Arelith Updates!

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Dunshine » Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:43 am

Next reset, courtesy of Morderon, who will explain the mechanics in more detail soon.

Candidate signup: When an election cannot be called eligible pcs can sign up for the next election.
Expanded Warehouse: Leaders must first enable through their trade czar. Tighter control over buying/selling common resources.

More info:

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Dunshine » Fri Nov 04, 2016 1:37 pm

Underdarks Ruined City got an overhaul, courtesy of ActionReplay.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Dunshine » Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:44 am

ActionReplay is on a roll, new dungeon for the Underdark! Fallen Ruins

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Dunshine » Thu Nov 17, 2016 9:05 am

Major increase in the Xanalress translation dictionary, around 2500 words in it now!! (thanks JediMindTrix for what must have been many hours of work!)

Also added this, when a reset gets signalled, the server will be player passworded immediately to prevent new players to login during the 60 seconds between signal and actual reset. This will prevent them logging into a reset, which will seem like a crash to them, since they missed the warning message.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Liareth » Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:23 pm

Next reset:

- Added a rest menu. The best way to check it out yourself is to hit R! One the update is live, you'll be presented with a menu containing a number of options. Here are a few screenshots of its functionality:

You may notice that some things are missing. Namely, spellbooks, outfits, and weapon crafting. These will be added soon. In the mean time, you can access all of these things through the normal method, which is the self-crafting menu accessible through the radial menu.

- *cleanup*, *detect evil*, and *prays* have been removed. Please use -cleanup, -detectevil, and -pray respectively.

- Asterisk-style mechanical emotes (e.g. *sits*) have been removed. Please use -emote ? or the emote menu through the new rest screen to access these.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Liareth » Sat Nov 19, 2016 5:53 pm

Next reset:

- The chat command system now supports aliases. These represent shortcuts for particular commands. At present, all of the emotes are supported under this system. You can type -sit rather than -emote sit now. Both -a and -f alias to -associate for ease of use.

Refer to the following for an example:

- All chat commands are now accepted in two ways: '-sit' and '/sit'.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Dunshine » Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:40 pm

Next reset the Assassin warning will be done by a NPC ingame, no longer with OOC message lines. It will also work cross-server, like with Speedy/Goblin messengers.

This also means that the additional text won't be showing anymore, so I put it here one last time:

You can buy out your contract at the Guild of Assassins. Guild assassins do not need to interactively RP with you before attacking, but still need to follow all other rules of engagement (e.g. hostile before attack).


Since this kind of stuff is hard to test, I hope I didn't break anything. Would be nice if anyone that places a contract after the reset, can PM the target player to check if it worked correctly. Let me know (by PM) if there are any issues.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Sun Dec 18, 2016 1:19 am

As some of you may have noticed we've seen a lot of work from Action Replay these last months, working wonders for the Underdark, this week we've seen a lot.

- A large area expansion east of Andunor
- New creatures, such as the Formians, Myconids and, finally for Arelith, Mimics.

I on the other hand had been taking a much needed break the last couple of months, after working pretty much full time on content for much of the year. Easing myself back into it now...

- Dungeon expansion on the Eastern Coastline north of Cordor.
- Various creature tweaks covering that region.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Dunshine » Thu Dec 22, 2016 11:59 am

We've lowered the chances on Werewolf infection and made Monks immune to it. Monks who are already infected will find themselves magically cured.

Also made sure cursed/plot items are no longer taking damage during combat.

Next reset.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Liareth » Thu Dec 22, 2016 8:02 pm

Added -emote_style. Type -emote_style ? for details.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Dunshine » Wed Jan 04, 2017 3:05 pm

Fair warning, next reset it will be no longer possible to use portals during combat (and any other placeables that launch conversations). This was already the case for portal lenses, now it's also true for regular portals.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Tue Jan 10, 2017 10:36 pm

Here we go again. Update live from next server reset.

- Sharps election bugs fixed

- House guards introduced by Action Replay, and a possible model for player faction soldiers across the module in the near future.

Update to the skill Parry, working as detailed below

Characters in parry mode will receive the following bonuses when making a 'riposte' attack

+5 AB (Updated!)

Damage bonus equal to the 'Parry Skill Divided by Two' (items included), for the first 20 ranks, and 'Parry Skill divided by 4' thereafter. There is no cap to this, and the damage starts as piercing, but will progress to other conventional forms. (Updated!)

Parry mode will be disabled by attempting to cast or use items.

All of this means that that you should watch out for those parrying duelllist characters, especially if you have a low AB yourself. Sure, you'll probably hit them a lot more often than they hit you, but those ripostes are really going to hurt. Good news is, you can always walk away.

I feel this properly reflects the nature of a riposte attack, and I hope it opens up a new and viable skill, not only in PvP but also when trying to fight those bosses you otherwise just can't seem to land a blow upon.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by DM Noxt » Sun Jan 15, 2017 8:13 pm

The kensai path received the following buffs:

1. Freedom of Movement. Should apply retroactively, but it's not working as intended for everyone right now. Hopefully fixed soon.
2. Kensais no longer have their movement speed reduced (i.e., they receive full benefits of Haste.)
3. They can now use raise dead/resurrection.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by DM Noxt » Mon Jan 16, 2017 8:22 pm

From next server reset, Mark of Destiny will no longer be available on character creation. Instead, players can request it from the DM team -- no application or reasons needed, just say that you want it.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by DM Noxt » Wed Jan 25, 2017 11:12 am

- Freedom of Movement protects from movement speed decreases again.
- Some item additions (to crafting, loot and NPC merchants).
- Implosion's DC is no longer increased by +3.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Thu Jan 26, 2017 10:58 am

The big updates generally come in the small hours...

Today there are three.

Major update to Bendir.

Burrowhome evolves into a major Earthkin settlement, a home to all races of the Alliance. It's halfling core remains intact, and all citizenships, leaders and resources remain in place.

This is the largest single area project since the rework of Cordor last year, and if you haven't already makes now a very good time to try out the Earthkin alternative start location in the module.

Subdual System Added.

Activated via a -subdual command when using certain weapons, and also working in combination with the lasso this allows for non-lethal combat, and is enhanced for those using the 'Dirty Fighting' feat. Full documentation will be added in due course, and on the Arelith wiki, in addition to guidelines on appropriate use.

Needless to say the addition of subdual to Arelith is a major deal, and we shall be watching its impact on the server closely.

Game of Darts!

A new game has been added to Arelith, and is worth special mention. This is a heavily programmed mini-game that provides a full emulator of a working dartboard. A number of factors, including practice contribute to a player's skill, and IS NOT based off the combat attack bonus of the character.

The numbers on the board are 'known' to the engine, so aiming for any number will increase the chance of hitting adjacent numbers on any miss, and the chance of a 'Bouncer' is increased when targetting areas where the wire frame is more closely knit. Currently found only in the Hawk's Nest Inn in Bendir, I hope this is the first of many such games added to Arelith throughout 2017.

All will go live at next server reset.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Liareth » Thu Feb 02, 2017 1:27 pm

- New NWNX core went live a few days ago. No noticeable player impact, but a big back-end change.
- +25%-35% in server performance at peak times which went live yesterday.
- Dialogue responsiveness fix which has gone live today.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Sun Feb 12, 2017 8:29 pm

A major few days for updates begins right now.

Reward System

A new reward tier has been added between Medium and Major. The rewards come in at the following chances (Based upon the level of the sacrificed character):

26+ 5% Major, 20% Greater, 75% Medium
21+ 10% Greater, 35% Medium, 55% Minor
16+ 25% Medium, 75% Minor

All rewards now unlock those from the lower tiers, meaning that a Normal Reward will also provide the Minor Reward Options.

Gift System

A) Subrace Properties now automatically applied, and not count as a gift.

B) Gifts Separated into Major & Minor

C) Available Gifts tied to the ECL of the race, as follows.

ECL : 0 Two Major Gifts, One Minor
ECL : 1 One Major, One Minor
ECL : 2 One Minor
ECL : 3 No Gifts

Reward Races

The tier of reward for races have been adjusted, with 3 new races added.

Minor Reward: Hobgoblin, Forest Gnome
Medium Reward: Imp
Greater Reward: Ogre, Aasimar, Tiefling (Tieflings are now ECL +2)

New Race Statistics:

+2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity
Darkvision, +4 Move Silently
Favored Class: Fighter
Bonus Languages: Undercommon, Goblin
Base Race: Half Elf
Minor Reward required
Evil Alignment Required, Underdark Start

+6 strength, +2 constitution, -2 dexterity, -4 intelligence - 4 charisma
+2 Natural AC, Darkvision, -4 Hide
Favored Class: Barbarian
Bonus Languages: Undercommon, Giant
Base Race: Half-Orc
ECL +2
Greater Award required
Evil Alignment Required, Underdark Start

+4 charisma, +2 dexterity, -4 strength
+2 regeneration
Darkvision, Can only use Tiny weapons (Dagger, Kukri, Shuriken, Dart)
Favored Class: Rogue
Special Ability: Invisibility (Level 3) / Day, 2x Polymorph Self / Day
Bonus Languages: Undercommon, Infernal
Base Race: Halfling
ECL +3
Medium Award required
Lawful Evil Alignment Required, Underdark Start

Gnoll Adjustment

In addition to their previous bonuses gnolls now get the following:

Innate Ability: War Cry (As Spell): 1x a day and level 8, with 1 further use at level 16 & 24. The DC for this spell will be calculated of the Con stat, and not the default CHA as per the bard spell.
Bonus Language: Undercommon.

New Language

Giant (Jotun). Phrasebooks added in the module.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Peppermint » Mon Feb 13, 2017 10:33 pm


* Summon streams (e.g. fire vs. water for elementals, demon vs. devil for outsiders) can now be learned permanently via items found throughout Arelith. To access a permanently learned stream, use the -stream command.
* Some streams have an alignment associated with them. When summoning a creature of at least two alignment steps away from the caster, there is a chance the summon will attack the caster: 10% for two steps, 20% for three steps, 30% for three steps. Protection from Alignment, Magic Circle Against Alignment, and Aura vs Alignment reduce these chances by 10%, 20%, and 30% respectively when warding against the summon's alignment.
* The Book of Air, Book of Earth, Book of Fire, and Book of Water need no longer be carried to summon elementals from a different stream. Use them to learn the stream permanently instead. Existing books will be updated automatically with a unique power that allows PCs to learn from them.


Almost all summons have been overhauled. Please check the Summons section under the manual for details.

Summons have been listed under tiers. For example, a summon listed as Dire Tiger (T:6) would be a tier 6 summon. For reference, here is how the summons map now:

* Summon Creature (Standard) summons beasts and elementals (Tiers 1-10). GSF: Conjuration and the Animal Domain both increase the tier by one. Bonuses do not stack.
* Summon Creature (Warlock) summons Tier 1-6 Outsiders. GSF: Conjuration no longer increases the summon tier.
* Lesser Planar Binding summons a Tier 2 Outsider.
* Planar Ally and Planar Binding summon a Tier 3 Outsider.
* Greater Planar Binding summons a Tier 4 Outsider.
* Gate Summons a gate-tier Outsider.
* Animate Undead summons a single Mummy/Vampire Undead as defined by Undead Caster Level (UCL).
* Create Dead summons two Mummy/Vampire Undead as defined by UCL.
* Create Greater Undead summons three Mummy/Vampire Undead as defined by UCL.
* Mummy Dust summons three Mummy/Vampire undead. Two as defined by UCL, and one a tier higher (allowing for Tier 5 undead to be summoned).
* Elemental Swarm summons four greater elementals simultaneously.
* Lesser Shadow Conjuration summons one Shadow Conjuration shadow.
* Greater Shadow Conjuration summons two Shadow Conjuration shadows.
* Shades summons three Shadow Conjuration shadows.

* Blackguard Create Undead summons a Tier 1 Blackguard Undead from levels 1-6, a Tier 2 Blackguard Undead from levels 7-10, and a Tier 3 Blackguard Undead from levels 11+.
* Blackguard Summon Fiend summons a Tier 3 Outsider from levels 1-6, a Tier 4 Outsider from levels 7-9, and a Tier 5 Outsider from levels 10+. Epic Fiendish Servant upgrades this summon to a Tier 6 Outsider.
* Pale Master Animate Dead summons two Mummy/Vampire undead as defined by UCL.
* Pale Master Summon Undead summons three Mummy/Vampire undead as defined by UCL.
* Pale Master Summon Greater Undead summons three Mummy/Vampire undead. Two as defined by UCL, and one a tier higher.
* Shadowdancer summons a Shadowdancer Shadow. See the manual documentation for details.


With the exception of non-warlock Summon Creature spells, all summons now benefit from the relevant spell focuses (i.e. not just conjuration). Necromancy buffs Animate Dead, Transmutation buffs Mordenkainen's Sword, and so on.

For each spell focus, bonuses are now as follows:
* +1 to all skills the summon has ranks in
* +1 hit dice worth of hit points
* +1 AB
* +1 Damage
* +1 AC
* +1 Universal Saves


Epic summons now continue to scale with the caster. The following spells gain epic scaling: Elemental Swarm, Epic Dragon Knight, Gate, Summon Creature VI (Warlock), Summon Creature IX, Summon Fiend (uses epic BG levels).

Epic scaling bonuses are as follows:
* +1 AB per odd epic caster level
* +1 prime attribute per odd epic caster level (i.e. strength or dexterity)
* +1 univeral saving throws per even epic caster level
* +1 AC per even epic caster level
* +1 skills per epic caster level
* +1 levels' worth of hit points per epic caster level
* +1 caster level per epic caster level


* Animal companions now have maximized hit points and skill ranks for all known skills
* Epic level animal companions now gain the Epic Skill Focus: Discipline feat
* Animal companions with the Weapon Finesse feat are now granted +1 dexterity / 3 levels and +1 damage / 6 levels
* Animal companions that do NOT have the Weapon Finesse feat are now granted +1 strength / 3 levels and +1 AC / 6 levels


* Summons now count as only half a party member when calculating experience, but only if this would cause the summoner to lose experience.
* Summons no longer impact the party's overall level for experience calculations unless they are of a higher challenge rating than the summoner level (in which case the summon's challenge rating will be used instead of the summoner's level).
* Creatures will now grant experience to the killer and all party members nearby the killer. No more losing experience because a door happened to block your line of sight to the boss mob as it died.


Fear Auras are now divided into standard auras (i.e. the default) and lesser auras. At this time, all mobs use the standard auras, and all summons use the lesser auras.

Standard Fear Auras no longer apply the fear effect, but instead apply the following penalties:
* -10 AB
* -10 Saving Throws
* -10 Skills
* -10 AC
* 50% Spell Failure

Lesser Fear Auras work similarly to standard auras, but they scale with the level difference between the aura creator and the victim:
* -1 AB per level difference
* -1 Saving Throws per level difference
* -1 Skill per level difference
* -1 AC per level difference
* 5% Spell Failure per level difference

Lesser Fear Aura penalties never exceed -10/50% and will never be below -2/10%.

The Remove Fear spell will continue to interact with fear auras as usual.


* Epic Dragon Knight has had its duration reduced to 1 Turn + 1 Round / Level.
* Shadow Conjuration line summons now last 1 Round / Level.


Fighter Bonuses have been adjusted as follows:
* Fighters gain +1 Armor AC at level 5.
* Fighters gain +1 Shield AC at level 10.
* Fighters gain +1 Helmet AC at level 15.
* Fighters gain +1 Attack Bonus/Damage at level 23 instead of level 20.

Bonuses gained in epic levels otherwise remain unchanged.


* Blackguard Create Undead and Blackguard Summon Fiend now have infinite uses with a six turn cooldown. This cooldown begins when the summon is slain or dismissed.
* Blackguard Summon Fiend now summons outsiders based on the summoner's alignment: Devils for LE, Yugoloths for NE, Demons for CE.


* Shadowdancer Summon Shadow now has infinite uses with a three turn cooldown. This cooldown begins when the summon is slain or dismissed.
* The Shadowdancer gains +1d6 sneak attack per three levels of the Shadow when standing near it
* Shadowdancers can now speak through their shadow with the -associate command.
* Shadows auto -guard the Shadowdancer. This behavior can be toggled by talking to the shadow.
* With the Epic Shadowlord feat, shadows become better at mimicking their masters. They share the names, descriptions, portraits, and soundsets with their master.


Sorcerers and Wizards now gain innate abilities that can be cast infinitely when selecting a greater spell focus. These abilities are as follows:
* GSF Abjuration grants Endure Elements.
* GSF Conjuration grants Melf's Acid Arrow.
* GSF Divination grants See Invisibility.
* GSF Enchantment grants Blindness/Deafness.
* GSF Evocation grants Magic Missile.
* GSF Illusion grants Color Spray.
* GSF Necromancy grants Negative Energy Ray.
* GSF Transmutation grants Burning Hands.


Let's cut to the chase: we know this will be a divisive change. But it's a change we have to make, so hear us out.

Favored Souls and Weavemasters have an interesting interaction with the underlying economy of the Vancian model used in standard D&D (and Neverwinter Nights). In the standard game, spells can be classified as high impact, short duration (e.g. a Finger of Death), or low impact, high duration (e.g. a Summon Creature spell). Spell levels are set under the assumption that choosing one option inevitably precludes the other. A well-balanced spellbook includes a mixture of high impact, short duration options and low impact, high duration options.

Infinicasters bypass that model. Consequently, any potent high duration spell is going to be exponentially more potent for them (i.e. they can get more effective mileage by casting it again as the duration expires), and any short duration spell is going to be of less use, becauseonce the spell has been cast the caster is left vulnerable. This engenders a scenario that's nearly impossible to balance. We can see this on Arelith now, where Weavemasters are generally considered to be overpowered early on (where low cooldown enchantment-based spells are still powerful, and a weavemaster can effectively disable every creature in a dungeon with ease), and rather underpowered in late epic levels -- or at the very most, "buff bots". No amount of shifting the model will balance the equation, because the issue lies not in the duration of the cooldowns themselves, but in the fact that we're effectively trying to balance the same abilities for two completely different resource pools.

So we're shifting our approach and adding select infinicast-style abilities to other casters instead. The sorcerer/wizard changes represent a step in that direction, with more to be seen in the future. In the meantime:

* Favored Souls and Weavemasters have been disabled for selection at character creation. Existing Favored Souls and Weavemasters will be grandfathered.


* Summoned creatures now scale in size with the power of the summon (i.e. a bear totem druid would summon a much larger bear from Summon Creature IX than from Summon Creature III).
* Summoned creatures now have appropriate names, portraits, descriptions, and soundsets for the totem.
* Creatures will now only be reskinned if they are cast from the totem druid/totem ranger spellbook.


* Warlock Summon cooldowns now begin when the summon is slain or dismissed, rather than when the summon is created.


* Arelith spontaneous spells (e.g. spontaneous summon creature for druids) can no longer be cast while polymorphed.
Last edited by Peppermint on Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Tue Feb 14, 2017 8:11 pm

Was rather hesitant to post here today as due the scale of yesterday's update I don't want anyone to miss it (So if you haven't read it, scroll up!)

Anyway, here is next one.

Racial Changes (In light of the recent system change)

Duergar change from +2 ECL to +1 ECL
Kobolds get the extra -2 str removed (so now get -2 STR, not -4) 0 ECL
Goblins changed to -1 ECL
Aasimar move from +1 ECL to +2 ECL
Halfling subraces no longer get feats removed
Imps have the choice of 2 possible skins. (If you have already made an imp, and wish the use the other skin contact a DM about using the character editor)

Crafting adjusted for new races (Hobgoblins get smithing instead of art crafting)

Gift Changes

'Gift of Holy' now grants not only the ability to consecrate altars, but also to descetrate and to hold ceremonies.

Two drow only minor gifts added; Melee-magthere (+2 con, -2 cha) and Clergy (-2 dex, +2 wis), this reflects drow culture, and allows for a greater diversity of drow concepts.

Class Changes


Kensai can now use class/race spell like abilities. This covers things like the duergar/svirfnenblin invisibility, the gnoll's War Cry, and the Blackguard and Harper Scout feats (Bull's Strength, Sleep, Eagle's Splendour etc)

Red Dragon Disciple

RPR Requirement of kobolds seeking this class changed from RPR 30 to RPR 20. As before this is granted by a 'super-secret' NPC, to be discovered in game. Please do not discuss the whereabouts on the forum!

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Peppermint » Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:06 pm

Tweaks next reset:

- Magic Vestment will no longer grant an AC bonus to summoned Erinyes and Marraenoloths.
- Increased the duration of Epic Dragon Knight to 2 Rounds / Caster Level.
- Increased the damage of all Dragon Knight summons by +5 and granted an additional +6 strength.
- Replaced all resistances for the Aasimar/Tiefling subraces with 15% damage immunities.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Peppermint » Fri Feb 17, 2017 7:23 am

- Increased the duration of the Lesser Planar Binding summon to 1 Hour / Level (i.e. back to default duration)

Note that this actually just resolves an oversight, as I was under the impression it was default previously.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Peppermint » Sat Feb 18, 2017 6:46 am


- Burning Hands damage dice upped to d6 and is now party friendly.
- Epic Dragon Knight now scales with necromancy focuses if the Dracolich stream is used, conjuration with any of the default streams. No longer checks for Pale Master levels explicitly.
- Summon Creature and Elemental Swarm now additionally benefit from conjuration focus bonuses if the caster has the Animal Domain. e.g. Clerics with Animal Domain and GSF Conjuration will summon an Ancient Elemental with +2 AB, +2 AC, etc when casting Summon Creature IX.
- Elemental Swarm no longer gains focus bonuses by default, but instead summons elder elementals if the caster has GSF Conjuration or the Animal Domain.
- Pale Master summons now scale with necromancy focuses, correcting an oversight. Additionally added necromancy scaling for Blackguard Create Dead, and conjuration scaling for Blackguard Fiendish Servant.


- Removed fire bolts from tier 2 imps and quasit summons.
- Small elementals, wyrmlings, and tier 1 outsiders have all had their damage reduction reduced to 3/+2.
- Earth elementals no longer have the zombie walk property, but have had their movement rate set to very slow instead.


- Gift of Hardiness no longer grants 5/- Damage Resistance, but grants 5% Damage Immunities instead. ECL reduced to 0.5.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Sun Feb 19, 2017 10:10 pm

This went live today, from Action Replay.

Imps are now subject to the following spells:
* All Planar Binding Spells (Lesser, Regular, Greater), will work as per default and stun the Imp.
* Dismissal: If failing the save the Imp will be subject to the new Fear effect
* Banishment: If failing the save the Imp will be ported to Baator (The Cloven Hoof tavern)
* Planar Turning: Works exactly as with regular Outsiders. If the character has twice as many levels as the Imp have hit dice, the Imp is instantly destroyed. Otherwise the Imp is subject to the new Fear status.
* Imps are not Humanoids and are thus immune to the following spells: Charm Person or Animal, Charm Person, Daze, Dominate Person.

Wild Mages:
* All Chaos Effects from the Chaos Shields now have a save
* Fear surges changed to the new Fear Effect
* All positive Saveless Surges used with Fate will force a Save; passive Surges are still Saveless
* "Surge: Cast Again" will not work for Epic Spells and IGMS.
* "Greater Wild Surge: Spell Replenished" reworked as following:
There is now a DC to beat when replenishing a spell. Spells of Circle/Level 1-4 are always 100% replenished if cast. Spell Circles of 5-9 have a DC of:
Level 5 Spell DC: 35
Level 6 Spell DC: 50
Level 7 Spell DC: 65
Level 8 Spell DC: 80
Level 9 Spell DC: 95

To beat the DC a d100 is rolled. The DC is also lowered by 1 for each Wild Mage Level and an additional 3 for every 6th Wild Mage Level, giving a Level 30 pure Wild Mage the following chances:
Level 5 Spell DC: 35 (Level 30 100% chance)
Level 6 Spell DC: 50 (Level 30 95% chance)
Level 7 Spell DC: 65 (Level 30 80% chance)
Level 8 Spell DC: 80 (Level 30 65% chance)
Level 9 Spell DC: 95 (Level 30 50% chance)

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Peppermint » Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:00 am

As of next reset:

- Remove Fear no longer removes fear effects from the caster (i.e. when self-cast).
- Lesser Restoration and Restoration no longer remove fear effects, correcting an oversight. (Greater Restoration will continue to remove them, however.)
- Summoned Balors granted +2 AC.
- Creatures hitting a Summoned Balor in melee must now make a fortitude saving throw or incur 1d6 strength drain for a number of rounds equal to the balor's hit dice. DC = 17 + (HD + Epic Caster Level) / 2.
- Toned down the DR on all Ancient and Monolothic Elementals: DR 10/+5 and DR 15/+3. (i.e. a +2 weapon would have 15 damage mitigated, whereas a +3 weapon would have just 10 damage mitigated)

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