New Combat Stances and Attack Maneuvers

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New Combat Stances and Attack Maneuvers

Post by Apokriphos » Tue Oct 15, 2019 8:00 pm

The idea is thus: Characters may determine if they are in a reckless, cautious, or neutral stance if they are making a melee attack. If they are using ranged or casting a spell, they are assumed to be in neutral stance.

If aggressive, they gain a +2 bonus to attack and a -2 armor penalty. On use, displays the message *character name takes an aggressive stance*
If cautious, they acquire a +2 dodge armor bonus, and a -2 attack penalty. *character name takes a defensive stance*
Neutral is the same as no stance.

Bludgener - using the command -bludg, enforces non lethal damage by a user of this feat on a finishing blow in pvp, keeping an opponent prone and at 1 hp for 5 rounds.

Combat feats:

Charge - You gain 100% increased movement speed and +5 damage for 3 rounds. This feat based action is usable every 3 minutes and inspired by its dnd equivalent.

Req: 13 dex, mobility

Grapple - On a successful touch attach, your target rolls its strength vs your own. On a success, the target becomes grappled for one round, and is unable to move, but it still able to cast spells and attack. User recieves a +4 bonus to grapple roll if unarmed. This feat can be used once per ig minute.

Req: Str 13, power attack, cleave


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Re: New Combat Stances and Attack Maneuvers

Post by Irongron » Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:20 pm

Much as I like these suggestions I'm going to reject, unless a developer decides to revisit them.

The 'stance' options, are a little too similar to expertise, while Charge, Grapple and Bludgeoner I could foresee being used in a way to make them overpowered/ideal for grieving.

Rejected (for now)
