Luastra's Farewell Kudos

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Luastra's Farewell Kudos

Post by Trashkeeper » Thu Nov 10, 2022 4:53 pm

It was very bittersweet to type this as Luastra has been one of my favorite characters to roleplay, but I feel her story has grown past its time, and there’s so much that happened that I can no longer play her without feeling an OOC pressure and stress. So I write this today to give thanks to all the people I’ve ever interacted with (that I can remember). If you aren’t mentioned, do not feel offended for I truly have a poor memory and I really did not think Luastra would last a full year.

That’s right, Luastra has been played since November of 2021, and that also marks the month-ish I started playing Arelith. There have been a lot of memories created, a lot of highs and lows, and I’ve never been on a constant-RP server before. I fell in love with it, and within this literal timespan of a year, I’ve accrued a scary 4467 hours on Steam. Before Arelith, I hadn’t even played Neverwinter Nights. I literally bought the game for Arelith just to try out this interesting concept.


I’ve also met and left a lot of people, witnessed all kinds of wonderful RP, and found a community of people I truly adore. And yet, we say farewell to one of my most beloved characters, and I must give my kudos to many of you in no particular order of importance:

(Just kidding her wife comes first)

Zerra Hel’Vael (Aken’thal)

You have been truly one of my favorite people to interact with. I’ve seen your writing skills improve over time, and the fact that you were there for my highest highs and lowest lows on Luastra is a testament to your patience, your dedication, and your love for this server. I cannot thank you enough for taking care of me and being a friend that I got to spend almost every day with. Zerra has been an utter delight. She is powerful, strong, and adamant. Stubborn, callous, and yet still made room in her heart for Luastra, who is a terrible manipulator by every means. Their love, though forbidden under the gaze of Lolth, blossomed into this truly horrifying thing of partnership and indulgence.

Even with how self-assured they were, they both still doubted the equality they had as matrons of the same house, and I’m glad for every argument they had, they’d go on three dates or have ‘fun’ to reassure each other that despite their paranoia and their upbringing, they had each other, and they were truly on the same side and level.

Zerra was integral to many of my plots and I’m so happy to have you, my friend. I hope that your future characters and endeavors on Arelith, with or without me, will all be as fantastic as the time you have spent on Zerra.


Quarra Hel’Vael / Trisbreena

I will never forget the day we met in the bonefields on a whim and tried to speak with Trisbreena and had her assist us briefly. She was fun and interactive, yet passive for a drow, and I appreciated that about her. Through the initial founding of the house, Trisbreena always assumed heavy responsibilities as the First Priestess, and I was happy the way Luastra and Trisbreena eventually found some sort of forbidden adoration for each other, and even at some point wanted to take a step further. Despite the unfortunate timing, as well as some outside influences, I’m glad you stayed, and even if it meant that Trisbreena would be killed, it gifted Luastra so much motivation and heartbreak, as well as growth that I feel is still part of her today.

Then Quarra. I know that Quarra was made as a somewhat replacement, but I appreciated it nonetheless, that even out of zero inspiration and for the sake of playing with me, you’d make a character just to be around me and help me manage my house even more. I was a helpless player, and honestly still am. You were there for me, and there is nothing I could say that can express my gratitude more than I hope we can keep in contact. I hope that this can give Quarra a satisfying ending, and that you were at least somewhat happy with the time you’ve chosen to spend with me.


Elisanda Hel’Vael / Alton Hel’Vael

You and I started house Hel’Vael together. I’d remembered I had to submit a name change because both of us knuckleheads spelled Hel’Vael differently. I’d originally wanted a lowercase V but you said ‘nah, capitalized looks cooler’. And thus the knuckleheads created a pretty long-lasting house, outlasting.. Dozens that have come and gone. I’m thankful that you took the time to show me the ropes and make something with me even though I had zero ideas on how to play a drow, their lore, or what was going to happen.

I’m thankful and spiteful that you made me a matron and set me on this path because I accomplished it. I became a very well-known matron (sort of), Dread-Chancellor, and I’ve met so many people. But it is also a heavy burden, to carry leadership and to inspire people to do RP, to command. I’m definitely flustered in the position, in all fairness, and feel like I’ve failed a lot of people. Still, Elisanda was nothing if not interesting, and has been the basis of a lot of Hel’Vael conspiracies and curses, as well as many things that still plague them today. Also Luastra’s sheer hatred for Ghaunadaur for taking her sister away from her is a cornerstone in her constantly raiding the Temple of Slime to slaughter cultists. It has been a pleasure and I hope you will continue your career in Arelith with your trend of interesting characters.


Veldrin Hel’Vael

You came in like a whirlwind, my friend, and doubtless you left a really lasting impression on everyone in a short amount of time. I’ve never seen someone befriend quite literally everyone in Andunor, especially on such a rigid and paranoid character. I love the jokes, the sass, and the way Veldrin did everything. Always methodical, but with a comical side of it that I’m really not sure if he’s self-aware enough to notice. All hail the true Elf King! I hope where ever you end up RPing will treat you well, because your roleplaying is fantastic, inclusive, and wonderful. I’m not the first to say it, and definitely won’t be the last, but I’m putting it here because you are deserving of words. I only wish that I had any energy left to spare for RP by the time I met you, you deserved so much more that I ever gave you, and I’m glad you stayed as long as you did and enjoyed the PvP aspect a lot. Kudos to you.


Xune Hel’Vael (The one with the mask)

Another one I’ve disappointed and feel endless guilt about due to my lack of playtime. I’m glad you had fun regardless, during the times you were active and enjoying what you could, even if game mechanics were not exactly your forte. I love all the conversations I’ve had with Xune, her curiosity, her hidden intellect that she keeps at bay for fear of disappointing her matrons. Her obedience was enjoyable, but there is a never-ending inquisitive nature to her, and I really loved that. I’m sorry to you that I could not be a better matron to you, you deserved so much more time and interactions that I’ve ever provided, and whatever you’re doing now, I genuinely hope you enjoy yourself.

Xune Hel’Vael (The one that stabs really hard)

While I do not know you as well and had little time to roleplay with you, I know you were with Zerra’s house, in Aken’thal, before the merge. You were swept along and inactive for a while. But, I’ve enjoyed what little I saw of you. A confident drow with a shadowy personality, mysterious and single-minded. I enjoyed that she had little cause for pride over her work, she just enjoyed stabbing, and that’s what matters.

Xakiir Hel’Vael

I knew you since before you were playing Xakiir, and how wonderful you were. And yet, despite it all, you’d come out of your comfort zone of roleplaying on the surface to join me in the Underdark with Xakiir, whom I love and adore. His relationship with his matrons filled with fear and chiding, turning his meek and weak demeanor and reforging it with confidence was a lovely little arc. Then just as his matrons, he’d fallen in love, though not with another drow, we don’t judge here in this house. (Maybe a little if it’s an elf)

Whatever you do in the future, I wish you well, Xakiir. You’ve always captivated an audience wherever you go, and I wish you the safest journey, sweet performer.


Esselar Hel’Vael

Esselar, though you have not been around in an age, your wonderful protectiveness and sweet boy will always be remembered. How quick Esselar was to leap into the defense of his matrons, to slaughter anyone who dared, and also the hilarious jabs that he’d make towards people who’d dare insult his honor, or his matrons’ honors. He is loyal to a fault, and I cannot stress enough that I enjoyed his presence so much.

You are a wonderful writer and a character-portrayer. I wish you well on your future characters, and that you enjoy each and every one of them, for they are all joys to behold.

Falduna Hel’Vael

Though I did not meet you on this character, I’m happy that you gave me your time specifically and made Falduna just for my house when the time came I needed help the most. Your invaluable skills in writing contracts, flowery lawful language, and extensive drow knowledge all made Falduna an excellent character. The true Lawful Evil that I wish I had the capacity to play where you’d try and lock everyone into contracts and exploit loopholes. Thank you for participating in the DM event with me, when the lich sieged the city, both martial prowess and political negotiating skills were needed. That, and someone that was more present during times of need. You managed all of that and played an excellent emissary. I was lucky to have experienced you as an Orog, and even luckier that you’d roleplay a drow for me. Thank you for gifting Falduna such a nuance and allowing me to witness your writing in its true glory.

I still have those contracts, they are something to admire.


Xyxan Hel’Vael

Though you did not stay long, Xyxan was a lovely, spelunking elf of hilarious proportions. Dedicated, humorous, and feisty, Xyxan made for a fantastic weaponmaster, boasting strength that many at the time didn’t have. I’m sad to have seen you go so quickly, but you were one of the cornerstones of house Hel’Vael for a brief time, especially when we just started in the Sharps.

Jhulxyra Hel’Vael

Although your time within the house was extremely brief, and I will not write about the surrounding circumstances, I’m still glad that you also made the time for me. It is always an honor when people take an idea and run with it, and you definitely did on Jhulxyra. I still have funny sketches of her where she’s showing off ‘tentacle monthly’ and saying that they were ‘sexy’, in which many others were stunned to silence about the topic. Thank you for your time and your fun writing.

Livaren Hel’Vael

We became quick friends, you and I, though not without a rough start ICly. But, becoming fast friends in and outside of Arelith seemed inevitable due to how easily we got along. Livaren herself was a quickly-whipped concept with its interesting facets and flaws, just as any character is. I enjoyed her utterly inflated ego barely held up as a glass barrier to hide away her true self, filled with insecurities. Something I don’t actually see a lot of Drow explore, is the struggle of teetering between self-doubt and pride.

Not only that, she made a very interesting pact that made her sexual in a very transactional nature, and I feel that can be a little overlooked when it comes to a community that can, at times, show its very mature nature when it comes to themes like this. Still, decisions are made with restraint, and while there were things of that nature, it has been minimalized in several ways and I appreciate that it was never the focus, but rather exploration of character.


The only good Drow I ever encountered, I think, and had the pleasure to have in my house, even if I ICly didn’t know. Jhulyar was a pleasure to watch, and honestly the fact that you leveled a maul-wielding bard up all by yourself and often trekked the surface is an ode to your roleplaying skills as well as skills as a player. Not only was Jhulyar invested in the overall culture of the Underdark, she desired things to be in a fashion that no other Drow ever has asked for. She sang songs, wrote poems, and really put herself into her work. Though the attempt at trying to boost up events was short-lived, the times it did happen was magnificent, and I’m glad to have gotten to witness it all the same.

Gar’ughdar (Coolest Advisor I Ever Had)

Truly one of the best examples of an eccentric wizard I’ve ever seen. Not only was roleplaying with Meep the little myconid excessively fun and expressive, the contrast of Gar’ughdar’s own very passive and efficient outlook made it all the more fun to experience. That, and he made for a good Drow advisor, often preferring to find the best course of action that wastes as little time as possible. For a dispossessed and dispassionate man, he showed a lot of care for Luastra, and for that, she is eternally grateful.

Safira Athol and House Athol

House Athol has a special place in my heart, not only because Safira made a grand entrance to Luastra’s life, but because House Athol was one of the few houses that openly welcomed house Hel’Vael into Andunor. Yes, their association with the Abyss and at the time having taken the Citadel at the Balor Maw Lake made them a laughingstock (somehow) of many other houses, but they always have space in my heart as one of the most helpful people. The adventures we’ve had together as Safira and Luastra were fun, and watching her grow from a sickly sort of love-hungry lady into a confident woman she was before she departed from Andunor. Her faithfulness and adoration will always be in my heart.


Norvog (The cool Duegar)

There really isn’t much to say beyond just the fact that this person is a fantastic roleplayer. Not just for his role as Norvog, but this is the very first time I met them. You, whom roleplay the first and only Duergar that I genuinely considered to be utterly amazing. The times where we’d go to the lair of the Ilithids just for you to throw a bunch of bombs all over the brain-jammer was ever entertaining. Powerful player, and even more powerful roleplaying. I hope you enjoy your future roles in whatever you decide to do, for it’ll always be fantastic.


Zilka Torth

Honestly a pretty funny Drow, all things considered. A sailor, a fiend, and definitely up to no good, Zilka is a volunteered tightrope-walker who balances morality on a stack of spoons while scooting up and down the line, towing between good, evil, lawful, and chaotic. Nearly always unrpredictable, and ever the penchant for slave-owning, I’ve always admired you going out of your way to make slave roleplay decent. To snap them up notoriously, but also simultaneously always make it about the slaves and their story, not just the blatant abuse and the like. Keep doing what you’re doing!


Francesca Visconti

Ah, my Arcanum wife, whom I enjoy sharpening my wits against. I will not speak much on the dynamics between them for the sake of not revealing much more about Francseca beyond just that I adore her mysterious air, she has been excessively fun to be around. It’s a shame that my sleeping schedule never lines up well, but for the times I do stay up, or you stay up for I, our roleplay together is always the highlight of that week. Thank you for letting me indulge in fun fantasies with Francesca, and I wish you well in your future endeavors, too.

Zenyrys (Sembian Teamonger)

My very first and honestly best slave I’ve had (beyond Thomas). You strange Abyssal pact-making creature you. Zenyrys as my introduction to Sembian culture and lore was fun and exciting, since prior to actually participating in Arelith, my Forgotten Realms lore was never excessively good, and honestly it’s all a puddle of mud at this point with how many tabletops and lore and whatever else I have in my brain as jam; Zenyrys really brought Sembia and its struggles to my attention. His dislike for some of the people there, and how little he cared for formalities in the most interesting ways. Is he gentlemanly and respectful? Yes. Is he also a little shit in the process? Also yes. He was a very challenging slave to own, to be honest, since intimidating him in the regular way was always difficult. But, interestingly enough, he was won over through compassion for his situation, and I’m glad that they became friends even after his journey as a slave ended.


Rhivash Sablehand

Obligatory blurb to write for my beloved who came to play the game briefly with me. I’m glad you enjoyed Arelith and its persistent world for as long as you did, and am equally glad you left it because you didn’t enjoy it any longer after certain events. Know that I am always grateful for your investments in me, despite not liking the same things. It’s the greatest amount of love a person can receive. Thank you for playing Rhivash, whose breaking of mold of the regular Orog culture at the time was coveted and absolutely cherished.

Z’reeth, Z’raeth Teken’tyl and House Teken’tyl

Honestly the most fun I’ve ever had with another house. I remember seeking House Teken’tyl for the very first time in the hub, the entire family of brothers and sisters there with the funniest descriptions and interactions possible. I adored every moment that I got to spend with House Teken’tyl, always. Forever, and ever. I wish that more would have appreciated the hilarity and the chaos you strived, and I’m very sad to have seen all of you depart for one reason or another. It’s also a shame that the rigidity of Drow culture and the breaking of the mold at the time felt too strict and eventually you fell in step too, losing a lot of your uniqueness.

Still, let it be said that Teken’tyl was my favorite house in the Underdark, and I’ve never laughed so much and enjoyed all the descriptions and effort your house put into it all. I still love the ‘best seat in the house’ facing a drywall with a painting of whomever you fancied at the time. Best of luck to every single one of you, wherever your beautiful souls have gone.

Seir & Vinea

Though few know your names now, I have never forgotten them. The unique duo of Seir and Vinea is hard to elude my mind, from the serendipitous experiences with Vinea between her horridly mutilated self and her paces into lucidity, to the militent and stubborn Seir whom would eat a whole drow with zero hesitation: these two are characters I have never seen before, and doubtless will ever see again. It was a pleasure to watch the dynamic of this duo and their interactions, for it feels like watching an endless play with no predetermined end, and the macabre show just continues and you are too enamored to turn away from it.

The feasts are unforgettable, and the times where I had your support during Luastra’s kidnapping was undoubtedly the best time I’ve ever had, and the true realization that there are actually people standing by my side. Kudos to the both of you in the same breath, stolen so readily by a partnership I will truly never encounter again.


Thomas Castemont (Castlemount, Tastymont, Castymom, etc)

Dawn, sweet Dawn. I believe you deserve kinder words than what is given to you, though I am a firm believer that all should have their opinions, I cannot deny I had some reservations when I first heard about you. And yet, their words and scalding cruelty towards you is so easily disproved by the passion you have for roleplay and engaging in characters so thoroughly that they always leave a mark in one way or another.

When I first started Luastra, I’d hear so many tales of Theodore. His heroics, what had happened between him and T’rissolin Xel’vraxa. In fact, I joined around in the middle of all of that entire conflict, but Theodore had already died for his hopeless cause. I watched the militia turn into the Black Lash and that entire era begin and end, but never without Theodore’s influence. Then you came into my life as Thomas Castemont, a slave I’d speak to on occasion at first, and try to manipulate heavily until I bought you, in which.. A very different arc of Thomas’s life began. One where I had hoped would be a lasting impact, and it certainly was. The care and thought you put behind his reactions, his every lesson that he’s learned, and the hit that he took from what I’ve done is astounding.

Even after his era of being a slave, he has marched forward since on his own and made himself the Jusiciar of Cordor, impressive by every account from his humbled origins. His changes are faceted and ever-evolving, and I have nothing but appreciation for your writing. I will miss interacting with you, and relish the times we do get to interact in one form or another. Thank you for a great experience, and I wish I had been more proactive and involved in your story.


Ginny Fairlen (The Chancellor of Cordor)

Seems like I cannot sing enough praises about you and I don’t think I can really stop singing praises about you. Not only are you a fantastic roleplayer in every sense of the word, you make a great effort in including everyone possible, even a recluse like me. Your number one priority is always to find a way to make roleplay out of it rather than finding the simplest and easiest solution possible. If you hadn’t done so, I’m sure we would’ve just had a bit of a PvP moment in a certain library and gone about our days.

But you didn’t. Then, we were able to cultivate a relationship that I think a lot of people covet but don’t want to admit they’d like to have. To be enemies at arm’s length but also have friendly battles of wits is ever an indulgent fantasy between the good and the bad, and it’s just cheesy enough that I love it.

I won’t reveal too much, since I don’t want any of this information to be used against you, given your current career as the Chancellor, but I will say that I will miss you, dear Dove. I should hope you will be well in the coming days.


Sshaksha.. Ssh.. Hss’tafi (John Salamander)

I’m sorry, I’m so bad at spelling your actual name and the house name, it just does not want to click in my brain, but I wanted to write about you regardless. While our interactions can be courteous and very short, John’s investment in Luastra and her House was very apparent from the beginning. To this day, I still literally cannot parse his motivations of helping out a Drow, especially one as green as Luastra, but I still appreciated all the time you spent on me, and all of my requests were fulfilled so easily and neatly that I’m always so suspicious if there was another ulterior motive.

I’ll admit there are also times where it’s very difficult to take him seriously when I am constantly given chocolate milk and Luastra has learned it since as ‘choccy’ milk. Thank you also for the one time you gave me a human heart, it’s still in my inventory and I wanted to eat it one day randomly. The day never came but I still wanted to say that it was something that really crossed my mind. Anyway, thank you for all the help, and all the care you gave. I’ll not forget John’s calculating stoicism with an occasional break for humor.

Tiffa “Lucky” Took (Hss’tafi)

While we didn’t spend a whole lot of time together, I enjoyed what little I did get to see from you. From your fun lectures on aboleths and the several layers of hell, to the threats you’d make in the hub with your gang of sailors; all of it adds up to Lucky as a person, and I’m glad to have witnessed such before she left. I wish I had more reason to get to know you, but I figured you deserve a kudos nonetheless. For your outstanding roleplay and beautiful writing. And also very hard-working as a tutor!


Valks Shadowclaw, Drik Shadowclaw, and Tribe Shadowclaw

The Shadowclaw, our very first sort of ‘alliance’, and probably the very last, considering how many of them backfired amongst Drow, bahaha. There’s a lot to be said about the entire Shadowclaw tribe, and all of its oldest players, but realistically no amount of compliments I can write will truly be able to summarize just how wonderful all of these players are. Not only is it ridiculously hard to keep something as big as this going, it’s been going for literal years in real life. I couldn’t even stand the awful politics for barely a year, and here you are, still going strong.

Your devotion towards roleplay and towards keeping an integral part of Andunor alive is truly something to be admired. I don’t know where you find the strength, how you find the will, but many take your dedication for granted. I hope the kobolds stay strong, and continue to stand strong. To not only survive, but thrive in the Underdark. Don’t be like the Drow.


Rodolfo & The Atorak Syndicate

Good gods, the true antagonist for the longest time, more vicious than anyone could dream to be, the Syndicate was a force to be reckoned with, and people actually feared them greatly. This is the kind of villainy that the Underdark lacked, and yet even much of the Underdark pushed the Syndicate away. It’s certainly a bitter taste, but I really enjoyed the way that the Syndicate was run. Like a loose mercenary organization with loyalties and desires of their own. And for a time, it was just that.

It’s a shame, the way it all fell apart, and I miss Rodolfo and his jokes. Rest in pieces, one of my favorite group of antagonists who couldn’t really behave themselves even in front of Drow matrons. Heh.


“Rowan” / Velli

Oh where do I begin with Velli? I was never the lengthiest or the most frequented participant of her day-to-day, but I enjoy the parts of her I did get to see, and the brief interactions I could manage if I wasn’t busy or if you weren’t terribly busy. I’m glad you trusted me enough to help you with your storyline, too, and let me participate in it even if I didn’t know you terribly well. I’ll always remember the blind woman selling wands in Saltspar being accused of being a surfacer spy. Which, fair, but it’s hard to say what she can even spy on if she doesn’t even know where she’s going.

So, being able to help out as a Dread Chancellor of the Devil’s Table at the time was pretty wonderful, to get a bunch of people off your back so you can do some interesting roleplay. Admittedly I had my doubts and told me self ‘oh bother, this is my first mistake’ but really it never was. Rowan became a staple of Andunor, and beloved by so many. I’m glad you stayed, and I’m glad you made waves. Whatever you do in the future, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed having Rowan around.


Ilphaeryl Xun’viir, Saslae Xun’viir, and House Xun’viir

Certainly one of the houses that has left a lasting legacy. Several people can only hope to be like House Xun’viir, really. One of the best antagonists that the surfacers have ever had, I’m sure. The legacy of the Butcher unforgotten and a menace upon the water until its final days when it lost its captain. Throughout all that I have learned about them, it’s only vile deed after vile deed, but that’s a great thing when you’re playing a house of cunning villains. And even some of them not so cunning, yet still direct and loud. If you hate them, then they’ve done a fantastic job of being a villain, because that’s the whole purpose.

I enjoyed my interactions with house Xun’viir, having felt a lot of it was very tenuous even with smiles worn as masks. There’s always a dagger that has to be held very tightly on your back when interacting with house Xun’viir and its members, despite their leisurely and casual pace they’d go about things sometimes. You have my admiration forever more, and whatever you choose to do next, I have no doubt will be just as successful.

Iyelle Ixit’shii and House Ixit’shii

Though we actually didn’t spend a lot of time talking with each other, the few interactions I did get to squeeze in between what time I had was very interesting. It’s a shame I never became a greater part of things, and only led to a very poor downfall. I don’t think the situation overall was handled well, but I did my best with the information given to me with as little assumption as possible.

Regardless of the end, I felt the journey was an interesting one. Her dilemma, her struggles, and in the end how similar Luastra and Iyelle was in several terms. I wish I had more time to explore their dynamic before everything fell through, and honestly I never want to repeat something like that ever again. I hope you can forgive me for my ignorance and naivety one day, and enjoy your time here on Arelith.


“Sanguine” or “San”

Sanguine, one of my favorite and most integral retainers I’ve gotten the pleasure of hiring. Not only is she a fun chaotic mess of a character with integrity through the roof, she enjoyed doing very strange things that my house had to take a lot of time adjusting through. Mostly just plucking cat hair off the cushions in front of the fireplace. Still, Sanguine helped House Hel’Vael get their very first large house across from the library in the Devil’s Table, and I’ll never forget my time there, as well as the furniture jail we decided to punish multiple furnitures with.

San was supportive, cunning, and often proved to be so much more than her surface personality. She was an admiration of freedom and carefree attitude, and I’m glad you continue to roleplay in the way you personally feel most comfortable!


Though I know your other characters, I don’t want to have it used against you. So I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the interesting interactions, between Sariah and the other that you play. Both are very interesting characters, but Sariah most especially so. To be whisked away from her norm and collared then dragged into the Underdark with little hesitation, she adapted quickly and played so fast and loose around the Drow that I’m sure it threw most of them for a look as to why an Aasimar elf behaves the way she does. To embrace the darkness and to fall so heavily and fast into evil deeds was definitely a head-turner. I’m glad Andunor as a whole has mostly embraced you, and that you found your footing for the story you wanted to explore.

I wish you the best of luck when it comes to Sariah, and that you find her as fulfilling as you wanted it to be. Either way, it has been a great pleasure to roleplay with you in every capacity I got to, and it’d be a pleasure more that I could ever do it again.


Il’lithidil Dro’Vaalvaz, Inosi Dro’Vaalvaz, and House Dro’Vaalvaz

One of my greater regrets and a lot of cause for drama, but I will be short about what I have to say about house Dro’Vaalvaz. I really enjoyed the lore of the house, and I love all the art, the talent, and the effort put into preserving the house. I’ll not forget the story of Tee’Tea, the patron whom lead the house and took charge, and the cold demeanor of Il’lithidil. I’m glad you played a very upstanding drow, just as cunning and calculating as one should be about everything.

My only regret is that things turned out the way it did. I wish there was a peaceful resolution but by the time there was any attempt at it, there’s been so much miscommunication amongst everyone that honestly I just gave up. It was never my intent to be vicious, and I never wanted to ruin any kind of roleplay or put pressure on things. I’ve made my mistakes, and it cost me a lot of opportunities for better roleplay, so I’ll endeavor to learn from one of the greatest mistakes I’ve made. I hope whatever you’ve moved onto is greater and exactly what you’ve always wanted to do.

Mez’Barriinna Tanor’Thal, Ambrose Tanor’Thal, and House Tanor’Thal

I enjoyed some parts of the house, and the fact that Tanor’Thal was already a pretty heretical origin, given its place in Skullport and the name brought over. I think there’s definitely potential here, and I don’t think I can be the best judge of whose roleplay is good or bad, but I will say that there’s a lot that happened that I don’t appreciate, and a few portrayals I didn’t enjoy. I won’t go further than that, but I will give recognition to decent roleplay, and some decent execution.

Cynthia Dusklash

One of the more interactive slaves I’ve actually had the pleasure of seeing and roleplay with. Not only was she actually a fantastic book-keep, she often approached people and helped as much as she could, despite her dispassionate views. She likes to pick people apart, and I’m sure a lot of roleplayers appreciated the opportunity to have their characters be known and learned about. I certainly did, in every capacity, even if Luastra really kept her at an arm’s length, a matron doesn’t invite you into their home if she didn’t think you were worthy.

Cynthia proved her loyalty quickly, and is one of the few slaves that stayed towing the line between the Underdark and the Surface. Silly cliche rangers, but I did actually appreciate the very neutral views on almost everything. I hope to see her again, if not just be able to roleplay with you again.


Anastasia (The vampire, oooo!)
I think Anastasia is the only vampire I ever learned about the moment I met her. She was eccentric, statuesque, and her humor was as dry as a mummy’s wrappings. A fun character all around to interact with despite being the literal dregs of the living embodied by a pale lady with a horrific past. A young vampire all in all with very little control over her desires to feed, and the very transactional nature of her desire for blood over gold was always very astounding to me, but it made sense.

She was a very nuanced character with a lot of depth to her, the more you got to know her. In a capacity, she returned the affection and care given to her, but not in ways that are expected. Again, similarly to how many other things had gone down, I have regrets as to how Anastasia’s story paused because of me. I don’t think it is deserved, since you were caught in a crappy crossfire, so my hope is that after my departure you can return to her and play her. You were always a fantastic roleplayer, and I hate that I was the one that deprived you of this. I hope you can also forgive me for my actions one day.

Lilith Vensurai & Johnathan Brigsby? Bigsby? B.. b.. (Holtz)

Two of my favorite bad evil no-good human being Abyssalists that I love and adore all the same. I put you two together not because I don’t have enough words to write about either of you but because I’d gush forever if I were given the chance. The perfect recluses and keeping a respectful arm’s length to politics, both Lilith and Johnathan took a lot of time unto themselves to create culture in the city and further their own goals, whatever they may be. I enjoy the events you both create, and the things I do get to see about the two of you, even if it sometimes is difficult for me to catch all of you in my later months of playing. The mistress of the Red Tower whom is and should be beloved by all that cross her path because her noble goal of assembling the best library in Andunor should be admired, especially given the environment not really encouraging scholarly minds. Still, you put forward your best effort, and I’m very glad both of you are around to help Andunor in little ways. Whether or not that’s ‘marrying’ Drow twins to enjoy on your own (looking at you Johnathan), or kicking out a whole Drow man from the tower because of differences. Both are solid, 10/10 choices.

I don’t think I have the words to truly describe my appreciation for both of your writings either, how powerful the personalities are, and that neither of you limit yourselves into the stereotype of evil characters having to be stoic. No, all of your plans and vile deeds are generally executed with humor, and I really wish I were invited to no-pants parties at some point. Still, your efforts should be appreciated, and I’m happy to be the one to write appreciations upon it.



Our interactions were very brief in a way, but I really liked Perine. Most especially because he actually did help out House Hel’Vael quite a lot, even if he didn’t need to. I enjoyed speaking with him, and I think he is the only person Luastra ever shared her poems with, and also the only person she’s ever thanked for saving her wife. So really, Perine can live it down as a legend in her eyes. Still, thank you for providing fun and interesting interactions, I’ll always appreciate the time we spent together, however little it was.


Honestly the only retainer that actually asked for a contract, which I thought was funny since I was way too lazy to write anything up for most other people. More just ‘do this and get paid’ basically. Still, you played along and negotiated for everything, and had an impressively convincing argument in many ways. I really liked interacting with Kiira, and dragging her along for hunts here and there has been very fun, not only because she was very kill-happy, but because she’s a very fun conversationalist. Cheers to you for playing such a fun Drow that isn’t demure and edgy.



A pretty fun Duergar when I first met her, and her brief takeover of Greyport in a campaign was also nice. I thought it very exciting that the Duergar finally took over Greyport to do their own thing, but it’s a shame it was short-lived for whatever reason, I never learned. Still, the accent, the brief chats, they were all appreciated.

Lyann Reyer

I’ve said my compliments before and I’ll say it again: I do really enjoy someone who’s played a slave with a lot of nuance. Someone who is self-motivated for their own goals and desires, all of their actions very much done with selfishness. A kind of evil done well that I can really appreciate because it’s got plenty more thought put into it than many will give you credit for. I like our chatter, it’s simply a pity that things eroded the way it did.

Still, let it not be said that you’re a capable writer with constant new ideas to provide to all those you encounter to churn out decent interactions.



While I actually never encountered your other characters but are aware of them, I thought Narguul was fun to interact with, and honestly was one of the only Orogs around when I first spotted you. It was surprising to learn Narguul spoke Draconic, and caught the matrons out trying to talk behind her back or about her. She holds herself with poise and a dignity that feels like is lacking when I speak to most people, and I appreciate that greater than you could imagine.

Arak of the Blood Legion

Arak, one of the first warlords of efficiency I’d heard about and actually never interacted with until I butted my way through politics in Andunor. There were legendary tales about him and the Blood Legion, and being able to speak with him often and seek wisdom from him about the nuance of strength was very interesting to me. I loved it. Truly. There was nothing more that I enjoyed than being able to actually speak to an Orog that roleplayed them with a great amount of experience, regardless of what stats may say. It’s a shame that we were on such different timezones that it was hard to catch any kind of time or place to meet, but I truly loved all the time I spent with him. I will always remember being taken into the war room within the Sharps to privately speak with him, and how much wisdom he was willing to give a Drow.


A faithful and very interesting slave with a depth I genuinely did not expect. Illyia was one of those sources of knowledge that you’d be a privilege to share a room with at any given time. Though she is a slave, it is but a status that she admitted gains her more advantages than disadvantages. Cruel, cold-blooded (literally), and cunning, it is always fond to be able to speak to someone like her about her culture, though I will try to only hint at it, and not reveal it for ones that’ll get their hands on her in the future!


The tiefling that could, and also someone I wish I had reason and the time to get to know. There are a lot of regrets written here, but also hope that I will find you sometime down the line. If not here, then someplace else to experience your writing. It's fun, and there are so many innovations you've gifted to the RP community that I genuinely feel they take for granted. Thank you for your quirks, and while I'm sad I've missed out on being in your sphere of influence, I still got to participate briefly, and I loved every moment.

Adelyn Belle’rose

Adelyn, one of the most accomplished historians I’ve genuinely ever met. Truly, I’ve never seen someone so dedicated to their craft of writing and designing, of conversational prowess and enjoyment for their work. I hadn’t even known anything about Adelyn when I first interacted with her, but as I played the game more and walked around the museum in Cordor, I went ‘wait a minute’ as I say Adelyn’s name on many of the plaques, dedicated to the recording of history and flavoring it to be fun to read. I swear I’ve spent hours just reading through all that was written and even more.

There is no other RPer that I’ve ever met that has gone through THIS kind of length to preserve what has happened inside the game itself and every single person in the community should at least voice their appreciation for someone so dedicated to this kind of craft. It’s mundane, but if no one ever wrote down your exploits, no matter how legendary, no one in the future will hear about it. Adelyn has done just that: recorded everything there is to know and is willing to pass it unto others without hesitation. That is a true historian’s work, and very thankless. You have my kudos, Adelyn, and my utter admiration.

Lorenzo Ortega Marquez

Lorenzo, though our time together was short in every imaginable capacity, I still really loved every single time I did get to speak with him. He is a very faceted man with a regularly serious face, but knows how to gently appreciate humor, and even return it when the time is right. He has a charm that many stoic characters lack, and I really like that about him. Lorenzo has a focused mind, and one that I really wish I had so much more time to pick. Cautious, vigilant, and calculating, he is a character with so much depth that I really hadn’t even the time to be able to pick it all apart and learn about him more. Wherever you go next, I genuinely hope a lot more people can appreciate your writing and the characters you create.


Taoua Selim

Again, another character I wish I had more time to spend with, but we had nothing really in common. I like Taoua’s very carefree attitude that I’ve gotten to see quite a few times. I love that she has a lot of quips and truly enjoys her job as a mercenary. You can tell it was never hard feelings, and that’s why I never held anything against her. She did her job, there was no malice beyond just the actual deed itself, otherwise she was just as quick to forgive and forget so long as it wasn’t an important burden.

I’m sure she has more to her as a character, but sadly I never had the time or place to appreciate it. I wish you best of luck, Tyrant of the Sharps.


Veldrin’s usual partner in crime, Velkyrin. Once more, and definitely not the last, a character that I never got the time to appreciate. Still, he seems a very fun concept for a male Drow, and definitely one that thrives in an environment like Andunor where Drow supremacy isn’t really even a concept in motion. I really enjoy all the hilarious board postings and the crazy raiding stories that I’d get to hear occasionally from the hub, but otherwise I feel like others will be able to do you better justice with compliments, I can only give the shallowest one, but know that I enjoyed our interactions, no matter how little.


Holly Holtz

I knew your other characters, but you’re truly one of the people that I’ve always wanted to meet. It’s a shame that we really didn’t have that much time to talk at all, and the timezone differences made it even harder half the time. I really, really wish I had so much more time to meet you and speak to you. Your writing is out of this world, and I’ve never met a character that left such a lasting impression on them without literally meeting them at all. That tells you all you need to know about your sphere of influence, even while she was *literally* dead. I hope you continue your work as a roleplayer, and take it easy for as long as you need. You are very much like a real-life bard, and every tale you weave with whatever characters you pick are the most intriguing and beautiful stories, and you are a blessing to Arelith. Please never cease, and even if you do, find your art in multiple other media.

Thank you for also drinking formaldehyde in front of Luastra. And inventing bottled squirrels (? probably need to be fact-checked on this one). Being able to see you shine in an event was very exciting, I hope you know.

DM Starfish

Last, but certainly not least, I wanted to give you a kudos, DM Starfish. You are a very attentive DM and you very much try your best with every idea you are given. You put fun little quirks into all kinds of things, and if I had to be honest, my favorite part is that you don’t just throw battle encounters you know that players can just chew through. No, all of your events, your stories, are balanced between fun and flavored combat, as well as these interesting interactions between all the NPCs I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. From the small, white displacer beast to the Centipede’s Sister, you have kept me wanting more, though it’s a shame I never got the courage to request more from you since I understand DMs have a lot of other things to do, and really, many others deserve your time and your craft even more than I do. I hope you know that I really enjoyed all the events I got to participate in that you executed, and I am more than thankful for all the experience.

Most of all, thank you for giving me a fun departing experience. Thank you for giving my story a lovely ending, and thank you for taking the time to indulge in all my silly ideas. House Hel’Vael will remember you forever, and maybe you’ll remember it for a little while as the chicken house!


Honorable Mentions

It’s not that I don’t like you, but I’ve RPed with you only a handful of times to be putting you in this category, I just can’t write a whole paragraph. You still deserve praise all the same to leave a lasting enough impression on me to remember your name. So kudos to all of you!


Shyrnissra Zau’rahel and House Zau’rahel

“Lily” Nissa Renor’Orbben and House Renor’Orbben

House Mizzrym

House Del’Veldrin

House Rilyn’ervs

House Auvyn’rae

Valynir Xel’vraxa and House Xel’vraxa


Tribe ChromaticMaw


House Um’brae

Diink (The Only Derro I Knew)

Kalnafein and Zarra Cress’delbarra

All in all, as a final word, I had a lot of fun with all of you. These are just a few memories I wanted to share with all of you and hope you remember it just as fondly as I will. There are so many interactions I didn't want to post to respect current player privacy, as well as not have anything used against them that are OOC. Still, I hope we can keep in contact, for I'll be departing Arelith indefinitely until further notice.

It's been a pleasure, all that were mentioned above and move. I had a lot of fun, but it's a shame it had to end this way. Thank you for having me, and I hope I've left something behind you will remember me for, however small it may be.
Last edited by Trashkeeper on Thu Nov 10, 2022 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Luastra's Farewell Kudos

Post by Naghast » Thu Nov 10, 2022 5:03 pm

Not gonna lie. i'll miss you.
Sorry i don't know what else to say. Really, not the best one for writing long messages like this. But the interactions i had with you, and the rest of Hel'Vael, were great.

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Re: Luastra's Farewell Kudos

Post by Svrtr » Thu Nov 10, 2022 6:26 pm

Probably my favorite drow house I've played with. They paid me and gave me illithids to kill so I was happy. Just sad I had to miss the last event for life reason.

Can't wait to abduct you on my current PC to revel in mjod and saga :D

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Re: Luastra's Farewell Kudos

Post by Aeryeris » Thu Nov 10, 2022 10:46 pm

Really sad to see you and Hel'Vael go. I'll miss the ball-of-light pun deliveries. And yes, Ginny really would have 'broken down your door and marched an army inside'. ;)
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Re: Luastra's Farewell Kudos

Post by HeyLadyOfDecay » Fri Nov 11, 2022 1:03 am

A rift I will always regret, I learned from it as has Lyann.

Hel'vael has been a very big part of Lyann's path and Luastra won't be forgotten.
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Re: Luastra's Farewell Kudos

Post by D4wN » Fri Nov 11, 2022 2:31 am

You are such a gem. OOCly you've been a rock for me when going through difficult times and the usual accusations. And seeing you go through similar things and how it affected you, I think really strengthened our bond. You are an amazing story teller yourself and a great writer. You are inclusive and have built something from absolutely nothing to something truly incredible that you can be really proud of. A lasting legacy for sure and absolute impacts on my character.

Nothing but respect.

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Re: Luastra's Farewell Kudos

Post by Edens_Fall » Fri Nov 11, 2022 5:01 am

Thank you for the kind words. Trying to record Areliths history has definitely been a labor of love. One filled with more challenges and trials then I originally thought possible.

While our PCs and plots never really crossed paths but for a short time, I have watched your House/factions influence on Andunor grow from the side lines with a curious enjoyment. Whatever comes next for you and yours, I wish the best and hope the lessons learned from this PC are applied to the next. For that's how we all grow and learn and be better. Myself included.

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Re: Luastra's Farewell Kudos

Post by Izex » Fri Nov 11, 2022 7:36 am

I have a lot of great memories of Luastra and Zerra and I have to say that I never intended to have Zerra be in a relationship like she had with Luastra. I am really glad the two of the did get together because it added a dynamic to her personality that very few people saw and it made her a lot more fun to play. Thank you for all of the fond memories.

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Re: Luastra's Farewell Kudos

Post by perseid » Sat Nov 12, 2022 6:32 am

I'll really miss Luastra and all of the Hel'Vael! Johnathan largely came to know them early on through his connections with the Teken'tyl from which he watched them establish themselves and grow into being one of the premier drow houses for a long time. It was an incredible ride watching the progression of the Hel'Vael and it really feels like the end of an era in a way seeing them depart. There were so many incredible personalities and memories that I don't know if I could single out any favorites but I'll definitely miss every single one I got the chance to interact with including Luastra!

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Re: Luastra's Farewell Kudos

Post by Nathan1111 » Sun Nov 27, 2022 11:43 pm

oh the times we shared... luastra was there for a very, very big portion of safiras life, and im glad the two of them shared a lot of time together. they went through a lot, and being able to watch them grow as characters from it was an immense amount of fun!

perhaps one day theyll see each other again, but until then, ill miss interacting with her and you
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Re: Luastra's Farewell Kudos

Post by SaintPhilosopher » Wed Nov 30, 2022 7:47 am

Hel'Vael was the first faction on Arelith that I was apart of.

Thank you for all of the effort you put into the House.

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Re: Luastra's Farewell Kudos

Post by Wolfgangvondi » Wed Jan 18, 2023 10:13 pm


Respect from "Lily"/ Nissa Renor'Orbben and the player.
Since that first fight we had Still in Xel House Time, it was clear to me that you were in the server to Rp.
And RP you did. Even whit out direct interaction Luastra was a name felt, talked, considered and so on.

But in all the honestly I have a grand appreciation for the player. I know you "let it slide some short comings" and helped me a few times when Lily/Nissa was not up to the task in RP terms. I realy thank you and appreciate that.

Even if (because my first House was Xel in its last days) I end up basically in the "other side" (I don't like to use the term, because there's should only be really "one side", the side of all of us) At some point I did some timid efforts to be able to RP more whit Luastra, I knew it was a very interesting character, and you as player were punting a lot on it. Unfortunately, and even if I did my very best to keep the ooc drama stuff away that it seens to have rage for some time... a lot of the RP of ones around Lily/ Nissa was of very high distrust of Hel'Vael and that made even more difficult for one whit a not so great skill set in RP to be able to reach you and to try to create something.

I would have love to have been able to learn from you and to have had more rp
Kudos for your very Drow char, and at the same time for your good attitude as a player.

By the way, might surprise you... but IC, some time back, Nissa was talking whit someone of her close circle and we end up ic saying how we respected Luastra. ; )

Hope to see another great char of you when you come back.

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