Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Hints and Guidelines, How To's on Registration, Activation, NWN, etc.

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Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by LittleWeasel » Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:06 am

Hello and Welcome to Arelith. We are glad you found your way here.
Here are a few hints, tips and tricks on how to find your way around the NWN Game engine and onto our beloved little Island, nestled somewhere between the currents of the Trackless Sea.

Arelith Direct Connect IP

Use following "IP" address in the Direct Connect Field of your NWN Game: (Cordor Server) (Surface Server) (Underdark Server) (Fix Level Server)

You can see, whether the servers are up, and who is playing these days at our Portal Website

You have just bought NWN Diamond Edition off of GOG (Good Old Games), and cannot log into our Server...

Good Old Games delivers the Game with a Standard Single Player CD Key. In order to connect to Arelith, you will need to get a Multiplayer Key. GoG has set up a support page to request one. Follow their instructions here:

Good Old Games Multiplayer Key Support

I have heard, they have already included the Critical Rebuild, that allows NWN to run on more modern Windows versions. In case this does not work, and you need to re-run the critical rebuild, you can download that one from here:

Critical Rebuild 1.69

Now you have the game, and can login. How do I get Forum Access?

Once you were able to create an account and character in the game, use the console command:

-forum_password PASSWORD where 'PASSWORD' is your desired password for the forums.
Our Server Database is linked to the Forum. You cannot create a forum account without being on the Arelith Server.

Wait, I can't register on the Forums, but I have CD Key issues, can't login for other reasons, or need to appeal a ban, etc. - What do I do?

Send an Email to arelith [dot] dm [at] gmail [dot] com

Are there other forms of OOC Communication?

Yes. We do have a chat room (albeit a fairly quiet one) on IRC.


(or use with mIRC or similar program - #arelith is the room)

I still can't log in, and I constantly find myself crashing. What do I do?

There are several potential solutions, if all of the above has not been the core of the issue.

a) Change your ports. Normally, they only have to be different when more than one member of the household are playing the game, but experience has shown, that even when you are alone, often, changing your gaming port actually helps. How do that?

Check our How to Change my Port Wiki Entry ...

b) make sure, you have Shiny Water in your came engine switched off

c) make sure, you are playing in compatibility mode, if you are using a Windows System 7 or newer. How do do that?
  • Right Click on your NWN-Exe, and go to properties. You will find a tab there, that will tell you to "always run as administrator". You will also find an option there, to run in compatibility mode. Chose Windows XP SP 2 or 3 .. both should work just fine and dandy. Apply the changes. Done.
d) make sure, you have applied the Critical Rebuild for HoTU 1.69 found right Here (as already once mentioned above, but it's so critical, it warrants mentioning twice)
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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by LittleWeasel » Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:48 am

Enable Chat Logging, to keep those precious RolePlay Moments at hand, or if you have to report stuff to the DMs

First thing you need to do to set up logging is to turn the option on in your settings. To do this, find your Neverwinter Nights directory and locate the file
You can open this file in any text editor to edit it (for example in Notepad).

The file looks something like this (with minor variations based on your client settings):

[Game Options]
Single Player ItemLevelRestrictions=0
Single Player Enforce Legal Characters=0
Memory Level=1
Memory Access=2
TooltipDelay uSec=100000
Enable FloatyTextFeedback=1
Hide SecondStoryTiles=1
Difficulty Level=1
[Server Options]
(lots more stuff below that is not really relevent at the moment)

Somewhere in there, between the Game Options and the Server Options, you will want to add this line:

The difference:
ClientEntireChatWindowLogging=1 - This logs EVERYTHING. Combat rolls, server announcements, translations, everything.
ClientChatLogging=1 - This logs ONLY the "left side" of the chat window if they're separated. Translations, combat text, server announcements are NOT logged.
If both are =1, then "ClientEntireChatWindowLogging" takes over.

Once you've added this line, save the file and close it. You are all done here (assume it's done correctly). You will now have to restart your NWN client for the change to take effect. See below to keep your text saved, otherwise there will have always only logs from current/last game session.

I constantly keep forgetting to save the logfile. Can't that happen automatically?

Yes it can:

Simple mode

1. Create a new file called 'NWN.bat' on your desktop.

2. Open the file in notepad, copy the following script and paste it into the file.

2a. If your NWN installation is NOT in c:\neverwinternights\nwn then you will need to update the second line to point at your actual install. If you installed to the default location you don't need to worry about this.

3. Save the file.

Code: Select all

@echo off
set nwndir=C:\neverwinternights\NWN
cd %nwndir%
start /wait %nwndir%\nwmain.exe

for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set year=%%c
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set month=%%a
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set day=%%b
set TODAY=%year%-%month%-%day%

for /f "tokens=1 delims=: " %%h in ('time /T') do set hour=%%h
for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %%m in ('time /T') do set minutes=%%m
for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%a in ('time /T') do set ampm=%%a
set NOW=%hour%-%minutes%-%ampm%

move %nwndir%\logs\nwclientLog1.txt C:\neverwinternights\NWN\logs\log-%TODAY%-%NOW%.txt

4. To play NWN and rotate your logs, just double click the new NWN.bat file.

Advanced mode

To use this script in conjunction with desktop shortcuts to connect directly to an individual server, do the above, then do the following steps.

5. Copy your NWN.bat file so you have three copies on your desktop. Rename them to Arelith-Cordor.bat, Arelith-Surface.bat and Arelith-Underdark.bat. (DMs should create 6 files instead of 3 and label 3 as DM versions).

6. Edit the 4th line of each file (start /wait ...) and add the server-specific connection parameters as described in the wiki. So your 4th line will look like this for Cordor:
start /wait %nwndir%\nwmain.exe +connect

7. DMs only: add +password dmpassword -dmc to the end of each shortcut line to turn it into a DM link. Where 'dmpassword' is replaced by the current password, obviously ;-)

Super-advanced mode

Combine this script with the sample batch file from the wiki to give you a menu asking you which server you want to connect to when you start the file. I'll leave implementing this as an exercise for the reader :-)

... An alternative explanation, and an easy way to copy paste those three (six) .bat files can also be found by going to our forum graveyard Right Here.
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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by LittleWeasel » Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:51 am

How to get around Master Server Time Out Wait Time

To skip this, do the following:

1: Open up C: -> Windows -> System32 -> Drivers -> Etc

2: Open the file hosts in Notepad. Not hosts.msn or anything else.

3: Copy the following "" to the bottom of the file.

That's it. You will still get the "Cannot Connect to Master Server" message, but it will appear instantly since the computer associates it with the ip "".

And more on this topic found right Here
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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by CragOrion » Tue Sep 09, 2014 3:18 pm

Before implementing either of these options, you will need to have run the "Configure" option from the main splash menu at least once since installing.

Enabling Windowed Mode

To be able to toggle between full screen and windowed mode with alt+tab:
1. Navigate to your NWN folder and look for a configuration file named "nwn.ini"

2. Open the file with Notepad and look about halfway down for the line that says:
"[Display Options]"

3. Right under said line, add the new line

Code: Select all

4. Go to the "File" at the top of the Notepad window, and select "save" (do NOT select "save as")

Disabling the Opening Movies

If you installed NWN Diamond Ed. from, some systems will crash if you click anything but "esc" while the movies play after starting NWN. You can disable these cutscenes altogether.

1. Navigate to your NWN folder and look for a configuration file named "nwn.ini"

2. Open the file with Notepad and look about halfway down for the line that says:
"[Display Options]"

3. Right under said line, add the new line

Code: Select all

Disable Intro Movies=1

4. Go to the "File" at the top of the Notepad window, and select "save" (do NOT select "save as")

If you applied both of the additions given above, your file will look like:

Last edited by CragOrion on Sat Aug 08, 2015 6:56 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by farnese » Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:45 am

Another useful bit of information may be how to avoid waiting for Gamespy and Masterserver timeouts.
Open your hosts file (Located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) and edit it with Notepad (Remember to start Notepad with administrator privileges).
You should see something like this:

Code: Select all

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
#          # source server
#              # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
#       localhost
#	::1             localhost
position to a new line at the end of this and add the following lines:

Code: Select all
Save. close the file and enjoy not waiting for timeouts anymore. :D

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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by wriggle » Wed Dec 17, 2014 6:09 am

Code: Select all
since the gamespy master went away.
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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by Tashalar » Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:37 pm


The batch file (the one that gives you the option of which server you want to pick when you start it up) doesn't seem to work on Win 8.1 (I know, I'm sorry) - it gives you a "Windows cannot find '+connect-. Make sure you've typed the name correctly, and then try again." - despite the fact that I just copied and pasted the code below the line "cd %nwndir%".
Any way to help me with that?
Also, the IPs on the Connecting page are out of date!
#2: Archmage Swift's Spellduel Rules
#3: "But I'm An Abjurer, I Can't Conjure!"
#4: This Spellbook Is Fire
#5: Think For Once, Archmage Amana
#6: Cor, What A Stunner
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#9: What Is This, Cordor In The Fifties?

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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by Cihparg » Sun Jun 28, 2015 1:22 pm

Tashalar wrote:Hello!

The batch file (the one that gives you the option of which server you want to pick when you start it up) doesn't seem to work on Win 8.1 (I know, I'm sorry) - it gives you a "Windows cannot find '+connect-. Make sure you've typed the name correctly, and then try again." - despite the fact that I just copied and pasted the code below the line "cd %nwndir%".
Any way to help me with that?
Also, the IPs on the Connecting page are out of date!
The problem with the batches is that they don't use cd /d -- which means they won't change the drive.
Which, in turn, causes issues if your batch file is on desktop, and your nwn on something other than C:\.

And, there's no need to use start /wait -- just erase that completely, batch will wait until the program ends regardless.

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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by Commissar » Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:43 am


Apologies for the gravedig, and thanks so much for the guide. I was just giving Weasel's code to automatically save the log file a whirl, and it works brilliantly - save for one issue. The date the log file is renamed with seems to be missing the day and an am/pm marker, and it's being sorted dd-mm-yy, rather than yy-mm-dd as the code seems to indicate.

For example, one from today reads: "Log--11-2015-15-12-". Don't know if anyone's run into the issue before - the computer uses the Australian date system normally, but I'm nowhere near the level of tech savy to know if that's what's causing the issue. If anyone knows, help'd be appreciated.

Here's the code I'm using:

Code: Select all

@echo off
set nwndir="C:\GOG Games\Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition"
cd %nwndir%
start "" %nwndir%\nwmain.exe +connect

for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set year=%%c
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set month=%%a
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set day=%%b
set TODAY=%year%-%month%-%day%

for /f "tokens=1 delims=: " %%h in ('time /T') do set hour=%%h
for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %%m in ('time /T') do set minutes=%%m
for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%a in ('time /T') do set ampm=%%a
set NOW=%hour%-%minutes%-%ampm%

move %nwndir%\logs\nwclientLog1.txt "C:\GOG Games\Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition\logs\Log-%TODAY%-%NOW%.txt"
Last edited by Commissar on Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by LittleWeasel » Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:17 am

I remember there was some line break ir something in there that messed the dates up but I have no access to my siftware, files, etc. anymore. Let me poke Mith to at one point look at it.

I am super happy though that the guide, written by many players, which I have merely collected here, is still finding a use :)

Oh.. And welcome aboard :)
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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by Commissar » Tue Dec 15, 2015 11:40 pm

Thanks, Weasel. :D

I had a bit of a play around and, as someone with no idea what I'm talking about, I think it was an issue with regional date settings. I'm guessing the original one was written to work with the American format.

Anyway, I've whacked it over the head a few times, and the code below should work regardless of regional settings. It works on mine, at any rate. Haven't had the chance to test it on any other machines yet, but if anyone wants to give it a whirl and let me know how it goes, that'd be great.

Updated Code

Code: Select all

@echo off
set nwndir="C:\GOG Games\Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition"
set drive=%nwndir:~1,1%
if %drive%==C (
	cd %nwndir%
	) ELSE (
	cd /%drive% %nwndir%
start /wait "" %nwndir%\nwmain.exe +connect

for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i in (`wmic os get LocalDateTime /VALUE 2^>NUL`) do if '.%%i.'=='.LocalDateTime.' set ldt=%%j
set ldt=%ldt:~0,4%-%ldt:~4,2%-%ldt:~6,2%_%ldt:~8,2%-%ldt:~10,2%-%ldt:~12,2%

move %nwndir%\logs\nwclientLog1.txt %nwndir%\logs\Log-%ldt%.txt
Thanks to John Wildkins for his help with a fix for installs to other drives.
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Manticore, on Sun Elves wrote:Yeah, I'm pretty sure the racism is like a mating ritual or something. Like plumes on birds.

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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by Dalenger » Sun Jan 31, 2016 6:10 am

LittleWeasel wrote:Enable Chat Logging, to keep those precious RolePlay Moments at hand, or if you have to report stuff to the DMs
Is there a way to clean up the logs to not display 10,000 "Unknown Update sub-message" messages? It'd make it a hell of a lot easier to read.

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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by Cihparg » Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:55 pm

Dalenger wrote:
LittleWeasel wrote:...
Is there a way to clean up the logs to not display 10,000 "Unknown Update sub-message" messages? It'd make it a hell of a lot easier to read.

A formatter existed not long ago.
But since we moved to another server, the files were likely lost.

It's possible the files still exist, but if not, someone can probably mash up something.

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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by Hour » Tue Feb 23, 2016 4:19 am

New critical rebuild update link since yours has expired. ... n-sou-hotu

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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by ninety99nine » Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:20 am

Ive installed nwn:ee from steam but can't seem to connect. I think I'm using the correct address but I keep getting this:

Imagelogin by Todd Klepacz, on Flickr

any ideas??

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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by LittleWeasel » Sat Oct 13, 2018 7:34 am

Try with a different playername, though I doubt it's that.
It's too generic a fail message.

Did that continue to happen, or did you eventually "get in"?
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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by Tikin » Sun Oct 11, 2020 10:29 pm

Hey there

This possibility to save chat logs would be very useful to me ... Alas, at the moment it doesn't really works. I have a problem at the first step, I changed the code to enable saving of client log chat, and when I open the file "nwclientlog1.txt", it says only this every time :

nwsync: reconfigured successfully
GOG: Error: GalaxyRuntimeError, Failed to get current game language
Game is using local port: *****
Your cryptographic public identity is: ******************************
*** ValidateGFFResource sent by user.
GOG: Authentication failed: 1
Unknown Update sub-message
Unknown Update sub-message

I chose to put *** when informations looked like personal.

I also get an empty file named "nwclientError1.txt"

Both files are dated from the last game session, but wouldn't be really useful as you can imagine ...

If anyone has ideas to help me fix this, I would appreciate it very much.
Thanks in advance :-)

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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by Drowble Oh Seven » Tue Oct 13, 2020 9:52 am

That's interesting. Off the top of my head, could be a couple of things.

First up, here's my log section, from settings.tml (located in Documents\Neverwinter Nights if you're on the default install path) - Just confirm yours looks something like this, since I know that this generates a workable log:

Code: Select all

        (Several, unimportant subsections omitted.)
				enabled = true
				enabled = false
				enabled = false
			enabled = false
				enabled = false
You're connecting, by the look of it, and a log is being made. It's just not actually recording anything.

I'll also shamelessly take this chance to plug notSigma's log rotator, which'll save you having to manually pull the log out every time you exit. Since you're not using a steam install, you could probably just use it out of the box and point it straight at your NWN.exe. It won't solve the problem of your log not recording, but once that's figured it's handy!

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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by Tikin » Tue Oct 13, 2020 9:49 pm

A little difference in mine :

enabled = false
enabled = false
enabled = false
enabled = false
enabled = false

I don't know exactly what a steam install means exactly, but I bought the game via steam, and my game launcher is in steam folder ...

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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by Tikin » Tue Oct 13, 2020 9:57 pm

Ok, I have fixed the file so that it looks like yours, now it works, that's grand! Thanks a lot ;-)

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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by Drowble Oh Seven » Tue Oct 13, 2020 11:59 pm

Welcome! Glad it works!

I'd just assumed a GoG-bought copy for you, based on the log. It doesn't change anything except precisely how you'd set up a log rotator, if you were ever keen to do that.

Just as a tangent, if you were curious, your problem was chiefly with:

Code: Select all

enabled = false
Which ought to've been set to true, to have the game actually log.

It's possible you went off the earlier instructions in this thread, which used to be fine, but since Enhanced Edition a lot of settings that used to live in nwnplayer.ini got moved to settings.tml. Sometimes they're still duplicated in the old files (for, I assume, compatibility reasons); but if you want to actually change them, settings.tml is usually the place to go.

... We should probably update the OP, at some point.

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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by Wethrinea » Sat Nov 07, 2020 5:28 pm

Seems like Beamdog servers are down, or at least I can't connect through the nromal means. How do you direct connect to Arelith today? I tried the adresses in the top post, but go the message that my password could not be veriefied. There are passwords?
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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by Tikin » Mon Apr 24, 2023 12:26 pm

LittleWeasel wrote:
Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:06 am (Cordor Server) (Surface Server) (Underdark Server) (Fix Level Server)

Hi there !

Seems like this is outdated ... When I log directly to 5123 it is surface, not Cordor ;-)

Has anyone the ability to edit original post to keep infos up to date plz?

Thanks in advance! :heart:

Edit: Did not realize the new portal page had the direct connect infos included lol ... I guess my request isn't exactly urgent :D

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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by MissEvelyn » Mon Apr 24, 2023 6:05 pm

Tikin wrote:
Mon Apr 24, 2023 12:26 pm
LittleWeasel wrote:
Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:06 am (Cordor Server) (Surface Server) (Underdark Server) (Fix Level Server)

Hi there !

Seems like this is outdated ... When I log directly to 5123 it is surface, not Cordor ;-)

Has anyone the ability to edit original post to keep infos up to date plz?

Thanks in advance! :heart: (Distant Shores Server) (Cordor/Planes Server) (Surface Server) (Underdark Server) (Guldorand Server)


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Re: Connecting Information for New & Old Players

Post by Tikin » Wed Apr 26, 2023 10:10 pm


Can't help but admire that you even made it your signature :D


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