Arelith Updates!

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by ActionReplay » Fri Jun 25, 2021 1:15 am

Next reset:

- There's now a [Settings] option for the -ship command with an option to toggle certain, low-risk, prompts on / off for various Ship notifications. More Settings may come in the future and these are saved across resets.

- Updated Sea Storms to last longer (6 IG hours when they spawn) and moves across a path on the grid, rather than randomly as previously. If a Ship is caught in a Storm quadrant lightning will spawn around the ship with a chance to strike the ship itself, causing damage to it and any nearby PCs.

Storms are still WIP and may be tweaked further.

- Added some more prompts and feedback messages and fixed a couple of bugs

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:32 pm

From Kalopsia

Forest Gnomes:
- Base height lowered to 80%. This change will affect all Forest Gnomes retroactively.

- Disabled collisions and fixed the hitbox issues

- Lowered base speed to that of other player races

- The active ability no longer stacks with itself or affects fear-immune targets
- The target's Concentration checks are now visible in the combat log, but only for the target itself
- Additionally, the ability now has a visual for targets that were successfully intimidated

- A target can only be affected by one Hex at a time, even when attacked by multiple Hexblades.

- Weave AC is disabled for all characters with Monk levels regardless of their equipped weapon.

ESF: Enchantment:
- Double Dominate is now working as originally intended.

(Requires Normal Award)

- Stats: CON+2
(DEX-2, CON+4 compared to default elf)
- ECL: +1
- Feats:
Weapon Focus: Polearm
Weapon Proficiency (Aquatic Elf): Spear, Trident & Bows
All default elf feats except their weapon proficiency and low-light vision
- Skills: Spot +2 (in addition to the default elf bonuses)
- Special:
> Immunity to drown spells and effects
> Bonuses to swimming-related activities
> Able to pass through underwater areas without assistance
> Needs to drink more water to survive on dry land
Aquatic Elves are innately familiar with the Water Elemental stream and Sea Shanties bard song

(Requires Major Award)

- Stats: DEX+2, CON-2, WIS+2
(WIS+2 compared to default elf)
- ECL: +1
- Feats:
Weapon Finesse
All default elf feats
- Skills: +2 Listen and Spot (in addition to the default elf bonuses)
- Special:
Winged: Increased success chance for Climbing and other mobility checks
Hollow Bones: 10% Bludgeoning Vulnerability
Avariel are innately familiar with the Air Elemental stream and, due to their tragic history, the Ballad of the Dragonslayer.

- Selecting an elven subrace will now adjust hair/skin color to match their typical appearance in lore. These colors are merely suggestions, players can still customize their characters using prismatic mirrors in the Arelith Entry area. This change will not affect existing characters.

From Bat Country
- Shop item limit increased from 20 to 30.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Sat Jun 26, 2021 10:03 pm

From Myself.

Greyport Update

Major update to the Andunor District of Greyport.Details can be found on our News Feed.

- All existing Interiors Updated.

- New Guildhouse

- 4 New Houses

- 8 New Shops

- Player Temple

- Major Visual Overhaul

7 New UD Henchmen (Several with excellent descriptions, once again, from the pen of Kuma)

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia » Mon Jun 28, 2021 12:18 am

From Kenji (code/hak), Red Ropes (lore/text), DM Starfish (art), Kalopsia (art), Zanithar (wiki), et al. (2021)
Cleric Domain Overhaul: Domain Spells

General Spell List update:
Cleric: Cat's Grace (2), Haste (5), Enervation (5), Lesser Planar Binding (5), Planar Binding (7), Greater Planar Binding (8)
Favored Soul: Deafening Clang (2), Death Armor (3), and War Cry (6)

7 new domains (up to 26 domains total):
Acid, Cold, Darkness, Forge, Moon, Storm, Undeath

For a better view of the full spell changes, please visit:

Domain Spell List:

Acid: Melf's Acid Arrow (2), Mestil's Acid Breath (4), Acid Fog (7), Mestil's Acid Sheath (8)

Air: Deafening Clang (1), Gust of Wind (2), Stinking Cloud (3), Wounding Whisper (4), Energy Buffer (5), Great Thunderclap (7), Lightning Shield (8)

Animal: Camouflage (1), One With the Land (2), Hold Animal (3), True Seeing (4), Quillfire (5), Polymorph Self (6), Aura of Vitality (7)

Cold: Ice Dagger (1), Wall of Ice (4), Frost Shield (5), Cone of Cold (6), Ice Storm (7), Freeze (8), Burst of Glacial Wrath (9)

Darkness: Darkness (1), Blindness/Deafness (2), Death Armor (3), Shadow Conjuration (4), Darkbolt (6), Greater Shadow Evocation (7), Mass Blindness / Deafness (8), Shadow Plague (9)

Death: Death Armor (2), Finger of Agony (4), Undeath to Death (5), Circle of Death (6), Finger of Death (7), Undeath's Eternal Foe (8), Wail of Banshee (9)

Destruction: Deafening Clang (1), Sound Lance (3), Crumble (4), Wounding Whisper (5), Destruction (6), Disintegrate (7)

Earth: Spike Growth (3), Stoneskin (4), Stonehold (5), G. Stoneskin (6), Earthquake (7), Bombard (8)

Evil: Circle against Alignment (2), Crushing Despair (3), Lesser Planar Binding (4), Planar Binding (5), Blasphemy (6), Aura vs Alignment (7), Gate (8)

Fire: Scorching Ray (2), Flame Lash (3), Wall of Fire (4), Fire Shield (5), Flame Arrow (6), Firebrand (7), Inferno (8), Meteor Swarm (9)

Forge: Deafening Clang (1), Shelgarn's Persistent Blade (2), Flame Lash (3), Stoneskin (4), Fire Shield (5), Mordenkainen's Sword (6), Great Thunderclap (7), Inferno (8), Black Blade of Disaster (9)

Good: Circle against Alignment (2), Good Hope (3), Lesser Planar Binding (4), Planar Binding (5), Word of Faith (6), Aura vs Alignment (7), Gate (8)

Healing: Healing Circle (3), Monsterous Regen (4), Heal (5), Regenerate (6), Mass Heal (7)

Knowledge: Identify (1), Clairaudience / Clairvoyance (3), True Seeing (4), Feeblemind (6), Power Word: Stun (7), Premonition (8), Power Word: Kill (9)

Magic: Mage Armor (1), Magic Missle (2), Lesser Spell Breach (4), ILMS (5), Lesser Mind Blank (6), Lesser Spell Mantle (7)

Moon: Bless Weapon (1), Ghostly Visage (2), Displacement (4), Confusion (5), Lesser Mind Blank (6), Ethereal Visage (7), Premonition (8)

Plant: Entangle (1), One With the Land (2), Barkskin (3), Monsterous Regen (4), Vine Mine (5), Regenerate (6), Creeping Doom (7), Nature's Balance (8)

Protection: Shield (2), Minor Globe of Invulnerability (3), Energy Buffer (4), Lesser Mind Blank (5), Globe of Invulnerability (6), G. Stoneskin (7), Lesser Spell Mantle (8)

Storm: Gedlee's Electric Loop (2), Call Lightning (3), Lightning Bolt (4), Ball Lightning (5), Chain Lightning (6), Lightning Shield (7), Storm of Vengeance (8)

Strength: Bulls Strength (1), Balagarn's Iron Horn (2), Divine Power (3), Bigby's Interposing (6), Bigby's Forceful Hand (7), Bigby's Grasping Hand (8)

Sun: Bless Weapon (1), Searing Light (2), Good Hope (3), Undeath to Death (4), Fire Shield (6), Sunbeam (7), Sunburst (8)

Travel: Expeditious Retreat (1), Slow (2), Freedom of Movement (3), Haste (4), Maze (9)

Trickery: Camouflage (1), Invisibility (2), Invisibility Sphere (3), Displacement (4), Improved Invisibility (5), Confusion (6)

Undeath: Negative Energy Ray (1), Death Armor (2), Negative Energy Burst (3), Infestation of Maggots (4), Create Undead (5), Create Greater Undead (7)

War: Deafening Clang (1), Divine Power (3), Blade Barrier (5), War Cry (6), Aura of Vitality (7)

Water: Grease (1), Poison (3), Energy Buffer (4), Frost Shield (5), Drown (6), Horrid Wilting (8)

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Tue Jun 29, 2021 9:24 pm

From Kalopsia

- Weapon Finesse removed
- ECL lowered to 0, allowing Avariel to take two major gifts
- Avariel are immune against the Earthquake spell
- Now only available to non-lawful characters

From Kenji

- Upon selecting a deity, if you are a cleric with the Deity's banned domains, your domains that are banned by your chosen deity will be randomly assigned a different domain that isn't banned by your chosen deity. You will also need to request the DMs for a domain change token if you wish to swap out the randomly assigned domains.
- Domain Change dialogue now shows how many tokens you have left
- More tokens are offered after reset, if you still do not get the tokens, you can request for a domain change token from the DMs.
- Bless Weapon fixed and stacking logic changed (Sun and Moon Domains' vs Undead won't stack with each other. Paladin and Item's Bless Weapon will continue to stack with Sun or Moon domain's vs Undead damage)
- Fixed WoF spell and description for Good Domain

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:05 pm

From Myself

- Various minor fixes around Greyport
- Small Expansion to Greyport Port Authority

From Msheeler

Guldorand Fixes

-Removed watchhouse deed from statebuilding
-Moved deposit fixtures in deepwells so they are now accessible
-Moved bartops in The Eagle for better accessibility
-Fix climb spot desitinations and origins to match in deepwells areas
-Fixed hidden weapon rack in deepwell area
Fixed exit door in weirdwood so it is no longer destroyable

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by ActionReplay » Sun Jul 04, 2021 9:18 pm

Next reset:

- Added an option to Assess Ports with the Spyglass item if a ship is docked to it (The option will only be available if docked). This allows players to scout (With a check) the port area for any activity such as other players and ships.

- Updated old Craft Trap feats (That got replaced by Sailing) with a new Description for Sailing. Updated Sail skill with some description to it.

- A potential fix for cross-area shouts between ships if they are located at the same quadrant

- Some minor fixes:
[Spyglass] option on the navigator just copy changed to [Vicinity]
The Spyglass item reveals a target ship's class as well now on a successful roll
Failing to spot a vessel in the vicinity will not be revealed to prevent meta information about nearby ships

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:26 am

From Myself

- Extensive dungeon additions to the Underdark, the first two of a dozen planned additions. Details on the News Feed

- The Spell 'Knock' will no longer open containers or doors with a DC above 40 (This currently still allows it to open all existing loot chests)

From ActionReplay
- Rentable Ships can be returned to Port from their Quarter Sign if the following conditions are met:
1) The player is the current owner of that ship
2) Or the owner is offline and no other players are currently on board of that vessel.

Returning a rentable ship to Port is instant and will reset it as abandoned.

- Rentable Ships have their duration lowered from 24 hours to 10-16 hours (Depending on the ship), this due to the recent time change.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Sat Jul 10, 2021 5:45 pm

(From next reset)

- Added an 'Elixir of Warding' to Herbalism/Horticulture crafting. This is a mundane item (Thus works in no magic areas) and has a higher casting level (10) than the normal 'Potion of Warding'.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by ActionReplay » Sat Jul 10, 2021 9:46 pm

Next Reset:

From Myself
- Added 5 New Quests for Sencliff

- Hidden Pirate Treasures!
You can find Map Pieces in loot now. Combining enough of them will form a Map one can use to find a hidden pirate treasure with the Ship System. These treasures are unique and behave a bit differently from your regular ones.

This can be a process but the return should be plenty for those who wish to invest in this mini-game. Find out the rest in game! This also includes a number of new unique items that can spawn with these Pirate Treasures.

- Various bug fixes for Ship Mechanics

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Sun Jul 11, 2021 12:18 am

(A couple of other updates went live today, so please read up!)

From Myself

My drive to add fresh dungeon to the Underdark continues, with a third addition, and accompanying writ (Levels 14-22) The Galeb-duhr of the Stone Orchard.


- Update to the Petrified Forest
- 2 Large New Areas
- Addition of 5 new creatures to the Underdark
- 1 New writ.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Sun Jul 11, 2021 12:53 pm

Two major updates incoming, but before we get to that, let me quickly announce more Underdark work....

The Focal Stones (Formally the Crystal Cave), has been converted to a fully fledged dungeon (4th this week).

- 1 New and 1 reworked area.
- The Addition of a Living Spell dungeon to the Underdark.
- 2 new writs - both for the new dungeon, and the Glacial Stream in the Flood Plains

Keep an eye on the update notifications, we're not done for the day...


From Danger Dolphin

- Planar Conduit now benefits from Epic Caster Bonus ( )
- Conjuration Specialist Wizards with Epic Spell Focus: Conjuration now have their Planar Conduit summons hasted

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Sun Jul 11, 2021 2:32 pm

From Kenji (Code, Hak), Sweet Potato (Model, Hak), Merry (Item), Kalopsia (Code), et al. (2021)

Summer Weapon Update (Also detailed on our News Feed

- New Weapons
Katar (2d2 19-20/x2, Slashing and Piercing , Tiny, Exotic or Assassin) - Unarmed or 1H Edged
Macuahuitl (2d4 x3, Slashing, Medium, Exotic or Primitive) - 1H Concussion or 1H Edged
Dire_Macuahuitl (2d6 x3, Slashing, Large, Exotic or Primitive) - 1H Concussion or 2Handed;
New crafts announcement to follow with developer commentary

- "Primitive Weapon Proficiency"
Allows Forest Gnome, Ghostwise Halfling, Gobling, Troglodyte, Wild Elf, and Wild Dwarf to wield the following weapons:
Club, Dart, Dire Macuahuitl, Great Club, Macuahuitl, Short Bow, Sling, and Spear
Note: All of the aforementioned races will retroactively gain Primitive Weapon Proficiency except Wild Elf. Old Wild Elves are grandfathered with Elven Weapon Proficiency. New Wild Elves will gain Primitive Weapon Proficiency instead of Elven Weapon Proficiency, not both.

- "Assassin Weapon Proficiency"
Allows Assassins to wield Katars, Sai, and Kamas without penalty. They also scale with Hidden Danger.

- "UBAB Removal"
All UBAB weapons except Kamas no longer scale with UBAB APR. Their stats are also improved and noted in the overall weapon changes below.
Note: Kama remains a UBAB weapon due to it being hardcoded, but we have put in future Beamdog update changes that will decouple Kama from monk UBAB as Soon™ as NWN:EE is updated to a newer version. Build into Kama Monk at your own risk.

- "Weapon Stat Update"
Sickle (changed from 1d6 x2 to 1d4 x3)
Light Hammer (changed from 1d4 x3 to 1d6 x3)
Morningstar (changed from 1d8 x2 to 1d8 x3)
Light Mace (changed from Small to Tiny)
Heavy Flail (changed from 3d6 x2 to 1d12 19-20/x2) - counted as both 1H Concussion and 2Handed Weapon Groups
Maul (no stat change) - counted as both 1H Concussion and 2Handed Weapon Groups
Whip (changed from x2 to 19-20/x2) - now a Rogue Weapon, Drow continues to be proficient with Whip
Twobladed Sword (changed from 1d8 19-20/x2 to 1d6 18-20/x2) - counted as both 2Handed and Polearm Weapon Groups
Double Axe (changed from 1d8 x3 to 3d4 x3) - counted as both 2Handed and Polearm Weapon Groups
Dire Mace (changed from 1d8 x3 to 1d12 x3) - counted as both 2Handed and Polearm Weapon Groups
Quarterstaff (changed from 1d6 x2 to 1d6 19-20/x2)
Naginata (changed from 1d10 x2 to 1d10 19-20/x2)
Sai (changed from 1d4 x2 to 1d4 19-20/x2) - now an Assassin Weapon, monk continues to be proficient with Sai
Kama (NOT LIVE BUT PLANNED AFTER UBAB DECOUPLED: changed from 1d6 x2 to 1d6 19-20/x2) - now an Assassin Weapon, monk continues to be proficient with Kama

(Please note, new recipes will not be available to craft until a secondary update)

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Sun Jul 11, 2021 5:19 pm

Without further ado...

(From Next Reset)

From Artenides

Players are now able to use the -familiar console command ONCE ON EVERY LEVEL to change the look(skin) of their familiar.
New skin options: Attack Hound, Cat, Chicken, Dog, Falcon, Jaguar, Krenshar, Mouse, Parrot, Snake, Spider, Tiny Myconid, Tiny Slime, Toad, Worg

Depending on the selected default familiar, different skin options are available:

BAT: Cat, Parrot, Mouse
PANTHER: Dog, Krenshar, Jaguar
EYEBALL: Cat, Falcon, Toad
FAIRY_DRAGON: Chicken, Falcon, Parrot
FIREMEPHIT: Snake, Spider
HELLHOUND: Dog, Worg, Attack Hound
ICEMEPHIT: Snake, Mouse, Toad
IMP: Toad, Spider
PIXIE: Tiny Myconid, Tiny Slime, Mouse
PSEUDO_DRAGON: Chicken, Spider, Tiny Slime
RAVEN: Cat, Falcon, Parrot, Tiny Myconid

Changing the skin of the familiar doesn't have any impact on their abilities.

Irongron Note - This is the first stage, the actual stats of the base familiars (and thus also their alternatives) will be adjusted in due course)

From Msheeler

- A new ferry serving Westcliff has been added to the docks

From Mythic/Merry

- The small farm outside the walls of the Earthkin Village can now be purchased
- Addition of 2 new shops.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia » Mon Jul 12, 2021 11:29 pm

From myself
- New low-level dungeon, the Wormworks, added to Andunor Slum Caverns. Intended level ranges 3-7. As always, please be gracious to lowbies, and don't play tourist on higher-level PCs! (No writ yet, but one will be added in near future.)
- Enchanting basin added to Dis (Mamonàr & Plutus Investments).
- Pickpocket NPC reactions cleaned up and wariness calculations adjusted. This system May receive more (silent) updates until we reach a point where it feels best gameplay-wise.
Last edited by Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia on Tue Jul 13, 2021 5:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia » Tue Jul 13, 2021 1:19 am

From Artenides
- Familiar skin will reset to default if the previously selected skin is not applicable to the new familiar
- The dark powers grant their blessings, allowing Hexblades to summon a greater variety of familiars (they can use the -familiar command once they obtain a familiar)

From Kenji:
10th Level Weapon Master gains Epic Prowess and Bonus Feat

- Bonus Feat at 10th Level WM:
WMs can now take fighter bonus feats for their bonus feats intended for Weapon of Choice at first and 10th level. This includes Epic Weapon Specialization but not Weapon Specialization.
* Reason for this is if we were to limit bonus feat to take anything other than Weapon of Choice feats, the WM can't take any of those feats upon taking 1st WM level at a generic feat level (such as 9, 12, 15, and etc.) due to engine limitations.
* Players are still highly suggested to take Weapon of Choice at first WM level.

- Epic Prowess at 10th Level WM:
WMs get Epic Prowess for free at level 10 instead of a scripted AB Bonus
* Players are advised not to take Epic Prowess if they plan to do 10+ levels of WM. If we put in automatic gain of epic prowess at lvl10 via .2da, this means WM levels before 10 can't take Epic Prowess if one took WM levels during one of the generic epic feat levels (at 21, 24, 27, or 30). This will affect WMs who aren't going to invest 10 levels in WM but are taking WM levels in the epics.
* It was originally intended to do scripted +1 AB as the fix, but after some internal discussion, it'd be too much of an AB creep that giving epic prowess seemed like the clean and better middle ground solution.

From myself
- When a problem comes along
- You must whip it
- Before the cream sits out too long
- You must whip it
- When something's going wrong
- You must whip it
- Now whip it
- Into shape
- Shape it up
- Get straight
- Go forward
- Move ahead
- Try to detect it
- It's not too late
- To whip it
- Whip it good
- New whip models added for customization (w/ new anims).
- Slave freedom purchase price increased from 500k to 2000k.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by ActionReplay » Wed Jul 14, 2021 7:03 pm

Next reset,

From Myself:

- Ship Exposure Added
When a Ship fires a weapon against another Ship they will be exposed and their Hide checks take a -10 for each Exposure Level. Currently firing a weapon will set Exposure to 2. Exposure is reduced by 1 for Each Tick (1 minute).
Numbers may be tweaked as we go and Exposure may be added to more things in the future.

- Ship Hide
Calculations for Ship Hide has been updated slightly, if a Ship is in the same quadrant as another ship they receive -10 on their Hide check when being searched within the Vicinity. Staying a quadrant away keeps it unchanged.

- Ship Damage Reduction
Added DR for all Vessels that varies depending on the ship. It works much as regular DR in NWN. A Ship will have an amount of damage it can absorb and a soak value, e.g 5/+3. This means any Projectiles under +3 will have at least 5 points of their damage reduced and in some cases of weaker projectiles and weapons completly absorb the damage entirely.

However, a projectile's bonus is increased by +1 if used in the same quadrant as the ship they are attacking. Making a +3 Projectile a +4 for the sake of penetrating a Ship's DR. So moving closer to another vessel with high DR will pay off.

This also means some weaker weapons with weaker projectiles will be useless at a larger distance while stronger weapons may be more useful, though moving closer in to a target ship it may be ideal to switch to another weapon loadout as the projectiles will be stronger and can breach the DR.

DR can be viewed under -ship stats. These value may be tweaked in the near future as we see how it pans out.

- Added a New Rental Ship for the Underdark, the Constant Companion.

- Updated copy for Coal Powered Ships (Dreadnought) to say engines rather than sails (Contact me if you still see this popping up).

- Underdark Ships are protected by a magical darkness and requires an additional roll, at higher DC, with the Spyglass Item to reveal Crew and Weapon Loadouts on them.

- Firing a Ship Weapon now uses the Ship's Sail Skill Average rather than the individual's Sail rank using the weapon.

- Some Ships no longer have a Navigator or Boatswain NPC, instead use the placeable objects. It behaves just the same.

- The Grappling Chain receives a large buff to HP.

- A lot of copy changes across the system

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Thu Jul 15, 2021 4:39 pm

From Spyre:

PGCC Update (V1.0)

- Updated all stores on the PGCC with latest craftable items / weapons / armors found on the Wiki
- New weapons added to the PGCC
- Craftables have been redone to mirror current server icons and base items.
- Essences, Assembly Templates, Runes all added.

Note: Loot Matrix drops (Blade of Elements, etc) not present in stores (these require palette entries and often loot matrix items do not have those made and are just brought in via a DM avatar and deposited in the chests that handle these drops)

PGCC Roadmap:

V1.1: Updated character set-up lobby (ETA: End of July / Early August)
- Remove Character Setup NPC / Equipment NPC -> Conversion to PGCC only -command to prevent breaking of NPC and locking players out.
- Redone area layout (cleaned up space for crafting / enchanting, add more dummies for DPS / APR checks, clean up of other NPCs).

V1.2: Updated shops with loot matrix items (ETA: September)
- Determine drops that are used in character building and create the necessary UTI files and add to shops
- Remove redundant items from shops that PGCC really does not need (likely a lot of crafting materials).

V1.3: Arelith Creatures (ETA: October)
- Add in Arelith encounters / bosses for combat testing.

V1.4: Remove Areas / Purge Vault (ETA: November)
- Remove any unnecessary / irrelevant areas to the PGCC for Arelith.
- Develop automated purging of vaults every 3 months.

V1.5: Develop new arena (ETA: December / January 2022)
- Develop new arena types (single combat, group combat, large-scale) as private and public hubs for players.
- Develop casual game modes (King of the Hill, Capture the Flag, etc).

V1.6 - V1.9: Bug Testing / Elimination of Unnecessary Content (ETA: 2022)
- Eliminate any outstanding bugs for casual game modes, etc.
- Update any outstanding items
- Prepare for 2.0

V2.0: New Beginnings (ETA: 2022)
- Full release of updated PGCC with all expected content.
- New name maybe?

Discord: @malkalz
Determine your Public CD Key here
Can't see your vault? Have you migrated your accounts? If you have tried, and still can't see them, message me.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by ActionReplay » Sat Jul 17, 2021 5:51 pm

From Kenji, Merry, and Red Ropes
Unique Weapons:
-| Stormchaser
+| A thunderous spear, blessed by Talos and wielded by the chasers of His holy storms.
+| When it thrusts, the air sizzles and a blast of devestating lightning rips forth asunder.

Attack Bonus +4
Damage Bonus: 1d6 Electrical
Damage Bonus: 1d6 Sonic
Damage Bonus vs Lawful: 1d4 Divine
Damage Bonus vs Good: 1 magic
Runic (Arcane script)
Cast Spell: Lightning Bolt (10) (3 uses/day)
Usable by: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Evil
UMD 30
Lvl 21

-| Katar of Verdant Growth
+| Though a weapon of war and subterfuge, this particular dull-looking punch dagger irradiates an easing glow.
+| Favored by the Goddess of agriculture, rivers, and fertility, the followers of Isis and farmers of Mulhorand utilize this blade to battle the larger pests in protection of their crops.

Enhancement +3
Enhancement vs Vermin: +6
Damage Bonus vs Evil: 2 Magical
Damage Bonus vs Vermin: 2d12 Sonic
Damage Bonus vs Aberration: 2d8 Divine
Wisdom +1
Runic (Celestial script)
Usable by: Good
UMD 30
Lvl 21

-| Eldarbat Nihayah (Final Blow)
+| This style of weapon has been taken up by the assassin orders of Calimshan since the days of Djinn Rule and in the far off lands of Zakhara, used by the Holy Slayer orders there.
+| Eldarbat Nihayah, meaning The Final Blow in Alzhedo, are enchanted by mages or priests of murderous powers to give their wielders the strength to put an end to their enemies in a singular, precise strike.
+| One can find such weapons all over the south and east of the continent of Faerûn and as far north as Amn where the borders of the once mighty Shoon Imperium ruled. There the Church of Cyric and their favored assassins in the Shadow Thieves still make use of this southern weapon.

Enhancement +4
Runic (Arcane script)
2d4 Massive Crit
Usable by: Assassin
UMD 30
Lvl 21

-| Yeenoghu's Hunger
+| The Forging process of these flails is known only to the beastial gnolls. Blessed (Or cursed in some circles) under the terrible gaze of Yeenoghu.
+| Each flail serves as a horrific way to feed the beastial gods endless hunger. The shards and jagged spikes ripping and rending flesh of those it hits, only to be devoured in the acidid slimy substance that drips eternally from it's weighted head.
Heavy Flail

Enhancement bonus +4
1d8 Acid dmg
1d4 piercing dmg vs Lawful
Runic (Infernal script)
Extra Melee Dmg Type: Slashing
On Hit disease : Slimy Doom DC 22
Usable by: Evil Gnoll
UMD 30
Lvl 21

- "Black Hand of Bane (Replica)"
+| These flails are made by the priesthood of the Dark Lord in emulation of certain poetic passages within the scripture of the Banefaith.
+| Wrought from Black Iron and coated in the blood of Cyricists, Paladins, or Unicorns these (un)holy weapons are chanted over for five days in malevolent tongues and are infested with the fiendish touch of various servants of the Lord of Tyranny.
+| Sometimes these weapons end up as trophies for those who end up cowing Bane's priesthood or are smuggled into areas of conflict by the Zhentarim in attempts to spread His evil influence.

Enhancement +3
Enhancement +4 vs Good or Chaotic
1d8 Negative dmg
1d4 Divine vs Chaotic
1 magic vs Good
Runic (Infernal script)
Usable by Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral
UMD 30
Lvl 21

From ActionReplay:

- Added a Toggleable option to the Navigator / Ship's Wheel under "Abilities" that lets a ship allow or deny boarding. By default this is on Deny. If a ship Allows boarding this will let another ship Grapple it without having to roll for it.

- Fixing a broken quest for Sencliff

- Fixing the Dreadnought copy to mention engine vs sails

- Rentable ships will automagically return to Port when purchased.

- The "Return Ship" option for Rentable Ships now also checks cross-server if the Owner is online before returning a ship to Port.

From RedRopes and Farlius
-Fixed a bug with languages when deleveling loremaster

From Kenji
- Rangers on PGCC have full 100 kill counts on all races and thus enable them to take any Studied Enemies they want.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia » Sun Jul 18, 2021 2:02 am

From Kenji:
Domain Overhaul Phase 1.5: Turn Undead update and Spell List Adjustments

- Spell List Adjustment
Air: Elemental Swarm (9) - Only summons Air Elementals
Death: Undeath to Death (8) replaced by Avascular Mass (8)
Earth: Elemental Swarm (9) - Only summons Earth Elementals
Protection: Shield (from 2 to 1), Magic Vestment (2)
Travel: Maze (from 9 to 8)
War: Magic Vestment (2)
Water: Stinking Cloud (2), Acid Fog (7), Elemental Swarm (9) - Only summons Water Elementals
Ooze (renamed from Acid):
Grease (1), Poison (3), Evard's Black Tentacles (5), Elemental Swarm (9) - Only summons Cubes
Undeath: Wail of Banshee (9)

- Turn Undead Update
Turn Undead functionalities have been expanded. It now does the following:
+) Command:
Turns target into a henchman, wanders off if removed from party
+) Neutralize:
Target turns neutral and wanders off
Works for matching Turner and Target alignments
Ex. a good domain cleric turning a celestial, an evil cleric turning a fiend, or a neutral animal/plant cleric turning a neutral animal
+) Destroy:
Target is destroyed
+) Rebuke:
Stuns target
+) Fear:
Applies 50% Spell Failure and -10 malus to AB, AC, saves, and skills
+) Damage:
Very specific domain interaction with certain races will result in damaging the turned creatures
Death and Moon: Deals Magic damage to target Undead if it can't be commanded
Sun: Deals Positive and Fire damage to undead
Construct, Forge, and Destruction: Deals Magic damage to target Construct if it can't be commanded

All of the above functionalities are automatically calculated and applied. Players only need to press on the Turn Undead button.
All domains can Neutralize, Destroy, Rebuke, or Fear the Turned Undead/qualified creatures, but only a select few domains can command or damage certain creatures (check marked below).

- Certain domains can turn certain creatures that aren't undead. The table is as follows:
(✓ means can be commanded, ✗ means can be damaged)
Animal: Aberration, Animal(✓), Beast(✓), Magical Beast(✓), Vermin(✓)
Plant: Aberration, Animal(✓), Beast, Magical Beast, Vermin(✓)
Air, Earth, Fire, Water: Elemental(✓)
Cold & Storm: Elemental
Slime: Elemental, Ooze(✓)
Evil & Good: Outsider(✓)
Protection: Outsider
Forge & Knowledge: Construct(✓✗)
Destruction: Construct(✗)
Sun: Undead(✗), Aberration
Moon: Undead(✗), Shapechager
Death: Undead(✗)
Undeath: Undead(✓)

- The following domains also gain special interactions with some spells (if cast from Cleric Spellbook):
Air: Empowers Gust of Wind (targets only hostile and 1.5*radius)
Earth: Empowers Stoneskin and Greater Stoneskin (1.5*X/+5 DR and absorbed amount)
Undeath: +2 to Undead Caster Level and (5 + Cleric Lvl + Harper/Zhent Lvl) % chance to create two Dread Mummies with Mummy Dust instead one. Similar to Necromancy Specialist Wizards.

- Addendum
Maximum of 3 domainswap tokens are granted to existing clerics from this update.
More From Kenji
- Minor Balance Adjustments
Necromancer Specialization Wizards now takes Harper/Zhent Mage levels into account for Mummy Dust upgrade chance

- New chat command for Clerics on PGCC only
+ good (shifts your alignment to good, keeps the y value)
+ evil (shifts your alignment to evil, keeps the y value)
+ lawful (shifts your alignment to lawful, keeps the x value)
+ chaotic (shifts your alignment to chaotic, keeps the x value)
+ neutral (resets your alignment to true neutral)

Play a Chaotic Evil character
Type in "-alignment lawful" and it will be changed to Lawful Evil

This is mostly for testing purposes of, say, when one wants to try out Good vs Evil cleric and their spell effects but don't want to make a second character just to shift the alignment.
We've decided to restrict it to Clerics on PGCC for the timebeing.
PGCC Chat Commands (From Spyre)

* -setxp added as command. Allows characters to specify their experience values they want (0 - 465000) or max. Will provide max gold on use. This also allows individuals to scribe scrolls and wands.
* -shop added as command. Eliminates the need of using the shop NPCs any further. Example: -shop melee1 will open the weapons shop (A -L). This command can also be used in the arenas to access shops in case you forgot items and do not wish to transition.

Note: -spellcomp is in the works to allow Wizards to claim their full spellbook. This will then put us one step closer to V1.1.

From Bat Country
- Successful disguise breaking will give more useful feedback in your combat log, so you can remember who you've actually spotted in a crowd and who you haven't. Example:
- OLD: You broke a disguise!
- NEW: You broke a disguise! "Robed Figure" is DM Hoodoo!
- Loremaster Secret of Gathering now gives an extra line of feedback text. This is just to tell you when you touch a resource that qualifies for the bonus; it's mostly to help us fine-tune the behavior, and I'm only mentioning it here so it doesn't confuse anyone.
- Loremaster Secret of the Explorer now additionally grants +12 to Climbing and Sailing, and the ability to investigate player tracks. The existing bonus (+Adv XP and gold) was determined to be considerably weaker than that of the other Secrets, as its bonuses were effectively one-time boosts that resulted in a fairly useless end-level feat; this should bring it closer in line to the rest.
- Town criers ungagged. But they still better watch themselves.
- Deep Imaskari technology.


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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia » Sat Jul 24, 2021 2:07 am

From myself
- Obsidian deposits have now been added across Skal.
- Added gambling features to the Cloven Hoof. How did I miss that before now?!
- Temp shop taxes (where applicable) capped at 2%.
- Guildhouse shop taxes have had their behavior normalized. For a more detailed explanation of tax behavior and rationale, please see this post.
- Let the screaming begin. Looking at you, DM Butterfly.


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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:27 pm

From Kenji
- Minor Balance Adjustments
1. Cavaliers now get Weapon of Choice: Lance at 8th level Cavalier
2. Elemental Swarm from Domains now summons 2 Huge/Greater and 2 Greater/Elder Elementals/Ooze depending on if cleric has GSF: Conjuration/Animal Domain
Clerics can't stream to change their elemental swarm summons
3. Druids and Shamans can now stream to summon all 4 of the same elementals for Elemental Swarm
The summons will be subjected to the same summoning tiers as above when being streamed to 1 specific type of summon
+) Example: A Water Domain cleric or a Druid with Water Stream and both has GSF: Conjuration will summon 2 Greater Water Elementals and 2 Elder Water Elementals. The druid can return to no stream and summon all 4 different Elder Elementals.

- Turning Adjustments
i. Epic Planar Turning prerequisite lowered from 25 wis/cha to 19 wis/cha
ii. Hostile turned duration for player characters are reduced from (5 + CL) per Round down to [5 + (CL / 7)] per Round
iii. Sun Domain no longer has Exceptional Turning
iv. There are no more max ceiling on turning rolls
- Used to be from -4 to +4 depending on 1d20 + cha roll
- Now goes from -4 to unlimited, +1 for every 3 higher than 21
v. Extra Turning feat now renamed Improved Turning and adds a 1d6 to turning rolls as well as 1d6 to maximum HD allowed to turn on top of 6 extra turns per rest

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by The GrumpyCat » Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:32 pm

Tiniest update here.

From now on new created Avariel will have proper birdy wings, not the white angelic ones. This was to differentiate them between any angelic npc/appearence. We'rll allow existing Avariel to keep their white wings if they want, or thhey can request brown ones to fit in with the intended scheme.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Mon Jul 26, 2021 3:09 pm


- Chat command -shop simplified and made easier to navigate and use. The initial release was just the ground work to get the stuff rolling, however now that I have had some time to update it, I have tried to make your lives easier.

Typing -shop will now open a dialogue menu with all shops listed, instead of having to specify each individual shop in the command. Future update to -shop will include an option for Wizards to complete their spell book.


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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by ActionReplay » Sat Jul 31, 2021 2:47 pm

Next reset:

From Myself

- Diving Bell Update
Added Diving Bells to the Ship System. For now only the 4 Flag Ships will be equipped with a Diving Bell (Cordor Flagship, Dreadnought, Guldorand Galleon and Wailing Maiden). And this is subject to change / update as we go. This first release will be for testing and see how well it works and will be expanded upon in the future.

Ships with a Diving Bell can Ascend / Descend it with players inside. There's a limit to Oxygen and Hull integrity and at lower depths the oxygen and hull is depleted faster. More players inside the Diving Bell also affects Oxygen. Players on deck can pump Oxygen down into the active Diving Bell but will be reduced depending on the bell's current depth. On Lower depths the Hull integrity will be damaged as well.

A ship can't move while a Diving Bell is currently moving or Stationary at the bottom of the ocean floor. It has to be fully raised up for a ship to move again. Also a Diving Bell can only be lowered or raised if the ship is stationary (Staying in their current Quadrant). Diving Bells can only be used when out at sea outside of Arelith proper.

Each Quadrant has a unique depth and by lowering to the bottom of that quadrant players can harvest resources (Both existing and new) and encounter unique events. Again this is work in progress and will be fleshed out more as we go. Usually there are no hostile mobs but possible to encounter in some events.

Exiting the Diving Bell underwater you are subject to a few effects. If the character can't breathe underwater they will drown in X amount of rounsd based on their CON modifier. Some races can breathe underwater just fine and won't be subject to this.

Diving Bells can be upgraded at a Shipwright and if a Ship is destroyed you won't lose these upgrades, unlike Sails & Hull.

- Water Breathing Spell
Added a new Level 3 Spell for Wiz/Sorc, Ranger & Druid. This spell allows you to breathe underwater for 24 hours. This is a must when entering Underwater areas unless the race you are playing can breathe underwater naturally.

- Added a new Sencliff Ship, The Wailing Maiden
This is a Flagship Ship for Sencliff and is non-rental, requiring Dread Pirate Status and high Sails to own.

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