"-recommend" Clarifications

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"-recommend" Clarifications

Post by magistrasa » Tue May 02, 2023 11:53 am

Arelith Wiki wrote:

Flags a player for an increase in RPR. Usable by all RPB ratings. However, only RPB 40 and 50 will increase a 10 RPB to 20.
Use: -recommend [player name]

You may also send -recommend to the player intended for the same effect.
The recommendations are secret and may not be perceived by anybody but the DMs. The purpose of this tool is to mark players that may deserve a greater RPR to be easily reviewed by DMs.
If the player in question is at RPR 10, they will be automatically bumped up to 20.

Hello! My question today is about the -recommend feature, and to request some illumination from the DMs regarding how it is processed on their end (if, of course, the team deems it appropriate to share such processes). I feel like I use this feature quite a bit, and yet also not often enough. I'm curious as to how often other players use it to send some kudos to other members of the community - but primarily, I'm wondering what exactly happens once a recommendation is sent to the team. Is there a log that keeps track of the number of recommendations a player receives? Is it possible for recommendations to be missed entirely, and so we should consider sending multiple to the same person? Is the player or character flagged for a DM to follow them around in-game for a while? Do the DMs review the server logs for any outstanding examples of roleplay exhibited prior to the recommendation? Is there currently a stockpile of RPR reviews highlighted by the command that the DMs have to trudge through?

If there's any question I'd like answered, though, it's probably this one: Is the -recommend system intended to replace the formal submission of an RPR review from players on behalf of other players? Ever since the command was added to the game, I realize I kinda stopped bothering to submit those sorts of messages to the team, assuming that the new system would do the job just fine. But I often find myself interacting with very enjoyable and engaging roleplayers, and simply typing "-recommend" in a tell seems wholly insufficient to express my appreciation for their presence on the server. It's so easy to do, I occasionally worry that its value is somehow diminished by its simplicity. So that's the crux of my question. Is the -recommend command intended to replace the RPR review submission, or is it intended more as a supplement?

× Career Sharran × MILF Supreme × Artist (Allegedly) ×
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Re: "-recommend" Clarifications

Post by DM Raven » Tue May 02, 2023 12:18 pm

The -recommend command is used often enough that we get good feedback from it regarding players' RP and performance. There is a log of all the recommendations we get but we don't exactly track numbers. Having said that, we often don't miss recommendations because the system is relatively important to how we review story building efforts.

If a player impresses you more than once on separate occasions and you feel they warrant another recommendation then please feel free to give them one. We always enjoy seeing players having good RP experiences with each other. While not an exact science, when we notice a considerable amount of recommendations for certain players, we do consider bringing them up for RPB reviews.

To answer your latter question, however, the -recommend system is not intended to replace the formal submission of RPB reviews. If you find yourself thoroughly engaged in RP with a certain player or certain players, please feel free to send messages to the DM team recommending them for a review. Rest assured that the recommendations do serve as good supplements throughout the process.

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Re: "-recommend" Clarifications

Post by magistrasa » Tue May 02, 2023 12:48 pm

Thank you for the response! This is very encouraging to hear. It's definitely nice to have a system in place that makes players feel like they're able to express their appreciation for one another in a somewhat more tangible way. The fact that you can't exactly see the "payoff" for your recommendation naturally leads to wondering whether you were actually seen or heard, so knowing that this is not the case is very reassuring!

× Career Sharran × MILF Supreme × Artist (Allegedly) ×
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