Player Communication/Player to Player Quest Systems

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Player Communication/Player to Player Quest Systems

Post by Scylon » Sat Feb 11, 2023 7:20 am

The following will be a 3 parter however they are kind of intertwined so I'll put them into a single topic.

[1] - Postman System

This would be in addition to the current message. The post man system would allow you to use a letter on a messager to instead deliver your hand written not to the player as a post man, rather then the messager who just relays a short message. If there is a way, this should be expanded to allow for offline messaging, to be delivered 60-120 seconds after a player logs in.

[2] Manageable Notice boards.

This would be a new class of notice board that can be administered by the creator. It would hold a limited number of messages at a time, and the original message creator, or the board admin can remove unwanted/unnecessary messages. This board wouldn't be able to hold more then 10 messages at a time.

[3] Player to player writ system

This is there the other 2 build into a player to player writ system. My 'vision' for this would be a special board that would be in pre determined locations (I think scripting this into portable boards would be a nightmare), where players can interact, and create writs for other players to complete. Players would be able to request an item/stack of something as a gathering quest, heads of certain monsters, amounts of enemies in an area, patrols etc. The creator would put offer an amount of gold as a reward upon completion, and the Postman system would deliver the item (if it was requested) to the creator on their next login/upon completion. This should be restricted to base resources or non complex items to keep the crafting player to player interactions intact.

This system could be enhanced later to make advanced writs such as:

High risk/reward vs bandit players, Town to town escort quests. These would be where the creator sends large amounts of a raw items between settlements and a set amount of gold is paid to the players, and the creator. The percentage of profits changing depending on how many players participated in the escort.

Bounties for player heads by name to be paid out by the creator to whom ever turns it in

Rob a house/NPC in a certain location

Kill an NPC in a certain location.

The above would be a more advanced take and add to crime vs law in a player on player manor.

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The GrumpyCat
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Re: Player Communication/Player to Player Quest Systems

Post by The GrumpyCat » Sat Feb 11, 2023 4:13 pm

1) Rejected. We may have something a little similar in mind, but having speedies just drop letters would remove a lot of counterplay. It would keep communications too secretive.

As a note, point 2 is already in effect. Just make your notice board and type your name in square brackets [ ] or your faction name [ ] and you should be able to remove messages.

3) Rejected, this is just too much automisation for something that's already doable through face-to-face communication. I can see the lure of it, sure, it's convenient. However it also opens up issues with risk of muling, and sometimes the invonvenience, having to talk to people, is half the charm.

This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)
