Sailing and PvP

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Sailing and PvP

Post by Fava Beans » Thu Jun 30, 2022 9:47 pm

On the topic specifically around camping ports in order to pvp ships, can there be a rule made to prevent this? Particularly for sencliff, it seems to be getting more and more common to get attacked the moment we undock, effectively blocking the main feature of being a pirate, being on a boat. The newbie ships, and the flag ships all get attacked right out of the gate.

Every time this has happened the group that gathered to RP on the boats ends up breaking apart and going off to do their own thing, actively taking away from the RP.

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by DM Monkey » Fri Jul 01, 2022 1:47 am

Positioning of ships is a big part of how the system works. There are ways to get around this already built in! RP should be happening before PvP in any case, so please report to 'Active DMs' if PvP is initiated without flag/shouting/etc RP.

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by Rei_Jin » Fri Jul 01, 2022 6:31 am

I (and no doubt others) hear you about how "positioning of ships is a big part of how the system works", but it's not that simple.

If a ship attempts to sail OUT of Sencliff docks, it's literally a matter of select a course and as soon as you do, an enemy in the same quadrant can attack you.

Zero delays.

Zero chances to do anything to avoid them (yes, obviously, Naval PvP rules apply).

By comparison, a ship in Arelith Local Waters (ie, the main isle central square) cannot be targeted, meaning that they can enter and exit their docks freely.

If what you mean about positioning, is that Sencliff ships are free to position themselves away from Sencliff, and functionally abandon their dock and cove, well, yes, that is entirely true. They are free to do so, so as to not be targeted when leaving port.

Of course, to do this means that they may as well abandon Sencliff. Because there's no way to defend against instant attacks the moment you leave port.

This is worse than camping outside a faction's quarters and waiting for them to leave, because said faction can still portal/lens away and continue on with their day. When sailing, one requires a ship and you can't simply put a ship in your pocket and wander off with it.

Even worse, this is not about symmetrical warfare.

It is, most often, a top rated crew and flagship, against a smaller boat with inexperienced and ill-equipped pirates trying to get out and do their pirate writs and level/gear up.

It's the equivalent of a level 30 gank-squad waiting for lowbies off to deliver lemons from Cordor to Crow's Nest, just lingering in the Northern Outskirts for the opportunity to say "Hey you, lemon boy, give me everything you've got or you die".

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by thyme crisis » Fri Jul 01, 2022 7:56 am

On the topic specifically around camping ports in order to pvp ships, can there be a rule made to prevent this? Particularly for sencliff, it seems to be getting more and more common to get attacked the moment we undock, effectively blocking the main feature of being a pirate, being on a boat. The newbie ships, and the flag ships all get attacked right out of the gate.

Every time this has happened the group that gathered to RP on the boats ends up breaking apart and going off to do their own thing, actively taking away from the RP.
It's the equivalent of a level 30 gank-squad waiting for lowbies off to deliver lemons from Cordor to Crow's Nest, just lingering in the Northern Outskirts for the opportunity to say "Hey you, lemon boy, give me everything you've got or you die".
As someone pretty heavily involved in non-pirate surface sailing, I really don't think anyone is CAMPING outside Sencliff and calling people out for doing this, especially comparing it to ganking lowbies in writ areas, feels a bit much to me.

Flagships and larger crews do SAIL PAST Sencliff for various reasons, but no one I have ever sailed with just gets nice and cozy and stays in the quadrant next to it just eager to sink people the moment they leave. It's a pretty common part of scouting to make sure you don't get blindsided by every single pirate ship at once.

As for the comparison presented, it really feels like a false equivalence. Just because there are lower level ships and writs doesn't make certain quadrants like going down into Cordor's Sewers looking to gank people. I've seen (and been a part of) crews of four or five level 30s hunting around these areas on rental ships because you can and will still find plenty of valuables there! Gating off certain zones as "low level zones" would get restrictive fast, and sailing can already feel pretty dang restrictive at times.

I really feel like it's just something you consent to when you set sail, more than on land. There is no "safe zone" just because you are low level or doing an earlier pirate writ. Sailing is dangerous! This goes the other way too! I've seen pirates sink the Penny Rose on the way to writs or just sailing around, and the Penny Rose can't even have weapons on deck to retaliate! It's really just a part of what you're signing up for in my opinion.

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by mourisson1 » Fri Jul 01, 2022 8:17 am

One would expect pirate cove to be at least kind of hidden though, not a public location :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by Rei_Jin » Fri Jul 01, 2022 9:25 am

Considering the number of times "Greenies" have tried to head out of the docks at Sencliff and been immediately engaged in naval combat? Whilst folks may not think that they're camping out in that quadrant to wait and attack said ships, it's happening often enough that it's been a serious topic of conversation amongst Sencliff folks for quite some time. And there have been numerous suggestions and ideas about how to address it, but ultimately what it will take is either a change in naval engagement rules (unlikely), or a change in the module in how Sencliff is set up (more likely, but requires Dev work, so somewhere between zero and some possibility).

It makes absolutely no sense that Sencliff, as a pirate cove, would allow ships known to be hostile to Sencliff crews to dock there (and on the flipside, it also makes no sense that Cordor would allow a pirate ship to dock there), and the same goes for said ships hanging around near enough to the docks to attack. There are Bombards and other siege weapons available now; anyone attacking a ship friendly to a dock should be automatically fired upon by shore defenses from said dock, if within range.

Of course, this isn't an issue for Brogdenstein, Cordor or Andunor, because no-one can attack THEIR ships as they are leaving port. They can head out into any one of nine quadrants, making laying an ambush for them a matter of luck (unless you have a spy on their ship relaying instructions, and even then there's a 50/50 odds that they're going to come out on the opposite side of the island so you really can't catch them). Guldorand is a Free Port, just as Crow's Nest is, so they don't count, and the other docks are just random docking spots.

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by LichBait » Fri Jul 01, 2022 3:27 pm

Brief edit: I can see how it seems like people are camping Sencliff. Though the Sencliff island itself is in a position where you can see it from 8 other quadrants. That's a lot of space to be able to see who just casts off. It's advantageous for Sencliff if they want to blockade their area, but disadvantageous when new crews are just casting off and opportunistic pirate hunters see it.

Sencliff could probably be given the Arelith island treatment. If you're in the Arelith quadrant you can't be targeted, and you likewise can't target. This would give that 'home base' parity to pirates. It's a cove anyway, and ships are kind of hidden in that cove-cave. Probably shouldn't be able to see what's docked there in fairness.

As for legal ships not being able to dock at Sencliff, that's kind of a grey area. It's a Freeport, but you probably shouldn't be going there to land unless you've got a good RP reason and definitely not to start a fight.

If it is going to change to be inaccessible, like how Andunor's own port is inaccessible to surface ships, the issue of which ships should have access or not should be addressed. Namely, the amount of 'legal' non-Sencliff deed ships that are owned by those with Pirate Ink which is an issue for 'main-land' sailors who look to find crews and places to sail that aren't pirate affiliates.

Just an addendum, but I don't think flag communication is used enough. Ship shouts are only able to be done if both ships are in the same quadrant. Combat can be done 1 quadrant away. Therefore flag communication is essential. If you're getting pummeled, try flying one of the flags that indicate a cessation of aggression. (Not saying this may not have been done in some cases, but most sailors IMO respect the White). There are custom flags that can be made up too, with limited messages to request ceasefire until the ships either meet in the same quadrant, or they can use it to escape. Just be cautious with false flags, because all it takes is once or twice of being tricked and people won't believe your flag indications anymore.

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by ElevenOne » Fri Jul 01, 2022 4:33 pm

thyme crisis wrote:
Fri Jul 01, 2022 7:56 am

As someone pretty heavily involved in non-pirate surface sailing, I really don't think anyone is CAMPING outside Sencliff and calling people out for doing this, especially comparing it to ganking lowbies in writ areas, feels a bit much to me.
What's the reason you think no one is camping outside Sencliff? What proof makes you think no one is camping?

The only way to know someone is not camping in the area would be actually camping in the area.

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by Rei_Jin » Sat Jul 02, 2022 3:49 am

LichBait wrote:
Fri Jul 01, 2022 3:27 pm
Sencliff could probably be given the Arelith island treatment. If you're in the Arelith quadrant you can't be targeted, and you likewise can't target. This would give that 'home base' parity to pirates. It's a cove anyway, and ships are kind of hidden in that cove-cave. Probably shouldn't be able to see what's docked there in fairness.
An easier solution would be for Sencliff to be moved to the Arelith Local Waters just as Andunor is, and for it to be a hidden location there that only Sencliff ships can pilot the way to.

This would also stop Sencliff crews using other ships out of Sencliff, to address your other point.

The bidding system is great in terms of being open-handed, but with the fact that Sencliff is a stronghold of sailors it does mean that there is a good chance a pirate will end up with a ship that is up for bidding.

Mind you, there’s, what? Four bidding ships on surface right now (plus two pirate specific bidding ships)?

One just went for bid (lost by a pirate, and then won by another).
One has been in the hands of a main island character for quite some time.
The other two changed hands in the last 6 months, but neither went up for bidding.

Ideally there would be two “bidding” ships available out of each major port (Cordor/Guld/Brog/Andunor/Sencliff) as well as a flagship and two rentals, and then the two bidding ships out of Crow’s Nest.

Yes, that’s a lot of ships, but it would provide more options and variety.

It’s a lot of dev work though, and with Nat (Dabus) leaving Arelith, the dev work they were doing for the sailing content will have to be picked up by another, with AR doing plenty already.

In short, I see a number of things that could be adjusted to help address the situation, but there’s no simple solutions (other than coming to a gentleperson’s agreement to not attack ships in the Sencliff quadrant, which would be unlikely to occur for RP reasons).

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by Flower Power » Sat Jul 02, 2022 10:55 am

Rei_Jin wrote:
Sat Jul 02, 2022 3:49 am
One just went for bid (lost by a pirate, and then won by another).
On that note, it feels really weird that the long-lease Iron Throne ships can be owned by pirates? The Iron Throne is a mercantile company on the brink of collapse that has thrown all of their eggs into the Guldorandi basket to try and revitalize themselves by shipping goods to and from Arelith - it seems like allowing pirates to openly and actively use their ships to attack mercantile interests around the island would be kind of the opposite of what they want?

I know that previous owners of the Second Sister have been threatened with eviction if they ever used it for actual piracy, but it seems that policy has kind of lapsed? With how many of the ships (read: almost all of them that aren't directly tied to a settlement) are owned by people who are either actively pirates, are pirate-adjacent/pirate-allied, or are considered by most people to be pirates (even if they aren't pirates themselves) it would be pretty nice to have some ships set aside that are Guaranteed Pirate Free but also aren't directly beholden to working for a settlement.
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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by Rei_Jin » Sat Jul 02, 2022 12:41 pm

Considering that the Guldorand Freeport is somewhere that pirates are allowed to live openly, and that I have never heard of ANYONE being told that pirates can't use the Freeport ships for piracy (and it's certainly not written anywhere in game), I very much doubt that there's a "No Piracy" rule for the Iron Throne Merchant ships. If there was, then I would expect that inked folk wouldn't be able to bid on them, or to rent the Iron Throne Couriers (which they currently can).

And, sure, I hear that (some) folks would like it if the non-Sencliff ships weren't able to be owned by pirates.

That's either a dev issue to resolve (in terms of adding more ships so it's not as much of an issue), or a DM issue to resolve (in terms of changing the rules for who can own what).

I'm pretty sure everyone would like there to be more ships. I know I sure would.

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by thyme crisis » Sat Jul 02, 2022 12:59 pm

Rei_Jin wrote:
Sat Jul 02, 2022 12:41 pm
Considering that the Guldorand Freeport is somewhere that pirates are allowed to live openly, and that I have never heard of ANYONE being told that pirates can't use the Freeport ships for piracy (and it's certainly not written anywhere in game), I very much doubt that there's a "No Piracy" rule for the Iron Throne Merchant ships. If there was, then I would expect that inked folk wouldn't be able to bid on them, or to rent the Iron Throne Couriers (which they currently can).
The Iron Throne rentals do actually mention that they shouldn't be used for piracy (in essence anyways). There is a sign placed between the two rental leases saying that if you do anything on board the ships that would reflect poorly upon the Iron Throne, you'll get in trouble or something of that nature.

I can't speak to the longer term leases there and if there has been any issue in the past. The sign there does mention the Iron Throne isn't responsible for the actions of those who own THOSE ships, so (IC anyway) there doesn't seem like anything wrong with pirates owning them? If there is, the wording should probably be altered to reflect that.

I'll echo the sentiment that more non-pirate, non-settlement controlled ships could be great to see. Rental or otherwise. A wide variety at that. Not sure how feasible it is, and I get scarcity is a part of the game, but as it stands, if you don't want to serve the settlement governments or be a pirate, you have pretty limited options!

Edit: Here is the sign I mentioned as a reference.

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by Rei_Jin » Sat Jul 02, 2022 1:45 pm

Hah, so they're to be used as per the laws of the sea, with a fine levied against those who break said laws.

Good thing pirates don't care about the laws of the sea, or fines.

(On that note, I can see a solid argument for those with at least Dread Ink to be barred from hiring them)

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by Fava Beans » Sun Jul 03, 2022 2:05 am

On the topic of iron throne ships, i would point one firstly that the iron throne are not a nice company, they get into bad stuff all the time, but publicly have a very upstanding image. they totally would sell to prates and say "oh they must have stolen our ships"

As for pirates using them, i cant attest for others, but when the rentals are all sunk and i have writs to do that dont involve piracy ill use them,. whenever i rent a ship outside of sencliff i dont perform piracy, just use it for landing on the various encounters for writs and such.

I think either moving sencliff into the local waters or making sencliff behave like them would be of massive benefit to prevent 'out of the dock pvp' as every single other port on the server has this protection. sencliff is not small, it has tall cliffs, and is a collection of multiple islands. having it behave like local waters in that no one can see in, but they cant see out either is the best method, it means that savvy pirates can make the choice to sail strange directions to avoid bumping into other, unfriendly ships.

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by Richrd » Sun Jul 03, 2022 2:31 am

I am just going to chime in to say that it seems utterly unrealistic, even for Arelith standards, that a pirate cove gets camped at their own port.

What happened to their ballistae? Catapults? Basic defenses aside, even some warlock atop the walls going "pew pew pew I snipe you!" with eldritch blast would already be enough to at least harass hostile ships out of sitting right outside their port. Either way, even if we want to ignore the "what is realistic" aspect of it, let's just consider that this is a base full of pirates. They do pirate RP. For that they need to be able to sail out to sea. Otherwise you may as well delete the entire concept and just remove Sencliff and all the work that went into making it what it is.
Here's my suggestion. Just give those boys and gals some home-court advantage or whatever, make it so that pirate ships can not be engaged (but they can still very well engage others) in a 1 tile radius around Sencliff. Done, problem solved.

On the point "shouldn't pirates be secretive?"
No, lol. Pirates were swashbuckling sea thieves and mercenaries by trade, not ... super spy soldiers named XxX_420_SnipeYourMum_XxX. I mean how would you even hide a freaking ship or make it so that your big island base is hidden?
You simply can't.

Lastly, about the Iron Throne.
Considering that somehow the demigod populated island of Arelith craps it's pants at the pure mention of Amn we might as well assume that Sencliff's forces would be equally afraid of the Iron Throne. So when the Iron Throne says "do X or we will fine you" they probably don't mean that they'll hand in a legal complaint and try getting you to court if you are a pirate who abused their leased ships to do crime.
They will likely just come by and cut off a hand or two or drown the captain who was responsible for the abuse of the rental contract.
But then again, this is PG13. No mutilation and murder here, only local genocide for the sake of EXP. So I can understand why players would simply ignore the clearly stated IC clauses of any contract and do their own thing.

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by Flower Power » Sun Jul 03, 2022 5:27 am

Another note on the Iron Throne - the Iron Throne of Baldur's Gate fame is not the Iron Throne of the Arelith setting.

That's the Iron Throne of the past, when it was a strong multinational mercantile coaster that could draw on support from across half of Faerun to make huge piles of coin, but ended up being subverted by the machinations of the Bhaalspawn and ruined itself.

The Iron Throne on Arelith is the Iron Throne dealing with the aftermath of that situation. They're down to a single port they can say they truly have a controlling stake in, and have shifted tack towards primarily dealing in domestic and luxury goods and comestibles. They're desperate to have a safe and productive port to rebuild their fortunes, and to rebuild their good name from - so they're playing ball and playing nice with the locals (and with Evermeet) and helping run Guldorand.

That is, at least, what the NPCs themselves will tell you about themselves IG - and how the DM team seems to have always portrayed them.
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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by Yvesza » Sun Jul 03, 2022 1:48 pm

I feel like the real issue is that anyone can see which ships are docked at Sencliff from such a large distance, it actively provides a great deal of information and incentivizes people that care to sail over and look. I don't think you can really blame anyone for doing it either because it's such a huge amount of free information with regards to what to expect, this pushes all of the crews that want to fight pirates to sail directly to where the pirates live and hang out around their front door.

The issue from there is that since you know which ships are in port, you can tell which ships are out of port and then that provides even more information. A flagship is out of port? You know who to scry to get all of the info you need since captains and crews generally aren't secretive things. None of this is really an issue for any other factions since their ships are hidden on the island, they get protection as they leave port and when they do sail out they have a bunch of directions to travel and they only share a few borders by comparison.

I'd really love to see Sencliff get some kind of leg up with regards to their own local waters and some kind of protection to prevent people from (easily) gathering info on which ships are in or out of port.

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by Security_Blanket » Sun Jul 03, 2022 3:16 pm

I don't play a pirate, I've been interested in getting involved with Sailing RP, but haven't as of yet so my thoughts on the matter are purely speculative. But it seems really strange to me that what would basically be considered "pirate infested waters" is probably the most dangerous place for pirates. A simple solution might just be some badass NPC pirates with their own ship, maybe a ghost ship even, something to add some difficulty to those ships anchoring off shore. It's kind of like camping a transition by the sounds of it, something that's generally frowned upon.

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by Tarsakh Skies » Sun Jul 03, 2022 3:52 pm

I think it is worthy mentioning that the encounter that sparked this thread didn't involve camping. It may have looked like it, but it was just the coincidence of a ship passing near Sencliff at the same time as a pirate ship was sailing out. These things are bound to happen, the sea map isn't huge, and you can spot ships from a reasonable distance.

I'm also not a fan of making the Sencliff quadrant behave like the Arelith Waters quadrant, but three fairer things that I think are worthy considering are:

- Putting the old ballista on the cliffs to some kind of use again. Before the sail system overhaul, they could be used to shoot at ships sailing to Sencliff, but the complete remake of the mechanics made it obsolete.

- Hiding ships docked in Sencliff from vicinity and spyglass reports. You could still check the skiffs in the cove for information, but I'm not sure how feasible it would be to obscure that information as well.

- Adding a telescope on the cliffs to spot nearby passing ships.

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by ActionReplay » Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:10 am

I've plans to make the ballisate on Sencliff be able to target nearby ships to its quandrant. I think that's fair and in-line to how they used to work in the old sailing system.

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by Lewtzy » Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:03 am

ActionReplay wrote:
Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:10 am
I've plans to make the ballisate on Sencliff be able to target nearby ships to its quandrant. I think that's fair and in-line to how they used to work in the old sailing system.
Glad to read this AR. It would be a good deterrant at least.
To make it work though. Wouldn't there need to be a spyglass next to it to see what's near the Isle too?

And as others already mentioned:
Sencliff ships are docked in a Cove. (I think?) So being able to spot them from 1 Quadrant over, nine tiles around the base sencliff Quadrant, sounds a bit weird to me.

It also gives a lot of information to people casually sailing past to see if the pirates are home, see what ships are out sailing, etc.

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by Yvesza » Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:15 am

Honestly being able to shoot at nearby ships wont be a huge deterrent if people want to take a quick look, there's no way for a pirate on the cliff to know there's a nearby ship to be shot so sailing over to see which ships are in dock wouldn't be a huge risk still. I think killing the incentive by hiding docked ships would do a lot more.

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by God_In_Action » Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:17 am

ActionReplay wrote:
Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:10 am
I've plans to make the ballisate on Sencliff be able to target nearby ships to its quandrant. I think that's fair and in-line to how they used to work in the old sailing system.
Out of interest, do you think the other thread about renaming ships should play into this? Do Devs see it as a problem that a ship could regularly change its name and lie off of Sencliff, causing anyone on the cliff ballista to potentially not know what ship they are looking at and therefore which to target since the names aren't consistent?

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by DM Monkey » Mon Jul 04, 2022 12:42 pm

We’ve got logs. Over the past month, I’ve seen a reasonable amount of Ship PvP, but no one is camping Sencliff. If you think you’re having problems with PvP, please take screenshots and report it to “Active DMs” in a private message.

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Re: Sailing and PvP

Post by ClockworkRed » Fri Jul 15, 2022 5:30 pm

ActionReplay wrote:
Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:10 am
I've plans to make the ballisate on Sencliff be able to target nearby ships to its quandrant. I think that's fair and in-line to how they used to work in the old sailing system.
First of all thanks for setting those up. There is a little quirk now when people move the mangonels. First it deactivates them for targeting ships and they become normal fixtures, while a new pair seems to spawn in the next server reset. They are already pileing up on the wall.

Also two magonels are quite powerful. Less of a deterrance to force ships out of the quadrant and more of a death trap what i have seen so far.

Pirates FTW

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