Cordorian Diplomacy, voice acted RP video

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Cordorian Diplomacy, voice acted RP video

Post by Mattamue » Wed Nov 17, 2021 4:47 pm

tl;dr edited and voice acted video of a roleplay session from 2019. Here it is if you'd like to watch:

The project has been kicking around for years and I finally pushed through and completed it. I don't think there will be more videos like this, but I decided to complete the project for a few reasons. Mainly, the people that did their voice acting deserve to be heard. I filled in several voices just to get the voices done, so those are terrible, but there is good work here that deserves to be heard. Also, I'm sharing the project with the community because I think this type of content could help share NWN roleplay with a wider audience.

Some quick housekeeping. I asked everyone I could contact if they were OK with releasing this project. I also asked if the players would like to voice their own characters, or give some directions on how they would be acted. I also ran this past the DMs and they said that if anyone else wants to do something like this, to ask for player permission as well. Additionally, since this was from 2019, any of this IC information is long long past relevant.

The project originally started in Vegas Pro, but after a hard drive crash and 3 years later, I moved over to Davinci Resolve. This is all simple transforms and ripple speed changes to line up dialogue with the text lasting on screen. If anyone else wants to try this, here's a few quick lessons I learned. When you record, resist the urge to hit tab because that makes floating text disappear. Play as much as possible with HUD off. Get everyone in your in-game camera and keep it (and your character) as stationary as possible for as long as possible. The best footage is in the court room because we were all just sitting in one spot for an hour. Some of the footage moving into the courtroom is rough, and I tried to zoom out and back in to keep frame of reference for all the speakers, but it gets hectic. Keeping the camera in one place would have helped that. Conversations in game are also completely schizophrenic if you take them literally by their timeline and try to read them back from the chat log. I did what I could to make them flow better when there's several people talking. For video editing, there's probably a better way to do this in Fusion, but I just did it all in the Edit tab in Davinci. Maybe experiment and find a better workflow if you try this yourself, because editing 100s of tiny clips was pretty tedious.

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Re: Cordorian Diplomacy, voice acted RP video

Post by woodbreeze » Wed Nov 17, 2021 7:34 pm

This is really cool! I like it a lot. You can tell you put a lot of effort into it, and the other voice actors are really cool too ^_^

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Re: Cordorian Diplomacy, voice acted RP video

Post by Zavandar » Wed Nov 17, 2021 8:24 pm

Oh hey it's done! Super cool man.
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Re: Cordorian Diplomacy, voice acted RP video

Post by LivelyParticle » Wed Nov 17, 2021 10:06 pm

This makes me giggle, thanks for the effort, enjoyable.

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