to catch up with Nel once the dwarf had run off, axe up high. He glanced down at her, tense. The day was long enough already.

“I wonder if all dwarves are like /that/” She muttered.

“No idea. Gonna have to ask my Dad. This island is crazy.”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sun Dec 30, 2018 5:50 am

[Monsters Among Us]

Roo had binned the request he had made to Caige of Cordor for weapons. It had been two tendays without a response and he really /needed/ them. Soon. He found himself all the way up in Guldorand; Nel said that she saw a good smith there.

That's not to say that there weren't other smiths but he was avoiding dwarves and whenever he visited the elven city, which was often, the company was sparse, at best.

Back! Hide!

Roo came to a sudden halt and ducked behind the nearby tarp. As he peered out, he spotted a group not far ahead. A male and female stood closest to him. The male had lush hair, dimples and spoke in an even tone. The woman by his side looked burdened and her wrists were tied with red cord.

Across from them were two females, both armed. The female with the sword huffed her words at them like an angry, tired dog while the other stood by silent but watchful.

You can see the venom on her lips. Her fire. She wants to burn them. Burn us all.

The longer he watched the venomous woman, the more obvious the shape of her became; her face rounded into a maw with every word in retort. Her eyes widened and bulged.

“It was not an order. More so advice.” The man said.

“/So/?” The serpent snapped back.

It is so typical of those that 'guard'. Banites. Paladins. Shields. They only want to take what you have. Take your freedoms. The words hissed like tendrils in his ear.

The back and forth subsided quickly as the unarmed duo went into the Logjam.

Go. Go now!

With her distraction gone the Monster snapped at the nearest passerby. “You! Name and Business!?”

Roo quickly moved back and around to avoid them. Hopefully the smith is less intense.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Tue Jan 01, 2019 4:22 am

[Spy Spies the Spy]

The Safeday was a roaring good time. Roo climbed the stairs, following Angela up to the bank, with his dart contest winnings snug in his inner coat pocket. He practically beamed; it was the first time since arrival that he had a fun, sociable day. Finally.

The pair mused back and forth about enchantments, prices and luck. The heaviness on his shoulders relaxed a little after the exchange. Now he had /something/. Not everything but -something- and that was great. A great day.

“I had a question. I scried you...” She started. The light around her always seemed to carry a note of impatience and a dash of smugness but that changed under the searing heat of Curiosity. The difference put the boy on his heels.

She is spying on you! She wants what you have. The secret. The truth will set you free. That's a lie they tell children to keep them in line. Lies~ Lie!

Roo smiled through the questions. He shrugged, played it off. It was like boxing with the target always moving. He knew his cue; be the big, dumb guy. Throw a joke in here. Some silly double entendre there. She'll tire. “Right” He uttered, trying to bring the talk to the close. “Thanks for the heads up.”

Get out! Get out!

He tucked his hands into his pockets and found his way outside. The daylight was sickening. It turned everything hot and bright. His stomach churned from it. He wandered around, dazed, searching for reprieve.

Her words rolled around his mind. “Its the strangest thing.” “...kept secret.” Secret!

He suddenly found himself at home. Roo leaned against the wall, watching his father in the kitchen. Unlike all others, there was no light around Giogi's face, no shadows. He was just himself; open and free. The darkness around the boy sunk back to make him known.

“Hey, Dad, can we talk?”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Thu Jan 03, 2019 2:06 pm

[Like Father like Son]

The lobby of the small academy was filled children and their mothers. Each one fussing over their offspring as though the prize of “Best in Show” was on the line.

The Silveroaks, son and father, arrived last. Some might even call it late. Giogi flashed Rupert an encouraging smile. The boy had brushed his hair and they had dressed up as much as they were ever going to dress up, for anything.

“Its going to be fun. I promise.” Giogi whispered to him. Rupert looked out at the sea of Moms that slowly started to notice them. His eyes could pick up their subtle nudges, the mouthing of their quiet words to each other.

“He might be a widower.” One of them muttered as the pair crossed the lobby. Rupert pressed his notebook to his chest, peering up at Giogi and was met with a soft smile.

Giogi halted in front of the doors and knelt down before the boy. “Learn something but also have fun.” He grinned that big grin of his. The boy beamed in return. “Sure, Dad.”

Roo smiled from the edge of the kitchen, watching Giogi making a stack of pancakes. “Hey, Old Man.”

“Morning!” Giogi smiled, as he always does. “These are almost done. Grab a seat.”

The noise of Cordor seemed to dim under the thunder of pancakes and father and son time.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:33 am

[Friends on the Other Side]

Roo's features cringed in disgust as Aelarhar carried on about his role as a priest of the Seladrine.

“So you can't be yourself? You can't have an opinion?” The boy puffed at him.

“I am the voice of the Seladrine. I do not see myself and my duty as separate.”

His skin grew hot with hives and his brain boiled over. Brainwashed, slaves. The lot of them.

Rupert placed his hand against the black double doors of the tower. It brought him stillness. He stepped closer and laid his forehead against it, causing his shoulders to drop. All the busy thoughts from his mind dispelled. There was only quiet. There was nothing. It was like relief after so much pain.

“It took you long enough, boy.” A voice murmured from nearby.

Roo peered over his shoulder. There was no rush in his manner. No need to be so prepared here. It was safe. It was home. His gaze didn't struggle against the foggy, two tone landscape.

The figure leaned casually against a boulder. “Get me a secret.”

Secret. Secret. SECRET. The voice in the darkness muttered all around him. It was clear in this place. Everything was clear to him on the Other Side.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Wed Jan 09, 2019 12:50 am

[Thick as Thieves]

Rupert slouched in the seat with his arms crossed over his chest. He could feel the life being drained from him with every word that Astra said. She droned on and on from up at the podium, looking perfect in purple.

He peered down at the floor to his shadow cast from nearby torches. “Pay Attention, kid.” it murmured to him. He liked this voice; it was unlike the darkness itself. It was reassuring.

“God damn, how hard do you think I'd have to hit my head against the flat of this desk for it to break?” He puffed the words with a lazy mutter. He could feel the disapproval.

He was not alone, though. He could feel the heaviness of the entire room as all the other students were also slowly being driven insane.

Nel rotated the dart in her hand before lobbing it at the board. “Basically, the C is always hard unless its after an I. Easy to remember.”

Roo nodded, taking aim at the board before throwing. “Makes sense.”

The din of the tavern didn't slow the pair down; drinking, playing, gambling and, of course, learning.

Rupert turned his swords in his grip. “Settle down, boy. Its not as bad as you think.” The shadow peered right at him from wall. The Halls of Glorag Mur seemed quieter today.

Behind him, the Akadian and the Fallen Queen droned on about romantic dinners. Every enemy was met with the Queen's very experience sword. It was as if a boulder hit them at extreme speed. Roo's shoulders sank. With every new enemy, he hung back more.

“Find something to think about. It'll be over soon. What about a nice Loviatarian Girlfriend with none of this romancing nonsense?”

Nel slide, going low. Roo lunged, going high. Before the foe even hit the ground, they were on the next one, together. It was like a dance.

He beamed from the carnage. Only their quiet pants could be heard; the rest of the people in the room were too busy decorating the scenery.

“Nice one.” They said in tandem.

The pair sat a midst their booty. Today it was booty, not loot. He had never seen her so happy. Nel counted out the gems with a broad grin.

“Isn't sailing the best?” Her speech had been hurried since they got aboard.

“Yeah, its definitely /the/ best.”

“You wanna be pirates?”

“Sure. I'd have to ask my Dad but there is really no downside. I can't imagine he'd say no....Eh, but they do make you get a tattoo. I'm not big on that.”

“Maybe we can work something out.” She said as scooped the loose gold toward.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:41 am

[Of Tyrants and Outlaws]

A red haze seemed to fill the area as explosives discharge still hung in the air, obscuring the sun. Rupert stepped out from the shadow door onto Sencliff behind Amadeo. The smell of gore and fire in the air was overwhelming. The buildings were destroyed and the fallen littered the ground, scattered like wild flowers.
As the merchants began to return to the island, the pair heard the story from a food seller, Erma. The dwarves, with allies, were responsible. They were spotted on the horizon by the look-out Snitch which allowed the likes of Erma and her son to escape but so many didn't.

The dwarves took relish in their bloodthirst, in their destruction. They burnt the granary; they shot the isles ballistas against the ships that had fled before the assault. The ships that stayed away. Naturally they did all of this while the pirates they actual sought were away. The Cowards.

The boy stayed behind with Amadeo to help put out some fires or deliver medicine but he barely did much of anything. The weight of it all bore down on him. He didn't know what to do with himself.

Roo hurried home. His head was swimming; the sensation made him feel aggressive. In the lobby of the house, he ran into his father. Giogi beamed at him, “Hey, Kiddo.”

“Hey, can we talk?” He muttered in return. The duo moved to the kitchen.

“Sit.” The nearby voice whispered to him. His frame only tensed further prompting him to wade around instead.

The boy started up in earnest “I went with this old guy to Sencliff, the pirate place. I figured I'd look in on it for Nel. Just in case, you know. The entire place was destroyed. The dwarves came in and burnt it to the ground. They killed everyone they could find while most of the pirates they were ACTUALLY after were out.”

He puffed out his breath. The topic seemed to get him riled up quickly. “They blew everything up, Dad. They shot at fleeing ships. They even burnt down the grainhouse. They've got nothin' to eat!”

Giogi frowned. “The dwarves did all that?”

“Yes! And their friends; elves and what not. Now I get they were there to get them back for something but to bring the entire island to settle a debt is a bit steep, you know. Most of all if you don't even get those you're mad at! What even makes them the Good Guys?!”

“Perception” Giogi uttered. His manner growing more reserved as the boy's grew more erratic. “There are many good qualities in dwarves but their severe justice is not one of them.”

“This aint justice! What makes them different from the pirates then?”

“Calm down. You're upsetting him.” The voice muttered. Roo snapped back at it. “I am calm!”

Giogi quieted at the outburst for a short moment. “I never said you weren't, though you aren't.”

The boy's shoulders sank. “So it doesn't matter what you do so long as you don't make MOST people cross with you?”

“It does matter but not in the way that you think. It matters to you and your loved ones but no, sadly it doesn't matter to people as a whole.”

“Then its not fair!”

Giogi shook his head, frowning. “No, its not fair.”

A rare frown settled on Roo's face. “I should find a way to get them back! But I don't know how.”

Giogi stepped up to him now. “I know but be smart. I'm not saying do nothing...” He shrugged. “...I don't want to see you on the other end of dwarven justice. Maybe we can work on it together, alright?”

Rupert slouched, having worn himself out from the outburst. After a murmured agreement, the pair hugged it out. A hug from Dad could make even mass carnage seem like a distant memory.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:08 am

[The Prince of Debauchery]

The Monk stood tense “I do not usually go to parties.”

Rupert leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, waiting for the door to open. The Monk finally stepped out wearing the red party silks over top of his golden suit.

“Really?” Roo quipped.

“What? It is, how you said, to preserve some mystery.”

“Fine, whatever. Just get out here. We can change it up to suit you better.” He waved the Monk to him.

“I've been invited to a party! I can wear the silks you got me.” The Monk said, his voice unusually chipper.

“No, I don't drink” The Golden Monk, nodded to the boy.

Roo smirked at the sight; the Monk slurred his words, leaning against him for support. “I think...Hhe has too many arrows stuck...up hhis butt...”

“Maybe we should go get you some air, eh? Might do you some good.” The boy set his bottle of mead aside, largely untouched by it. At least, visibly.

The pair settled on the floor of the unfurnished room. Truly fit for monks. Without a prompt, the Monk took two bottles of wine from his satchel and slide one across to Roo.

The boy grinned. “Thanks.”

“Oh, I have no interest in a Lover.” The Monk assured with a nod.

Roo took a swig of wine. “You sound like you are into him. Are you?”

The Monk hesitated for a moment. “Between the two of us?”

“I don't see anyone else here.”

“...Physically, yes. But only that!”

A grin crept onto the boy's face. “I knew it!”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Mon Jan 14, 2019 7:54 pm

[Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder]

Roo fussed over his sketch of a Beholder; it had an open maw looking ready to swallow whole the fleeing adventurers.

“I don't like it.” A voice came from the wall behind him.

“Tsch. Its just a doodle. Lay off me, will'ya?”

“Why don't you work on the Benwick one?” A shadowy face pressed out from the wall.

“...We don't have any space for extra canvas in the house and its not like I can show them off to...people.”

“I'm sure we can find people that appreciate it...somewhere.”

“Whatever.” The boy muttered. He fussed over the sketch some more but his mind was on the upcoming darts tournament which made doing any work near impossible.

The pair walked through the dimly lit hallway, eyeing the corners for foes.

“Why are necromancers always so hot?” Nel muttered to him.


“All the ones we've run into and away from have all been gorgeous. What's up with that?”

“No idea.”

“Meh. All the paladins look like ogres that someone beat with a club of hot barbs...” She grumbled as they carried on.

Roo adjusts the sketchbook inside his coat as he waited. Within moments or arrival, through the portal stepped a man with wondrous golden locks that sharply contrasted his dark armor and blood red spear.

“Hey there, Buddy. You the necromancer?” Roo smiled at him with a quirked brow.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Wed Jan 16, 2019 7:16 pm

[Blessed of the Chameleon]

Roo offered the elven women a two finger salute. “Hey there. You folks seen Aelarhar around?”

One woman was in bright colours and no pants. The other had the wondrous form typical of a dedicated archer. “He may be in the House of Reverie or the Temple.” One of them said to him.

“Thanks!” He muttered as he took off to what was essentially the Commons of Myon.

“Aelarhar?” He called out as he entered. Within a few feet into the Commons, the room grew quiet. Things were never quiet for him. There were no voices coming from the darkness. No whispering from the shadows. No looks from nearby corners.

A rare frown came to his lips as he glanced around. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a touch of green upon the table; a dark green ribbon.

He reached out for it but in an instant it vanished followed by the sound of distant laughter. A long silent moment passed before the door to the Commons opened and the sounds came back.

Roo ducked behind the nearby corner as an elf passed, entering one of the rooms. His concern started to melt away, replaced by a swell of giddiness in his chest.


“Hey Dad? I have this crazy idea. Hear me out...”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:13 am

[The Quick and the Dead]

Rupert stood at the corner of Murder and Anxiety, staring at the distant ruins of the old family house.

“You found the secret..” The figure muttered to him, resting a hand on the boy's shoulder.

His shoulders sunk. “You could have just told me.” A shade shambled by the pair.

“I can't know until you know. But you had a feeling. You already knew. There are no friends in this life, Kiddo. Only family. Its important that you learned that now from something...'small' like this than when it really mattered.” The figure squeezed the boy's shoulder to console him.

Roo lowered his head; a rare flicker of sadness crossed his features. “Yeah.” The feeling churned in his chest and wrapped around his heart tight enough to make it all the way up to his throat. “I'll do better...”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sat Jan 19, 2019 2:56 pm

[The Champion]

The tenday prior he had braved the Hells with the Myonians, on a whim. There was no reason /not/ to go. Yet, standing in the Nomad, waiting for the Dart Championship to start seemed like the more harrowing task.

He crossed his arms, sinking into the chair. He eyed the other contestants. Did they love it as much as he did? Did they play as much as he did? He spent half the month in the pit with Nel living darts, to be ready.

Roo glanced at the door, expecting any moment some tall, dark stranger would enter with a row of darts on his belt and several championship pins on his lapel, like his own, ready to challenge him.

The boy had turned into the patron saint of darts while waiting for the Championship; travelling the island and teaching, all that would listen, the beautiful game of darts.

The gnome called for their attention. It was time to play.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Mon Jan 21, 2019 2:47 pm

[Blood and Gore]

The two priests and the priestess approached the group. Rupert could see the light around them twist, showing them for what they really are; bulbous, gluttonous monsters. They were not happy to be left out. They were not happy that all the attention was not always on them. They were not happy that every tantrum was not instantly ratified. They were /hungry/ and now they were here to gobble everything up.

“Hot damn, they like to hear themselves talk.” The boy muttered to the old man to his right.

He could hear them salivating earlier when the trouble had first arose. They were so eager to be able to climb onto their high horse. So eager to be sated.

Rupert stirred in his spot. Their voices were dripping with sanctimonious smugness. His blood boiled.

“Stop it.” The voice came from the pillar behind him. “The room is full of people. You open your mouth now, you are never coming back here. You're an idiot if you think they won't exile you.”

The words only slowed him down. The clergy were unceasing. He could feel it shifting beneath his coat like sand. It tried to make him heavy, to hold him down.

“The guards already have their weapons out. What's your plan here exactly?” The voice had moved to his feet, desperately trying to get the boy's attention.

The priestess seemed to raise her chin as she added “So there will be no crowning until this has been done.”

“Are they serious? Obey us or pike off?” Roo huffed lowly. Hate. He could feel the whispers as the shadow of the pillar was cast upon him.

“Listen here, kid. You won't be helping anyone. Just pipe down.” The voice muttered. Before the boy could open his mouth, he felt a push between his shoulders causing him to rock forward.

There was no time for further anger. The tension in his frame loosened as the dark halo that is Xun'sali took up the space beside him. Her presence alone was mesmerizing. There was something about her. Something perfect.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:02 am

[The Artist]

Rupert unfastened the top few buttons of his leathers. His coat long since cast aside. He carefully brushed his hand over the section of marble he was currently working on. He glanced at a few of his father's leather suit sketches scattered nearby for reference.

It had been tendays upon tendays since Xun'sali talked him into doing this joke. Although she really didn't have to try very hard. It was taking ages. He wanted it to be just right.

A small rustle nearby drew the boy's attention away. His room was a mess of dust, reference sketches, clay miniatures and empty plates. A second rustle caused him to rise.

A sprite bounced out from a pile of sketches with one in hand. Its eyes widened upon seeing Roo still in the room. The moment their eyes met it....stuffed the enter sketch into its mouth.

“Hey!~” the boy protested rushing forward. The sprite dove pack into the pile. By the time the youth reached it, the creature had vanished.

“Aw, man.”

“Everything alright in there?” His father's voice echoed from the other room.

“Yeah.” He called back. “I guess.” Roo added with a quiet mutter.

“Dinner will be ready soon!” Giogi called as he headed down stairs.

Rupert laid down on the floor among the mess. This was turning into a thing.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:17 am


The foyer was dark and well lit at the same time. Rupert approached the black double doors; as he did, the knobs disappeared. He tried to force his weight against the door but it didn't even budge. His eyes briskly swept around the area. A sickly feeling rose in his stomach. He couldn't feel his Other.

In the corner of his eye, he spotted the light of a portal. He hurried toward it but once he was within range, the portal went out like a candle overtaken by a sudden gust of wind. Rupert could feel the feeling of panic churn in his chest, wrapping around his throat.

There was no exit. No way out. No way back.

He lay in bed, drenched in a cold sweat. Roo huffed and puffed his breaths, staring at the ceiling. He could hear his father starting on breakfast downstairs.

The figure lurked near the bookcase watching the boy. “...Its time to wake up, Rupert.”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sun Jan 27, 2019 7:44 am


His long hair draped around his face like a cowl; the roots damp from sweat. Rupert pried off the soggy tunic, tossing it in the nearby corner. He sat for a moment listening to try to guess if his thrashing had woken his father.


The images of blood and gore. Eating. Chewing....chewing – They caused him to shudder and rise.

“Think of chains and whips.” The helpful voice from the shadows whispered to him as he passed by to the window. Roo carefully opened it and took a small, hidden metal case from the frame. He leaned against the edge, flipping the case open to reveal hand-rolled cigarettes.

“Chains and whips.” He muttered in return. The quiet shuffle of Cordor in the dark early morning poured into the room.

Xun'sali leaned in to whisper to the boy. “I won't be here long.”

Rupert shifted his weight. He could hardly keep up with her words. The sunlight was merciless.

“You're not a pure elf.” Kor'valen muttered to her. The heat seared brighter as if it were to take his skin clean off.

“You are a heretic~ You are not worthy.” Vaylani spoke sternly to an elf nearby. Daeran, quick to her defence. The boy hissed out a breath, struggling. He felt as though his bones were splinting under the weight of the sun. Under the weight of them all.

The oppressive feeling sat on his chest threatening to take his breath away. “Chains and whips.” He could hear in the distance but it sounded so terribly far away.

Rupert found his way away from them; as if wading through murky, slimy water. Suddenly he met a tree with force, panting heavily. A few more stumbles and he sunk to the ground at the foot of a tree. The large shadow it cast defended him.

You have no one to call. The whispers tickled his ear from the darkness. What does that say about you? You know what happens if you stay. They are monstrous, child. They are weighed down by those solid gold hearts.

The poor boy leaned heavily against the tree, waiting for night to fall.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Mon Jan 28, 2019 11:58 pm

[A Little Fun]

Rupert leaned in, forcing the Monk back against the table's edge knocking down a glass in the process. The Monk stammered. “I...Uh...R-roo.”

Roo grinned, resting both hands on either side of the table to block any escape. Kill him. The Monk shuffled, nervously.

“Stand down! He will be out the door in a heartbeat. You can't catch a /monk/'. STAND DOWN.” The shadow muttered to the boy,


The Wizard dropped the tome as she stumbled back. Roo matched her every fleeing step until her back met the bookshelf.

“D-do you like to read, Teddy?” She muttered. Rupert set one hand on shelf's edge, leaning closer. Death.

“I'm not big on libraries. I prefer librarians.”

Her face turned several shades of pink, peering up at him with large, nervous eyes.

“Take it down a few notches. There are guards /right outside/.” A mutter came from a nearby corner.


The Priest backed into the door with a quiet huff. Rupert boxed him in, resting his hands against the frame. He pressed his imposing weight forward to close the gap between them. The Priest was silent in speechless confusion.

Yes. End him.

“Do not kill him~” The familiar voice chimed in. “Have your fun but DO /NOT/ kill him.”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:13 pm

[Aim to Misbehave]

Roo winced, tugging the bandage around his waist in a vague attempt to close the gaping wound. The floor was caked in blood. He leaned back against the wall, panting quiet. His frame slouching from weakness.

“You are both idiots.” The familiar voice muttered. “There are some places you shouldn't break into.”

He bite back a groan. “What? No...we've got this.” Rupert's eyes fell to the door as blood started to seep out from under it. “W-we will. In a moment. Just...I just need a moment.”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Mon Feb 04, 2019 2:21 am

[Wrong Doing]

Giogi's features twisted into a rare look of disapproval. “You can't hurt people for fun.”

“Why not?!” The boy shot back. “I do everything else I'm supposed to. Why can't I have this one small thing?”

“It will end in a bad way. Things like this always do.”

Rupert stirred the sweetberry lollipop in his mouth. On the floor beside him was the unconscious, thoroughly bruised priest.

“You couldn't hold it together today, of all days?” the familiar voice whispered to him.

“It wasn't me. He started it.”

“Oh yes, the soft spoken, gentle worry-wart that can't fight bugbears without a summon. That guy? That guy started it? Okay, sure.”

Roo cast a glance at the priest but he hardly stirred.

“You know that there are two guards posted in the lobby?”

“No one will see me leave.”

“They saw you arrive~ You really think the literal dragon lad they have floating around is not going to see you? Really? You're /that/ good?”

Rupert tucked the lollipop into one cheek as he rose. “Yeah, I'm that good.”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Wed Feb 06, 2019 4:38 am

[Burn Him]

They were on a group trip. A typical Daeran trip, the boy thought. Lacking in flavour or fun. They exited the caves and the light was blinding. It set Rupert on his heels.

“Its bright out.” He muttered.

“Its night time...” Daeran shot back.

“Oh yeah?” The sickly feeling in his stomach rose. The group spoke back and forth but their voices slowly droned into one large hum.

Rupert tried to blink the haze away. The blazing glare of moonlight. The feeling rose into his chest, curled around his throat and threatened to make him ill. The colour started to drain from his face.

His movement grew sloppy in the snowy terrain. He fell further behind.

“Home. Home, home.” The familiar voice repeated, trying to get through to the boy. He pressed the back of his hand against his forehead which felt two sizes too big.

“Hrn. I'm out.” He muttered with a laboured breath. The sound of crunching snow grew distant as the group carried on briskly.

Roo drew a lens from his coat and cracked it. He stumbled his way to his street, shielding his eyes from the light with a raised arm. He pushed his way upstairs and promptly collapsed on his bed.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sun Feb 10, 2019 4:59 pm

[Sink or Swim]

Daeran spoke to him in anger. The light around his face twisted into sharp needles, protruding out. His words were only a dull rattle. What was he saying?

You can't stay here. You are not one of them. They have already told you that. You already know.

Roo looked up trying to follow along but was Ithilmor. In a blink it was Lakas then Zalthan then two others whose names he couldn't recall under the blinding light of day. Each time he lost track of them it was someone else and yet they were all the same.

Roo stumbled back as if to get away from them but now he was outside, alone, in the refreshing evening air.

You are not wanted here. There are no friends here. Only enemies. You are their enemy and they wait for you to slip up. They wait to stab you in the heart. They /want/ to. They /long/ for it.

The pain in his chest flared up as if someone was pulling it apart. It seemed to him as though it had been ages since that feeling arose. Or was that just wishful thinking? He tucked his hands in his pockets to feel the emptiness inside. To feel the nothing. To let the feeling overtake him again.

“I don't think you're cut out for this, kid.” the familiar voice called to him; his tone more gentle than usual. “You should go home.”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Tue Feb 12, 2019 6:03 am

[The Bold and the Lustful]

The priest touched his shoulder, apologetic. “I can't encourage this.”

The boy has had this same talk before. So many different version of the same talk. While the words or the delivery may change, the sentiment is always the same: You are dark and concerning and you are not welcome.

But that is not to say always not welcome. At the start, when it is dangerous and exciting, then you are welcome, vile as you are.

Roo nodded along. It was not a surprise to him. He expected it, as he always does. Now the only concern was containment. Of course, they all say, they will keep it to themselves but if history is anything to go by....even as recent history as Xun'sali, that is not true.

They may keep quiet out of camaraderie or shame or guilt but they need only be provoked. If they should see you with another lover then their concern swells. They might tell a friend. They might call a guard. Who knows what they will do. Now, they have been rendered dangerous, threatening.

The priest shambled on through the talk. Pawing at justifications, searching for resolutions. “Have you ever tried to change?”

The boy always hated this part of the talk. It always comes up. Let us fix you. Without being fixed, you will forever be cast into this dark pit that we have ourselves made for you. It might be amusing it it wasn't so predictable.

He didn't need to be pandered to. He already knew the truth; either hide who you are, conform or lose /every/ /single/ /time/. This was not news to him.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: The Boy and His Shadow

Post by Emotionaloverload » Wed Feb 13, 2019 9:31 pm

[A Long Day]

The pair stood in the throne room. The corpses of the fallen were strewn about, their blood seeping down the staircase and random bits of gore littered the scene.

“Well, the throne...” The Monk muttered. The realization struck the boy like lightening.

“Wow...” The familiar voice muttered. It sat heavy on his coat, pawing at him. “You're /that/ guy. Even someone that is allegedly your friend thinks so. We should get you a skull mask to fit this image everyone has. Careful, you might cut yourself on all this perceived Edge.”

Rupert's eyes settled on the Monk, taking a moment of silence to steel himself. There was no need to escalate the situation, to be offended, visibly anyway. The only objective was to shut it down, quickly.


Roo sits beside the recovering Monk. His displeasure could form an aura around him if he let it.

“I didn't mean to cause you distress.” The Monk started. “But...this is a good thing.”


“Yes, it means that you can care about someone something like this? That is a good thing for someone like you.”

Roo could feel the sand grow heavy on his frame, pressing him down. The familiar voiced chimed in. “Oh my god. That's even better than the last one. I didn't know you were such a heartless bastard, kid. Clearly, I'm the only one that doesn't.”

He nodded along. Just let it go.


He stepped up to the Monk. “Go straight there and get some rest.” Roo was making every effort to restrain his concern. “I expect to see that Ultravision wand next tenday or tell me if you need one and I'll get it for you, got it?”

“Yes...'Master'” The Monk muttered, flippantly as he strode out of the room.

The words hit the youth like a harpoon to the chest. His jaw tightened. The sand snaked around his coat.

“ should go home.” The voice said, free of jest now; dripping with sympathy.

Roo rubbed his forehead. “Yeah, I guess.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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